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Posts posted by Tony

  1. Watching this show without a fast-forward button at the ready is a test of one's sanity. Between the emotional suckage scenes with Sean and Claire and Minx and Wes, it was like watching a bad soap opera.


    What discount secret bunker did the government dredged up where kids could talk to each other right through the walls in their normal tones and could hear each other perfectly?

    If all Drill needed was a kid to scream on TV, he could have gone with a ton of much, much easier targets than the president's daughter.


    Sean did a 180 for me and joined Wes and Claire in moron gang. His rationale to disclose everything to the reporter made zero sense. Yes, you'll get your stupid kid back, but you'll also risk a fucking alien invasion that you and your Scooby gang have been fighting all this time. Of any character on this show who would think that keeping the kids rounded up made the best sense until the threat has been conclusively dealt with, it would have been Sean. But instead this show gets Claire's ex-partner guy to agree. And then the president goes along with it too? So much stupidity.

    • Love 1
  2. Are people here still confused if it's St. Petersburg, Florida or Russia? Seriously? Since when is a small town in Florida at the same level as the rest of the international destinations like Venice and Hong Kong?


    Can we put that to rest now?

    • Love 6
  3. With that I just have to say, I love Tim Gunn but this is the 3rd challenge in a row where his advice contributed to a garment losing.




    Tim is a total detriment. It's gotten to the point where following his advise will pretty much guarantee your auf'ing.

    • Love 13
  4. The actor playing Scott, wow, how did someone this bad at acting manage to land a leading role in a series? After 5 seasons and he's still as horrid as ever.


    This entire episode was awful from start to finish. The only redeeming factor is that Scott didn't turn Hayden, because then she'd become part of the pack and potentially a regular on the show. As someone who can't stand her at all, seeing her repeatedly would be enough to make me stop watching completely. Let's hope he doesn't reconsider next episode.

    • Love 3
  5. Claire actually wanted to help Drill in order to get Henry back. She is now officially the dumbest character on TV right now.


    And, Harper is such a little snot. Minx is actually tolerable compared to her. Speaking of which, let's take Drill-infested-Minx out and call it a day.

    • Love 3
  6. Horrid all around. I seriously couldn't pick a winner out of all those trainwrecks. The worst definitely has to be the shapeless smock with the words on them. There's nothing edgy about it. The win was also blah. His bottom was just paper petals. I'm assuming the white paper was provided to them, so Edmund also skirted the rules, but instead of muslin, he used the paper.


    As for Ashley, she made a Flintstone dress without armholes and just cutouts at her waist to stick the hands through? What the actual fuck? Usually the winner of the first challenge gets the judges' goodwill and skates through the rest of the season. However, by vomiting up with this shitfest, Ashley basically stuck a bulls-eye to her forehead and the judges will auf her at the first available opportunity. Mark my words...


    Tim has become a major problem on this show. My issues with him during this episode is him dismissing David's original work with the actual cards as constipated (which prompted him to restart again in an all muslin piece) and blatantly lying that Blake used fabrics he got from the cards (what fucking greeting cards contains enough fabric that you can line an entire skirt with?). He seriously needs to go, and take Nina with him.

    • Love 3
  7. Good God, Wes officially overtook Lena as the most annoying person on this show. He could have taken the correct action to end Drill but instead became all righteous at the last minute and managed to talk the POTUS into agreeing with him? What the actual fuck? And his "I will hunt you down... I will destroy you..." speech afterwards also topped Lena's primal scream as the most laughable fuckery on this show.

    • Love 2
  8. A bear finding its way into a Parisian apartment is perfectly plausible IMO. I'm surprised we don't hear about bears foraging in people's highrise apartments and knocking over their refrigerators (WTF?) on the news on a daily basis. At least when that happens, we can trap ourselves in our wine pantry and protect ourselves with cupcake tins and sticks.


    Also, is conducting hypnotherapy sessions routine training for FBI agents nowadays?


    Between this show and The Whispers, I'm definitely getting my fill of brainless Summer TV.

    • Love 3
  9. So Lena gets off scot free because she was part of some 2-for-1 deal with Wes? She couldn't be any more unbearable this episode. You shot someone bitch, get off your friggin' high horse and stop saying you were saving (freakishly annoying) daughter.

    • Love 8
  10. To be fair to Drill, if my only interactions are with little snots like Minx and the girl whose mother fell down the treehouse and I thought they're a representation of the rest of the population, I'd want to destroy all the Earthlings too.

    • Love 3
  11. This show was somewhat interesting when there was a supernatural/ghost element. Now that it's become full-on sci-fi and extraterrestrials, the little interest I had in the show pretty much vaporized.

    • Love 1
  12. ...not sure why the Sand Snakes decided to spare Bronn though.


    That didn't make any sense.


    Also, Sansa only asked Theon to light the candle in the tower, without explaining what it meant or who was in the rescue, so how did Ransey figure out about the old lady?

  13. This episode has to be the dumbest one yet, and that's saying something.


    Just to be clear - Trigger went through all the trouble of hacking various gamers, luring them with armor and weapons, and then recruiting them all so they can deliver super stealthy handgun cum power drills? If he's still going to be committing the murders himself, then why not just show up with the weapons in hand instead of this whole charade? I swear the writers are challenging themselves to come up with the dumbest, most convoluted storylines imaginable.

    • Love 2
  14. I just can't with Jack. Everything about the character annoys me. The way he tried to rope Beth into cooking for him just screams sleeze.


    Maybe it's Dylan McDermott's acting that I can't stand. I remember his mannerisms in American Horror was very similar, and I disliked him on that show too. I was a fan of The Practice, though.

    • Love 2
  15. The other day I saw a HH say a perfectly good bathroom was not functional. I was like whaaaaa? She just didn't like the color.


    Makes perfect sense to me. I don't know about you, but I just can't operate the toilet properly unless the paint color was the perfect shade of taupe.

    • Love 2
  16. Glad I'm not the only one who noticed all the extras. I was seriously paying more attention to them than the actual plot going on. It's funny how producers thought it was important to include 2 dozen "agents" who didn't contribute anything except high-fiving each other and giving fist pumps. They were probably just exited at Bow Wow's impeccable counting skills.


    We've tracked down the back the perp is using in Lexington, Kentucky, but since it is after banking hours they will catch him at the bank when it opens in the morning -- are they unaware of how electronic banking works ?


    Don't be silly, Otto - they tracked the money into the bank so they know they about wire transfers.  But nobody transfers money out of a bank - that takes walking in the front door with a big bag.  Cuz ... Cyber.


    I'm more shocked that the writers didn't have him instructing the teller to fill this bag up.


    • Love 4
  17. With the endless fake charade the producers are pulling, you'd think it'd be easier just to go the real route to use actual real estate agents and tour houses listed on the market. I get that the shooting schedule is a week long so the agents might will be locked down for that long, but I'm sure a ton would jump at the opportunity to put themselves and their names out on national TV. As for the houses, they could just go for the ones that the homeowners have already moved out so the properties would be empty anyways barring the occasional house tours. Sellers wouldn't mind because it could potentially lead to a sale.

  18. Typical K-trash MO - their trash line was dumped by Sears because nobody buys that crap so they spin it as their own decision to jump a sinking ship.


    I laugh at the $600 mil intake from the line. Where's the official numbers from Sears on this? More like pure BS from Pimp Mama with TMZ serving as her mouthpiece as usual.

    • Love 1
  19. It's just not funny how they treat Alex. Especially after they did an episode where she went to therapy and was sobbing to Claire, you'd think they'd change direction and show at least Claire having a new outlook on her daughter.




    You make it sound like they're bastardizing her. Phil and Claire treat her like any normal parents would, and give just as much care to her as they do to Haley and Luke. See how Claire reacted and tried to make up for it (unnecessarily) when she noticed how blase Alex was being despite getting into Cal Tech? Treating her like a special snowflake won't help with her bratty attitude.


    Personally, I think the issue lies with the actress and her limited acting abilities. Pretty much all the child actors on this show are mediocre at best.

    • Love 1
  20. That scene in the cafe when Dawson was explaining the fake Wifi signal to Avery in mind-numbing details felt like it went on forever. This show should cut it out with the handholding like its viewers were Neanderthals who don't know how to turn on a computer.


    Also, the dead girlfriend, who lives in a basic New Jersey apartment, runs off to Manhattan and stay at a luxury suite which probably costs over $1000 a night? Makes perfect sense to me.

    • Love 2
  21. The councilwoman cracks me up in every scene she's in. Glad other posters here are giving her a thumbs up instead of negative reviews like I thought. Hope she sticks around.

    • Love 1
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