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Everything posted by CrystalMoon

  1. My first thoughts on this episode. - I'm glad Juliette has put this Gospel album behind her. I'm also glad it tanked. A Juliette who has to rebuild her career for the umpteenth time is a fun Juliette to watch. - Dang, Avery was pretty tonight. Did he lose a little weight? And yes, he is very smart. Always was. - Maddie did not annoy me. In fact, I enjoyed watching her struggle with which version of her song was better. That's the kind of music-focused storyline I like on the show that we haven't seen enough of in S5. - As much as I've liked Maddie, I was bored to death with her storyline. In fact, I started browsing my computer when she was one. These non-music-related storylines, especially for such a minor character are just plain dumb, imo. Yes, she's going through something, but do we have to watch every second of it? - Can Deacon do something with his own music, please? Can Avery? - Scarlett is now my least-favorite character. Gunnar should quit the band and run as far away from her as he can.
  2. I'm sorry. I fell aslep halfway after "unmotivated Daphne."
  3. I think Cole's dad said he loved Marion (?) but she didn't stick around, obviously. So not sure if she loved him back. To me, that cuts out Olivia. I don't see Cole's dad falling for someone like her. But on the other hand, could it be possible she'd want Cole born so he could create the witness who then forces her to become the real witness? How many generations back do the Monkeys try to influence fate? OR, maybe it's someone who knows Cole can save the world and makes sure to meet Cole's dad and sleep with him and have baby Cole. Thus ensuring the human race is okay. Ultimately. My head is spinning.
  4. I have mixed feelings about the binge format. On the one hand, it made it easier to watch eps like the Deacon-centric ep and the one that was all about Athan. On the other hand, my head is spinning and I feel like I have a 12 Monkeys hangover. This is one of the few shows where I love all of the characters, especially now that Ramse is gone. He was the worst one of all for being sneaky and hypocritical. They all are to some extent--except for Jennifer who is a true innocent--but he was the worst, especially with his holier-than-thou attitude. My favorite scene in this last night was Cole teaching Cassie to pick pockets while she taught him to dance. As funny as Jennifer is, this is the scene that cracked me up the most this season. Sometimes I think Jennifer is a little too over the top and I kind of roll my eyes. Does anyone else think she is Cole's mother?
  5. Did anyone else notice that at the end of the two videos posted earlier in the thread, they replaced the image of Rayna with Maddie. So now the face of Nashville is Deacon, Juliette and Maddie. Putting Maddie into a lead role is a deal-breaker for me with this show.
  6. It was very cruel to tell Gunnar that way. Why was she so blunt? Why didn't she show the tiniest bit of empathy for the guy who might be the baby's father? If Gunnar is the dad, then he'll be involved, and you'd think she'd want him involved. So why does she go out of her way to be downright mean?
  7. One thing that really bothers me about this show is how little attention they give to Juliette and Avery's relationship. Sure, there was a conversation between them back in the beginning of the season where Avery then carried Juliette off to bed. But since then? Nothing. You know they are the only couple on the show who we haven't seen in bed together. Every single other couple, including Will and Kevin, have had a nice snuggly/romantic/hot bed scene. But not them. Also, both Juliette and Avery have started wearing their wedding rings again? WTF?!!! They're a divorced couple. And yes, they're back together, but they are not remarried. (Unless that happened without our knowledge too.) So why haven't we seen a conversation where they decide to wear their rings again? Isn't that kind of a BIG deal? As a viewer, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think. That J&A were never actually divorced, and we should forget about Season 4? That they both decided to start wearing their rings on a whim and it's only a coincidence that they're both doing it? That they had another quick wedding at the justice of the peace? To me, this lack of explanation for something so important just shows how the writers are solely focused on Maddie, Deacon, and now Daphne. They write in little scenes for other characters, as if they have to becuase they're stuck with them, but there's no care involved, no concern for getting things right. Sometimes I feel like the new showrunners decided to do Nashville because they liked Rayna and her family, and they were forced to take on all the other characters too. But it didn't mean they had to write for them. At least not very much.
  8. Scarlett was a bitch to Gunnar, though that's not a surprise as that's how she's been all season long. I just wish Gunnar would reject her unequivcally and move on. Avery was amazing tonight. Why can't he get his own storyline? When Juliette volunteres to be Maddie's agent, I cried a little. This means that Maddie will become the next big thing, and I can't watch that. I'll be gone before I EVER watch that happen. I need to see Juliette work toward her own career. And I need to see Maddie disappear, but I suppose that won't happen. SIgh
  9. Really? How come? I could see him in that role. He's not the skinny kid he was a few years ago, imo.
  10. The ensemble is gone. I miss Avery, Gunnar, and Will. I miss characters who wrote music and were scrapping to make it in country music. I miss Juliette and Avery having conversations. I will never, ever miss Maddie. This relationship drama is not Nashville to me. I'll probably stop watching after this. I've been muting all the Maddie scenes anyway. With the way things are looking, there won't be anything left to not mute.
  11. Does anyone get Juliette's feedback on Avery's song? She said he's not this angry kid anymore, but I didn't think Avery or his song sounded angry. And why did she think he needed to mature musically? The song didn't sound immature to me. What's going on there? I couldn't make heads or tails out of it. Was Juliette right, and Avery does need to mature? Or was this more about her new outlook on life or something?
  12. CMT has launched a survey of Nashville. Let 'em know what you think! Here's the link: https://viacom.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1Nr4wiQulGMWsRf
  13. No Avery, no Juliette, no Will. Enough said.
  14. I agree. All of the guys are being neglected. Even Deacon has been turned into a house husband. Yet we get more and more Maddie every ep.
  15. I really can't stand Maddie. I hate that she is so front and center on the show now. Does anyone want to see this? I haven't seen one good comment on the internet about her. And why did the writers give her a boyfriend with so many red flags? 7 years older, bipolar, homeless? Being African American isn't an issue, imo, yet the show decided to pick that one to talk about. Why can't she just go off to college? Scarlett's storyline is bizarre. Did she really like that weird video of her looking in a mirror and making faces? I thought it was awful. And then she suddenly likes the sadistic director? And where is Gunnar during this viewing? Why didn't he come along to watch? I really don't like how Gunnar is being ignored this season. I like Gunnar and miss him. Even when he's in an ep, he feels like he's part of the background. I loved seeing Avery perform again, but I wanted more. I mean, what did the lyrics mean? Why was he singing about not backing down? I wish we could've seen him writing the song last week so we'd have some context. The show used to do that all the time. Plus, Avery's song was played while Juliette went to church. I sense this was supposed to be meaningful, but it totally went over my head. He's not backing down, and she's going to church. Huh? I also found Juliette's accusation that Avery doesn't want to see her happy to be extremely weird. Can we please have a J&A scene where he doesn't have to constantly reassure her? Why doesn't she ask about him for a change. Say, ask him how his gig went. And I don't like how he put that card in his pocket. It implies, to me, that he's not going to call the manager and he's going to continue to put himself in second place. If so, I am outta here. I can't watch that happen to Avery anymore.
  16. Ailianna, That's interesting that you had a similar injury to Juliette's. One thing that's bothered me is that she doesn't seem to have crushed vertebrae. Shouldn't she be in a brace or be more careful when moving around, like riding her wheelchair over a bumpy field? That always bothered me.
  17. Actually that episode was two weeks ago. Last week was the one where Will and Kevin broke up. Maddie wasn't in it, nor was she in episode 502. Thank goodness.
  18. Yes, but they can still impose rules on her. I mean, when a child turns 18, they usually still have to follow the rules of the house, i.e., letting the parents know when you're coming home and answering texts from them, etc.
  19. Hi, I'm new here, but I registered so I could comment. In my opinion, this was the worst Nashville episode ever. I couldn't hate it any more than I do. I was really looking forward to these new writers, but I'm starting to wonder if they can still write for a television series.
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