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Posts posted by jalady

  1. Also Abby, please stop asking why Senator Feinstein didn't contact the FBI sooner and implying that she leaked the letter.  She has said - on multiple occasions - the victim requested anonymity.  You can't out a sexual assault victim.  Point blank period!!!  And she said on the record yesterday that neither she, nor her staff, leaked the letter; and the publication confirmed that.  She's a tiny bit better than RBM, but she's definitely sticking to the republican talking points.  While whining about how divisive/ sad politics have become.  Perhaps one could even say "tribal"???  Dear Lord I'm dreading her return.

    • Love 19
  2. 9 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

    7:56 AM: Heilmann-- finally after years of watching-- says something significant. After listening to that Louisiana Senator mumble through his excuses and Willie, trying again and again to get somebody to answer this ? asks him, "Why the hurry? Why do we have to hurry on this vote?" LA Senator said, "Well lots of fine people spend a lot of money to go to the Supreme Court and we don't want them to get a tie vote." And I'm thinking in my head,  "Merrick Garland Merrick Garland Merrick Garland!" And Heilmann  brought that right up. Good on you for once Heilmann!

    Rick Tyler actually alluded to this earlier in the show (the tied vote factor) but didn't get specific.  He was saying something like "as a conservative, having eight people on the Court wouldn't be so bad" and he didn't complete the thought.  I assume his point was that since all the lower federal courts are being stacked with Trumplets, a tie in the SC means the lower court decision stands and that wouldn't be a bad thing for conservatives.  Which is probably true.  But they want to make sure to get their guy on the SC just in case the Democrats take over the Senate.  Much as I want that to happen, I'm not counting on it. 

    But this is ridiculous.  Pull his name and put up the next Federalist judge on the list so we can stop all this discussion of sexual assault and gang rape before I've had my morning coffee!!  Joe and Meek-a are ridiculous about most issues but if all she's going to say every day is "we have to be fair and we can't prejudge or state an opinion" why exactly are we watching?  And then she threatens to throw off any guest that dare say they believe one side or the other ("I've done it before").  So a psychologist or sexual assault survivor can't come on and say "I believe Dr. Ford and here's why".  Girl, BYE!! 

    • Love 4
  3. Joe and Mika nauseate me on their morning show, but I found them tolerable on today's show.  Mika is totally malleable with respect to her opinions, but I'm positive she doesn't "know her value", which contributes to that.  But I think she and Joe really love each other.  And I'm okay with that. 

    • Love 3
  4. Del Percio says a Democrat outed Dr. Ford.  No one pushes back.  Joe refers to what happened to her as "sexual harassment".  No one pushes back.  Maybe I missed something but: 1) I don't think it's been established as to who contacted the reporter and gave up her name, and 2) being pinned down on a bed while someone tries to remove your clothes is a bit more than "harassment".  This panel is ridiculous and Miss KYV is, as usual, the potted plant in the corner.    

    • Love 9
  5. 1 hour ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    But tomorrow should be the day off is why I was asking.  In my area, its tomorrow.  I just happened to live by 2 temples, and tomorrow is when I 'll notice my traffic patterns.  I was only asking to learn...."the more you know..."  lol 

    My calendar says today’s the holiday, which is consistent with what Whoopi said and how the school district I live in observes it.  Also, I live in a neighborhood with a lot of Orthodox Jewish people and I saw lots of people walking to the synagogue this morning.  But, although like Whoopi I have a Jewish last name, I am most certainly NOT.  So I’m going by the school calendar, LOL!  But enjoy your light traffic tomorrow while I’m back in rush hour hell ?.

    • Love 3
  6. @blondmommy, my family isn't from this country and my parents hated the way "Americans always want to shorten everyone's name" (their words, not mine)  so when my mom was pregnant with my brother they only picked names that they thought couldn't be shortened (naturally that didn't work, LOL).  Maybe Hagood feels the same way?  

    • Love 1
  7. 2 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    Couple random thoughts:

    The new husband is taking the CA bar, the new wife mumbled something about him already being licensed in UT.  I would imagine its harder to pass if you've been out of school for a minute or two.  BUT - when you already have a license, do you take a full bar test for another state, or is it an easier condensed version?



    It depends on the state.  Some states you can take a lawyers' professional exam and some you have to take the same Bar exam as newly graduated law students.  If I recall correctly (and it's been YEARS since I've thought about it because my exam days - whether bar or professional lawyer's exam - are way behind me, LOL) the more "attractive" the state (FL, CA) the more likely you had to take the actual Bar exam.

    • Love 1
  8. I really wish during the conversation about Kelly, Tamra had asked Icki how she’d feel if she and Eddie were double dating with Donn.  Or, better yet, Brooks!  (Yes, I know not likely given Tamra’s feelings about Brooks). But then Ms. “people move on, you have to get over it” would be singing a different tune.

    • Love 17
  9. Jeanine Pirro is awful.  Thank you Whoopi, for showing her the door.   Funniest part was her saying "wow" as Whoopi was ripping up her blue cards and Sara was sending it to break.  With NO mention of her book or if the audience members were "lucky" enough to get a copy, LOL.

    • Love 21
  10. I don’t think Kasie  hates the lightning bolt.  I think some viewers hate it and think Mika uses it to diminish Kasie so they’re projecting their dislike onto Kasie.  To me, she seems to be in on the joke.

  11. This might be my dream hosting panel: a sane liberal (Joy), a sane conservative (Ana), two somewhat middle of the road ladies, depending on the issue (Sara and Sunny) and . . . Paula.  Well, you can’t have everything, lol.

    • Love 16
  12. First the superficial: all those kids had GORGEOUS hair!!!  And it was lovely to see how happy they were to see Kobe.  He's not one of my favorites (Michael Jordan 4eva!) but it was nice of him to come.  And - superficial again - he looked good in his suit.

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