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callie lee 29

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Posts posted by callie lee 29

  1. I've cooked the turkey breast side down before. It turned out pretty well. It did stick a little to the rack, I want to say that a little spray worked fine. I always flip it maybe 2/3 of the way through. Flipping it over is a bitch though, just a warning.

    • Love 2
  2. Growing up our holidays were always a mix of homemade and boxed stuff. Homemade gravy, pie (with homemade crust), homemade mashed potatoes, and sweet potato casserole sat next to stove top stuffing (the turkey kind) and canned cranberry sauce. Everybody I tell that to finds that odd.


    When I was about 21-22 my grandmother gave me cooking duties; she loved the way I cooked the turkey, which never seemed that revolutionary to me. I peel the skin back, spread the bird with flavored butter, and put the skin back into place. About halfway through, once I get some good juice on the bottom of the pan I take a syringe (this was about 19 years ago and they didn't have these cooking syringes I see everywhere) and inject the juice back into the turkey.


    The past couple of years my friend and I have gone to her bosses house for the holiday. Her family is out of the country and mine has all passed away. Normally I make a small little dinner at home the weekend after to have leftovers, but this year she and I have decided to have the holiday dinner still at her bosses and have a Thanksgiving dinner 2nd round at her house on Saturday.


    My mom & I were recently talking about those frozen sealed meat & sauce, & you boiled the packet & poured it over bread pr toast. I have no idea who made them or what they were called, but I loved them!


    Creamed chipped beef, AKA SOS. Stouffers still has it.



    it made me remember another drink i loved in the 80s early 90s New York Seltzer, it might have been called Original New York Seltzer, i remember drinking the orange one a lot and that the bottles were actually glass and not plastic.

    I LOVED this. The peach and the root beer were awesome. Peach got me through since you couldn't find Peach Nehi in Las Vegas for anything!!


    It was a dark day in my life when Ben and Jerry's discontinued their cashew ice cream. I have never been able to find anything remotely like it.

  4. I've also fallen in love with the alpha beta pee from Dr. Gross

    Please tell me there is a missing letter there?? :)


    I like rose hip seed oil for my face. It's super affordable especially from the drugstore/pharmacy. You only use a little and it helps your skin glow.


    I haven't found anything that works for my under-eye puffy/fatigue/dark circles (I think the circles are hereditary though).

  5. Oh jeez. I have waaaayyyy to much perfume. I switch out pretty much daily, but most of my tend to be musky, heavier scents. MY favorites  (right  now at least)are Van Cleef & Arpel First (permanent list), Givenchy Very Irresistible and Tom Ford Black Orchid.  I also tend towards Arpege and Coco, though I do have a current affinity for Tocca Stella and fresh Brown Sugar.

    • Love 2
  6. Yeah, it is troubling, but for some reason it didn't raise the same level of ire as other "blackface" incidents one hears about. I think it's more sad than anything. That some low to mid level person had this solution as an easy way to solve a problem. It seems more pathetic than anything.


    Do they really expect us to believe with all that jumping, leaping and climbing that Catween guzzled nearly a quart of milk before feeding that cat ?  Because that jug was nearly empty when she fed the cat.

    I think that bothered me the most. I was actually saying aloud (to my cat) "what the hell happened to all the milk??"



    Its not that they introduced so many characters.  Its that they introduced so many characters that we "know" already.  Lets play a game for a second and pretend that this isn't Batman and lets see who the show actually introduced.  Two main detectives.  A boy and his butler.  Two side detectives who are investigating the main ones.  The main guys girlfriend.  A Medical examiner.  A mob boss, his underlings and two people who are gunning for his job.  Oh and two possible love interests for the boy with the butler.    Now because this is Batman and most if not all of us have some knowledge of the story we can pick out a fair amount of the "characters".of the legend.  How many of them were actually necessary for the pilot?  I actually thought most of them were in one extent or the other.  Unless you want to make the Medical examiner a John Smith instead of a Riddler but what fun is that.  I guess you could have introduced him in episode 2 but the murder of the Waynes is a big enough to have all hands on deck.  Other than that the only other character I could see not being on the pilot is  possibly Poison Ivy but then that takes away her father being the one getting set up....and that is a whole other worm garden so...yeah,  Its not the number of characters its the actual fact that we know their names and life stories.

    Great point. With no background knowledge, we have 3-4 main characters, a couple of "against our guy" cops, a girlfriend, and some kid w/ his pseudo-dad.  Everyone else is glorified extra's. 


    Personally, this is the one pilot I was eagerly anticipating. I loved it. I have working knowledge of the comics (meaning I've read a few of the later ones, that's about it), seen most of the movies, and I think the point of view of Gotham when Bruce was a kid is brilliant. I also am intrigued with the (hopeful) idea that we might have a periphery view of Batman's growth.


    I'm actually really surprised that my favorite, at this point, character is Bullock. I normally don't like grey, anti-hero type characters. I like the Gordon type's: good, well-meaning, etc. Donal Logue is amazing though!


    I was not sad about Joan River's death.  I always thought she was mean spirited.  Don Rickles was the true insult comedian and you always knew he made fun of himself the most.

    Thank you. I would be a grade-A hypocrite if I sang the praises of Rivers's "legacy" simply because she's dead. I never found her witty, insightful, or even mildly amusing. It was sickening how she fat-shamed other women who dared to be themselves instead of nipping and tucking themselves into oblivion. I'll never forget how, at the 1998 Oscars, she said that Helen Hunt weighed less than Kate Winslet's arm. 

    Completely agree. Don't get me wrong, I feel very bad for her daughter and her grandson, my sympathy goes out to them, I've lost my family and it sucks. But I;m not going to spend a whole lot of time who said "...that Gina DeJesus and Amanda Berry (two of the women held in the Cleveland human slavery house by Ariel DeJesus)should not complain: "They got to live rent free for more than a decade . . . One of them has a book deal. Neither are in a psych ward. They're OK. I bet you within three years one of them will be on Dancing with the Stars." (italics mine for clarity).


    Seriously, Three women were held against their will as sex slaves for years and that's your comment. And then have the audacity to be offended when asked to apologize (,,,but I'm a comedienne..). Go fuck yourself. 

    • Love 6
  9.  GH- I never saw Brenda in her heyday. only in some of her returns so maybe that clouds the way I view her; but I found her to be irritating and thinks that Vanessa Marcil is a terrible actress. I've never liked Sam and thought it ridiculous that she turned out to be Alexis long lost daughter. Also didn't like teenage Kristina; never saw the young adult one.


    OLTL: Hated Natalie and nothing can ever make me like a character who intentionally puts herself in a danger just so a man could save her and sees that they belong together. Melissa Archer was also a horrible actress. And I thought that Michael Easton had more chemistry with Renee Goldsberry and Kassie Depaiva (sp?) than he did with her.


    I can't get with you on Vanessa Marcil (I saw her since the beginning, and even though she could be a colossal, narcissistic idiot, I still loved her! But I completely agree about Sam. I have watched her since her first scene and I truly don't think there has ever been a scene that I have liked her in. Ever. Poor Alexis, saddled with two waste's of daughters (the youngest was a baby when I bailed, hoped she turned out ok).


    Natalie made me turn off the remote whenever she came on a scene. When they hooked her up with John (?) and her never-ending whining and his brooding (seriously, I worried for the actor at times. You know when you're a kid and your mom says don't make that face or it'll get stuck like that- that was my concern)!! Of course, while Michael Easton had chemistry with Renee Goldsberry I think that was mostly her since it never seemed to be repeated on his end.

    • Love 2
  10. Catching up on some Rizzoli and Isles reminds me that...

    I didn't mind Jane being pregnant. It was interesting. And I don't thik a baby ruins a show.

    I liked Casey. 

    I like when the show is about more than Jane and Maura (Maura can get on my nerves anyway, though Mama Rizzoli can be a bit much.

    I miss Frost (not an UO, but I still do).



    I may be one of the five people in the US who hasn't watched seen Jaws


        We need to find the other 3 and have a party.



    I'm one!  Only two more and a party, you say...I'm always up for a party!.


    I'm in (but I've also never seen any Star Wars so I tend to be a bit of an odd duck). I don't get the shark appeal. Completely baffles me.

    • Love 1

    Billie's issue seems more about the fact that 1) Adam never told her about suppressing evidence, and 2) how that jeopardizes both of them.  Yeah, she got self-righteous about the law, but Billie strikes me as self-aware.  She well knows the Zales are into some shady stuff, so I perceive her conflict with Adam is around trust (he's made and making decisions without her), and not covering his (and subsequently her) ass.  It would seem she's done that for him.  Because I sincerely believe she might have helped find a way around the evidence all those years ago, even while technically not "suppressing" it.  I suspect she's the better attorney, but I said in the last thread that she's more morally ambiguous than Adam is.  I like her character, and I like how Nia plays her.

    Completely agree. What I really like about how Billie is written (or at least how I'm perceiving her) is that she is morally ambiguous, but she seems to have, and know, where her line is, and why, or at least who, she's wiling to push it for. I'm not sure Adam knows that about himself. I think that's why she's so pissed with  him. It is about the trust. You're right, she probably is the better lawyer, both in skill and self-awareness.


    Ugh, like so many others, Christine is just the least interesting thing about this show. Even the dead guy is more interesting than her. The other characters are multi-layered and then there Christine is, like every stereotype crusader rolled into one. I think this may have been one of my favorite episodes because she really wasn't in it that much.


    I'm really into this show. Gotta say, I haven't looked forward to a new episode of a show in a while (Justified S1). Got a new one this summer.

    • Love 1
  13. So far I disagree with pretty much everything the judges have said tonight. The only thing good about that Sonia Taig number was Zach. It's Sonia Taig, so half my brain switches off (oh look, another angst filled dance that has nothing to do with what they just explained it's about), and as much as I'm rooting for Jacque (mainly because I want more ballet), she just was not good. But goth with Beyonce? Who would have thought?


    ETA: ...and sorry Nigel, I've thought the men have been outperforming the women for a few seasons now.

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  14. Someone mentioned The Golden Girls and it reminded me... I can not stand that show. And apparently I'm from a generation who is supposed to love it (Gen X). I truly do not know anyone my age who dislikes this show. It's like it's rainbows and puppys and unicorns and I am un-American and evil by not liking it.


    Also, I;m a huge SYTYC fan and I can't even remember Danny Tidwell. So he must not have made a big impression.

    • Love 2
  15. I really liked the ballerina judge. She seemed to have an appreciation for multiple styles and her criticism was well articulated and succinct.


    The only time I was in real disagreement with the judges was, and I can't remember her name, the woman in one of the early hip hop dances. I think she was wearing a blue top. She was horrible!!  And they seemed to think that she was great even if it wasn't her style.  Oh jeez she was bad.




    I didn't think that routine was nearly as bad as Nigel made it out to be and if he had to criticize someone he should have criticized the idiot choreographer who thought it would be a good idea to have dancers perform while wrapped in 30 feet of phone cord.

    I actually thought Nigel made it fairly clear that his issue was primarily with the choreography.  I would imagine it's rather difficult to criticize a choreographer, who is not in the competition, while still remaining somewhat diplomatic and not pissing them off (though they should be able to take criticism if they are in anyway mature). I mean he can't just straight up tell them "Hey the choreography blew and you did the best you could.) even if I may want them to say exactly that (particularly with NappyTabs).

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