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Ryan Chamberlain

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  1. Pat is so cute. I pretty much love that kid's acting and lines.
  2. I am gonna have to make me a GIF of that. Sassy Ryan is best Ryan. Anyone here but me seen the clip where he's rambling to Sean and Mac about all his victims and he throws his hands behind his head and shouts "NEXT!" That was so damn funny when it shouldn't have been.
  3. At least Sean and Tiffany are still married. Mac is gonna make a biiiiiiig screwup tomorrow. I actually am loving the show here lately. I'm in the minority. Don't care. Reminds me a lot of 90s GH. Which, was doom and gloom central.
  4. Ava and Ryan were hot. Damn hot. I wish there was a way to keep both him and Kevin.
  5. And, when she finds out she screwed her daughter's killer....(new promo is out) She is gonna have a conniption. Is it wrong that I hope Ryan knocks her up? Cause I do. I hope he knocks her up.
  6. Yep. I nominate Kim for Ryan's next kill.
  7. Kinda sad they didn't run the original opening to that episode. I was geared up to see and hear the Faces of the Heart theme again and then...nope. Otherwise. I loved that episode.
  8. I am with you on the Ryan/Ava are hot thing.
  9. I liked it. I especially love that Miles (who was always my fave) is back. My favorite scenes was Miles jumping like he was scared of the light when his curtains were opened. And, Corky's hot flash where she started stripping during the show.
  10. No. He was "dead" for over a year by the time Carly came to town. Kevin and Carly have known each other for ages. They just recently started interacting though.
  11. I like Carly. But, this Ryan/Kevin stuff should not be all about her. I don't mind her being involved. But, I don't want her shoehorned in to everything about it. Unfortunately it looks like what we are getting. When this story should involve so many more people and should just give Jon a chance to shine in the limelight again... I'm happy as hell they brought Ryan back. But, I'm not happy about Carly being everywhere in the story.
  12. Well. After being on canvas since the early 90s. We finally have a birthdate set for the Collins/Chamberlain twins. 8/23
  13. Ok. Tomorrow's episode is gonna be must see for me. I wonder which brother is out free with Lucy.
  14. Yep. I'm quite pissed over it taking so long to circle back to this story. The only valid reason is scheduling conflicts with Jon and if that's not the case then...*shakes fist at cloud*
  15. I really hope Kiki isn't Nina's.
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