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Posts posted by Pondlass1

  1. Mykal, the green card isn’t worth it. You only get one chance at life on this planet. Find a Nigerian woman and have a zillion children.  Big Bully Ange probably has an abscess that prevents her wearing a denture. Either that or a massive ugly cold sore. But it’s all Mykal’s fault anyway…not because she continues to smoke and eat junk. 

    Hope Andrrrrrrrrei is a good driver, cuz no one’s strapped in at the back.

    Yikes that creepy windowless room for the kid.😱


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  2. I was a bit taken aback to see them filmed in the morning minus makeup or glam squads, kind of a la RHONY.  And EATING breakfast... except I did notice Rinna’s plate was clean and empty.  The food always looks SO delicious and so much is left untouched.  Hopefully the camera crew get to enjoy the leftovers.

    Maybe it’s just me, but I’m hoping the race thing isn’t going to be the main drama theme for the HW franchises this summer.

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  3. Well he died because that’s what the script said.  But visually he appeared practically fine.  Compare with the Metatron stabbing. Now that looked fatal.

    Maybe it’s just me? But I wasn’t happy with it. It was a sterile and cheap death and not the exit from the world worthy of Dean....IMO of course.

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  4. 58 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

    No blood in mouth, he could move arms and legs.  The spike hadn’t impacted lungs, heart or spine. It was survivable. Any other episode duct tape would’ve sufficed till they got back to bunker.

    Why would Dean give up? Why? Why now?  He’s a warrior. Was it made clear? That’s my issue. Have to admit I wasn’t paying much attention at this point.  (Unlike our Dean I had given up.)

    Despite show runner jealousy, at least he didn’t live on to  marry a fuzzy faced woman or wear a dollar store wig. 

    But what irks me the most is that Jensen had to be talked into accepting the ending. He knew it was wrong for Dean. He knew. But he’s Jensen so he went along with it. And it just kills me.  



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  5. No blood in mouth, he could move arms and legs.  The spike hadn’t impacted lungs, heart or spine. It was survivable. Any other episode duct tape would’ve sufficed till they got back to bunker.

    Why would Dean give up? Why? Why now?  He’s a warrior. Was it made clear? That’s my issue. Have to admit I wasn’t paying much attention at this point.  (Unlike our Dean I had given up.)

    Despite show runner jealousy, at least he didn’t live on to  marry a fuzzy faced woman or wear a dollar store wig. 

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  6. 5 hours ago, Hiyo said:

    Things are edited out of every conversation. Some conversations are just badly edited compared to others and might appear more clumsy.

    Watch the food or drink on the table and you’ll get a good idea of how much editing is going on. It’s particularly noticeable on 90DF where liquid in glasses goes up and down like a yo-yo.

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  7. At least we see the RHONY gals warts and all. No makeup, crusty eyed, waking up, messy stringy hair and actually EATING!  We’d never see that on any other franchise (at least the ones I watch.. BH and OC). How they wake up after a night of boozing and go off on another booze soaked day trip is beyond me. Must have great constitutions, I’d need a week for my liver to recover.

     I agree with most here that Leah is sucking out the fun. She’s just mean.  She enjoys being mean and interrogating ditzy Ramona. Maybe that’s why she was hired. It’s her MO.

    Now that Tinsley is gone and Dorinda is rested and dried out... I’d swap her for Leah.  At least Dorinda made me laugh (before the bullying) and that house in the Beserkshires was the setting for some truly wild and crazy times.



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