5.5k -
Matrimony had an interesting cast of suspects and I really liked the twist that the wife was innocent and her mom did it without her knowledge, it was a good episode, I liked seeing Arthur Gold defend the wife and his client actually being innocent for once was good. The slimy lawyer and the butler were good suspects as well. Working Mom was a strong case from start to finish, I liked the detectives investigation tracing the credit card bills and discovering the 2 women were moonlighting as hookers, and I thought Jack’s closing argument did a great job of showing how this was a case of a woman murdering her blackmailer, not defending herself from an attacker, the victim was sleazy but he wasn’t violent. The 3 parter had some stuff that I like a lot, particularly Lennie enjoying being in California and a lot of the court scenes were good, and there were some good one liners - “ a daring neorealist foray into Jellystone Park” is one of my favorite McCoy lines for some reason. But the stuff with Rey was irritating, it got tiresome how every woman seemed to find Rey oh so attractive. Survivor is a great episode as well, with the hunt for the coins that turned out to not exist, some really good twists. I agree Jamie was in the wrong for using what she knew about Judith’s phobia of being crowded to try to force their way in, it was underhanded, one of the few times I disliked Jamie. I liked Adam’s scenes and how he realized the coins weren’t around, and the millionaire businessman who was involved in the fraud was another memorable suspect. If I had to pick a favorite from season 7, it would be ID, that is an awesome episode with great twists, memorable suspects and good character moments. We Like Mike is a close second for me, that’s another awesome episode. I think season 7 has the best run of cases in L&O history - I like every episode except for Mad Dog which I don’t care for.
Yeah a situation where a judge has been bribed is the only way the prosecution can get around double jeopardy, and it’s also worth noting that in that episode the bribed judge tossed the case, he didn’t even let the jury decide - as Jack noted at the end of the episode, jeopardy never attached because the defendant was never in jeopardy, the judge was bribed and the process was corrupted.
Agreed it’s disgusting, but it has happened in real life and most SVU crimes are pretty disgusting. This is the 3rd time in franchise history they’ve had a “pregnant coma patient” storyline - the Mothership episode Grief and the SVU episode Waste being the first two. Like others I thought this story might go the way of the Mothership episode and have one or both of the moms paying someone to impregnate the victim. That Mothership episode was messed up, the mom in that one was nuts.
I think this combined two ripped from the headlines stories - the Gabby Petito case that the original story was based on, and a case of a comatose woman being raped/impregnated at a medical facility somewhere - I don’t know as much about that case but I do remember a real life pregnant coma patient case in the last couple of years and I believe the rapist was caught. So they mixed two real life stories for this one. I didn’t find it any more “tasteless” than other ripped from the headlines episodes, any case taken from the headlines is bound to possibly offend some people, it’s just the nature of the franchise, it’s what L&O has always done.
That was an episode of the Mothership, from season 8, titled Grief. SVU did a pregnant comatose woman before in the season 4 episode Waste.
The other ending that wasn’t revealed was Vaya Con Dios from season 10 - we don’t know which way the Supreme Court ruled on the Chilean military leader that the DAs charged with murdering an American citizen.
What a boring slog of an episode, with way too much St O worship and melodrama, complete with Mariska’s overacting. Fin and Bruno saved it from the heap of complete garbage, Fin got some good scenes and Bruno was strong as always. The investigation parts were fine but it was bogged down by Benson melodrama and Benson the awesome victim whisperer who takes everything personally.
Maybe the fastest “ripped from the headlines” case in L&O history, and for only the second time in Mothership history we didn’t learn the ending. Interesting, and it worked, and strange as it sounds I could see both sides of this case - not sure how much I want to say here given the real life situation, but I can see all sides - I abhor street justice and violence, but corporate greed is despicable, this fictional victim was a dirtbag, and the system is so biased in favor of corporate America that I understand the outrage. So I liked how they ended the episode, and I liked the discussion between Baxter/Price/Maroun about it, I like how the relationship between Nick and Nolan has evolved into a more trusting one. The biggest flaw of this episode was how biased the judge was, allowing witnesses to speculate and get on a soapbox. I couldn’t believe it took until the end to talk about trying to get a new judge and I would’ve liked more exploration of the pros and cons of asking the judge to recuse himself. I missed Shaw and I wondered given how he missed a big part of last week as well what was going on, was Mehcad filming something else during this time? Nevertheless I liked the “ticking clock” first half, it was unique and pulled off well. I was curious about Riley’s first lines, I guess he’s reconciled with his wife, it’s been mentioned several times that he split with his wife a few years ago, but maybe they are giving it another chance, still kind of weird they mentioned it out of the blue, the same way they never explicitly mentioned Nick splitting with his wife until he had a new girlfriend last week. Kind of weird, but the personal stuff is minor and I was glad there was no personal connection this week.
Episode description When a murder suspect becomes an underground hero, Brady seeks help from a former colleague to track down a culprit who seems to be in multiple locations; Baxter, Price and Maroun disagree on the best way forward when public interest heightens.
Episode description The doctor of a comatose woman calls SVU when he discovers his patient is pregnant; Benson must convince the family to reject magical thinking and look at the facts
LOL I was reminded of Rollins’ loser sister on SVU when Nina’s sister popped up as well.
Case felt rather routine, not bad but not the most compelling either, perp came off as too one note much of the time and it was very obvious she had past trauma that triggered a breakdown, though I did think the final confrontation with the abuser was well done and the best scene of the episode. And I was left wondering was the old lady really the perp’s aunt? I guess she was but I wasn’t 100% sure. I for one was glad Remy is back as he adds a spark of life that is absent without him - his annoyance with the clinic and then his “bravo Dr Freud” line to the other shrink made me laugh, I know he’s polarizing but I like the passion and charisma Remy brings to his cases. Don’t care about the personal stuff with Nina but I thought she was right to be pissed about Scola going behind her back. At least the personal stuff is split equally now so one personal storyline doesn’t go overboard the way the stuff with Jess’ kid did. Still really bummed that this show has been cancelled - I like the darker, psychological nature of this show as compared to the other two FBIs.
Pretty good episode last night, not a whole lot of twists but a solid enough case, nice seeing Jubal assist from NYC and I liked the role each character had, Wes is really good as team leader. So disappointing that they cancelled this show.
Very good episode, I liked having a serial killer case, with a good investigation and good work by each character, I liked seeing Maggie and Scola work together and I liked Jubal and the analysts at headquarters as well. Each character got some nice moments - good call by Jubal on folding the paper and some good calls by the analysts to find the locations. I did wonder where the rest of the SWAT team was when Maggie/Scola fought with the killer at the end, that seemed like a flaw, seemed like backup would’ve gotten there sooner. And I also wondered if it will come back to bite Maggie that she knew all along the imprisoned guy’s father had died, it seemed like a bad precedent to set because criminals would be more reluctant to make deals with them in the future. No sign of OA or Isobel, but this show has a deep cast of characters so it worked fine and I liked seeing Maggie/Scola work together. Good episode.
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Xeliou66 replied to WendyCR72's topic in Law & Order
From the little bit I’ve heard about the crossover it does appear Carisi will be in it and will work with Price, so that should be interesting. And I hope Bruno and Fin are in it and work with Shaw/Riley, I imagine those 4 would get along well.