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Posts posted by Pondlass1

  1. If only there was some kind of brain surgery that could be performed to stop addictions in their tracks.  It’s all a mind thing and we still don’t know nearly enough about the workings of the brain even in the 21st century.

    However, on the other hand, mucking about with human brains could be dangerous. We could be manipulated into a certain stations in life.. like bees — workers, drones and queens.

    But unless something is done Tammy is going to eat herself to death or at least bedridden. It’s frustrating.

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  2. Jensen’s moved on to bigger and better things so what does it matter.  He’s decided to go along with the narrative...yep, he was okay with the finale. (Yet remember he had to be talked into it) 

    It’s his take on Dean that has me dismayed.  I thought he knew the character. Dean wouldn’t  end up drinking his life away in some bar if Sam had gone to heavenly heaven. He’d just as likely married and had children. He managed it with Lisa even though stressed out thinking Sam was in hell. Dean’s actually a people person.

    The big difference between the brothers in that final episode in my opinion was that Dean would never have allowed Sam to die in that barn. Number one daddy directive ... save Sammy. It was drilled into his brain.



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  3. 3 hours ago, FlickChick said:

    literally started at the beginning of the universe

    Well it is supposed to be a timeline.

    What jumped out at me was how the various story themes speeded up as the seasons went by. By the time we arrived at the final seasons nothing meant anything anymore. How could there be suspense? Perilous dire situations were soon fixed by the boys just in time for the next perilous dire situation. No Big Bad stuck around for long before being ganked. They really sucked at building suspense by the end.


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  4. 23 hours ago, DeeDee79 said:

    Least?! For shame! Season 2 was a such a good one.

    I agree wholeheartedly. It could be almost my favourite, but favourites keep changing as I do a re-watch of the series. As I move through the seasons I’m actually finding myself appreciating episodes that I didn’t think much of when first viewed. Compared to most of the drivel on TV today, and considering the fast shoot and small budget this show holds up very well indeed. 

    Dean Winchester is a dark complex man and Jensen never allowed anyone to ‘clean’ him up and make him fit with network TV’s usual wholesome ideology. He really belonged on HBO. 

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  5. I quit halfway through. Boring and the wife was irritating. This show  needs a shake up or it’s going the way of the dodo bird.

    I wish everyone success of course, but for entertainment we need participants with big personalities who actually HAVE the surgery, otherwise it’s just whining and lumbering around. 

    • Love 9
  6. I’m assuming TLC paid that taxi bill and him stopping for food five times added in for some extra TV drama.  

    Someone mentioned Cinderella, and that was the theme for this episode IMO. Except for the morbid obesity issue mother looked fine and she was definitely enjoying all the limelight. I’d never allow my child to give up a scholarship just to stay home and cook mounds of greasy beige coloured food for me. Although on the other hand, I don’t think Isaac needed much bidding. But There seemed to be other family members that could’ve stepped up to the plate. Dad seemed checked out....... also Dr Now. 

    Issac seemed a nice kid. So sad. Food addiction is as evil and deadly as drug addiction. Fast food should be banned or taxed to the hilt. 

    One good thing to come out of the pandemic, many families have discovered the joys of home cooking apparently, which is a good thing.


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  7. Unless we’re being manipulated by TLC production teams, none of these relationships stand a chance in hell of working. And I wish  they wouldn’t bring babies into the mix.

    I don’t live in the US, but is the much revered Green Card actually green?

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  8. It was a depressing kind of episode. We only get one chance at life, my fingers are crossed for her. 

    Most of the patients in this series appear totally gobsmacked that they’ve only lost a few pounds when they’ve apparently ‘worked so hard’. I think a lot of it is portion size. They’re eating the ‘healthy’ stuff but way too much of it. There are ‘diet’ plates you can buy that divide up the portions of veggies, meat etc., which might help. But these people have stretched their stomachs so much I guess they’re always feeling pangs of hunger.

    A little thing that’s always bothered me is not hearing please or thank you from many of these patients. Get me this, bring me that, etc. I think they get used to being waited on by family members.

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  9. I only catch bits and pieces of episodes on YouTube, but Tammy needs to be in hospital on a controlled diet to get down to the 400s. I’m not sure if you can do this, tho, against someone’s will. But what she’s doing is suicide. 

    I guess this has been mentioned before, but those masks are something else.

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