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Posts posted by Tony

  1. I wondered if anyone else caught that Merline sees in 3D. lmao


    Merline is just full of verbal diarrhea. She's one of those people that blurt things out without thinking first and everyone else is going "huh?" Very little of what she says makes sense.

    • Love 2
  2. Swapnil deserved to be sent home for that stupid capelet alone.


    I didn't see his crew-member as being uncooperative at all. She wanted her arms and legs covered. That's not a totally outrageous request. He could have made a floor length dress or pants and a long-sleeve top. Instead, he was totally dead set on this bombshell vision and completely ignored her wishes. In the end, he wasted most of the first day and came up with a butt-ugly look. Moron.

    • Love 5
  3. We are maybe two seasons away from the "White Rain hair salon," the "99 cent store makeup boutique," and the "Walmart Accessory Wall"


    And maybe three seasons from the models just doing their own makeup and walking barefoot down the runway.


    And perhaps four seasons from them just picking really skinny drug addicts off the street to model clothes because no one wants to pay models.


    That's already been the case all along. According the the model interviewed in this article, models get paid zilch (and only do it for the free publicity).

  4. It's already been three challenges where he produces mediocre crap and gets the warning for not trying. How many chances are they going to give him? He's just lucky there's always someone worse who needs to be auf'd.

  5. And off we go with the freak show...


    They spent most of the episode focused on the characters (Danson/Avery's cockroach racing/drone flying scenes, neckbeard's sister's trial, BowWow/Raven's puke-inducing shower scene), and then rushed to wrap everything up in the last 8 minutes. Hats off to the writers for coming up with using phone's the motion sensor to figure out the hacker's email address. You really have to shut off your brain and suspend any logic while watching this show.


    The good: no more annoying intro with the stolen patient files and whisper

    The bad: Dawson is still failing at being a fake action hero and still abusing suspects

  6. I still stand by my reply one year ago in this thread. This season just further hammers how much I can't stand this woman. She clearly doesn't want to be involved with the circus act that this show has become but still willing to stick around for the paycheck and fame.

    • Love 2
  7. Ashley has a way of looking like she's crying, even when she isn't.


    This. She's the type that has so much emotional baggage that you have to tiptoe around to avoid upsetting over the slightest thing.

    • Love 5
  8. I don't think I've ever heard of "mumsy" being used on the show. It's "matronly" that they beat to death. And then "mother-of-the-bride" is the kiss of death.


    However, "mature" is another that they like to throw around. That word IS ageist.

  9. Someone should remind Nina that she's not exactly in her early 20's and instead is pushing 50, so she should cut it out with the ageism bullshit. I'm in the former age category and even I find her attitude irritating. She's such an killjoy with a permanent bitchface. No idea how someone this inarticulate could get hired to dole out criticisms (protip: form your thoughts in your head before you start speaking so you don't take 5 minutes to say a simple sentence).


    If PR wants to improve the show, the should can her ass asap.

    • Love 4
  10. Another mediocre runway and another judging crackfest. This is becoming the norm for this show. I couldn't really pick a winner from all these trainwrecks, but they praised it as an amazing runway? I guess Candice's was the best of the worst and wasn't totally horrid. Neither was Kelly's or Lindsay's. Lindsay's shield bodice was interesting IMO, but her boobs weren't half-exposed so of course Heidi didn't like it. The only problem with it was the high-low hemline. Edmund should have been in the bottom for that ruffled abomination he calls a vest. 


    And Candice, what a humble winner she's not. 

  11. That designer's work is nothing like the crap we see on PR. The unconventional materials challenge has basically become Project Crafts where the designers just hot glue a bunch of shit together and hope it doesn't fall apart on the runway. I know time is a factor, but it mostly takes vision and creativity. If you guys think about it, most of the crap these designers come up with don't take more than an hour to execute. The rest of it is just them wafting around and complaining how difficult it is and then taking multiple smoke breaks. PR is now just circling the drains in terms of caliber of the talent.

  12. I'm always curious how the producers cope when a contestant leaves unexpectedly.  Was there a challenge down the road where they planned to eliminate two people and now they'll just auf one?  Will they have a week in which nobody goes home?


    Yes, expect an episode in the near future where all the designers come up with such amazing designs that the judges can't send anyone home.

    • Love 2
  13. Ashley's was overpraised and tacky. She basically stuck polaroids onto a basic dress and the judges praised it like it was the most innovative design ever.


    As for Swapnil - he's pulling a Marlene and using the word 'bridal' like she does with 'architectural'. Just because it's white doesn't make it bridal.


    I'm seeing a producer-driven redemption arc for Ashley (underserved) and a downward spiral for Swapnil (totally deserved - I'm surprised he was able to come up with anything between his smoke breaks).

    • Love 2
  14. Merline should STFU about her designs being architectural. She mentions it in every single challenge. I've yet to see anything remotely inspired by architecture in any of her shoddy work. Her bra was almost as bad as Blake's and no women would want to be caught dead in those panties.


    Overall, it was another shitty challenge that only served to shill for Heidi's latest pet project. As a laugh, I'd like to point out that they sell men's underwear too (link). I'm sure the demand for that's going to be through the roof.

    • Love 1
  15. This was a pretty straight forward challenge that the girls screwed up badly. They could have easily gone with a cohesive theme using the paints and materials given. For instance, they can use the paints to create outfits for a Boho theme or deconstructed the paintball uniforms to make shirt dresses for a Hamptons theme.


    There were two failings that brought them down IMO - lack of effective leadership (Candace sure as hell wasn't a leader) and a sulking team member that brought down the team dynamics. At the risk of victim-blaming, I do believe that Ashley's attitude contributed to her issues this episode.


    At the end, the right person got auf'ed. Amanda's work was mediocre and was a joy suck since the first challenge. Does anyone else see a resemblance to Laura Kathleen? (both looks and personality)

    • Love 4
  16. God that was truly awful.


    Although I was doing something else while watching this so my attention was only half there, I didn't see much bullying or mean girl. Ashley brought her past emotional baggage from home with her and made herself the victim. She didn't contribute at all during the brainstorming and just cowered in the background bitching how the other girls were too loud. Also, how the girls managed to keep themselves from smacking Blake while he was lecturing them during deliberation was a miracle. That little snot managed to earn a spot as one of PR's most annoying designers. Congratulations asshole.




    It really bothered me that Heidi had them look at Ashley’s look first as one of the worst.  I felt like she was swayed by the mean girls throwing Ashley into the bottom.


    Or maybe Heidi thought the outfit was one of the worst there, which I agree it is. That amateurish pleated collar atrocity is pretty damn bad. Amanda was the right person to go home, but Ashley was definitely a close second for that outfit.




    Those eyes...


    You mean those fake colored contacts?

    • Love 2
  17. WTF? The death of the queen could lead to the obliteration of every single Espheni and, while she's in the middle of an invasion on a foreign planet full of enemies, we're supposed to believe that there isn't an army full of guards protecting her or sheltering her in an impenetrable fortress? Instead, some random fool like Tom Mason could just go right up to her for a one-on-one session with any weapon of their choosing?


    That makes perfect sense.

    • Love 1
  18. Henry took over the role of mindnumbingly annoying kid this episode. Plus he was with Minx. I had to fast forward the parts where they were in a scene together or my remote control would end up sticking out of my TV. 


    Now the aliens end up with all the pain-in-the-ass kids plus Claire. Sorry aliens, all sales final. No refunds.

    • Love 8
  19. Every single couple on Lakefront/Beachfront BH talks about entertaining friends and family. Every. Single. One.


    Forget the nice waterside setting, can you imagine entertaining at a place with outdated cabinets and white appliances? Welcome to the 7th circle of HGTV hell.

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