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callie lee 29

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Posts posted by callie lee 29

  1. 1 hour ago, kiddo82 said:

    It's freezing out so here's a hot take.  I don't think the Peloton ad is bad as it's been made out to be.  Cheesy?  Yes.  Mockable?  Absolutely.  Elitist?  Duh.  That's kind of their brand.*  But not this awful microcosm of sexism and patriarchy.  Like most things in today's viral world, it probably started as being (rightfully) mocked by a select few on the twitter and then the cavalcade joined in and now it's a thing.  

    *No offense intended to anyone who may own one, but the ads do seem to have a target audience.  

    Same. Like all the Peloton ads it's ridiculous and checks all the elitist tags but level of vitriol its getting is over the top. And the posts I've seen about the woman is really screaming for help, she's in a cult, it's distopian, it's the exercise version of the Handmaid's Tale...  no it's not. 

    I never thought I'd be defending the uber-pretentious Peloton but here I am. Sigh...

    • Love 7
  2. On 11/26/2019 at 7:37 PM, biakbiak said:

    What are everyone else’s plans?

    Nothing big, just going to a restaurant with a friend. A little early (3:30) for us but that's the latest everyone was open. Friday I'm doing takeout Indian food, wine, and movies with another friend. 

    • Love 1
  3. I know it's been mentioned before but I think even CBS forgot about CSI: NY.  I used to have CBS All Access and they didn't have it (had the other two and even 1 season and done shows) - never got a response the two times I emailed them. Oh well. I cancelled it soon after. 

    I also wish WINGS was on somewhere. I got in a half hour long discussion with a bartender at a restaurant I go to regularly. We both understood the awesomeness of WINGS, Joe & Helen, and lamented it not being available anywhere (except CBS All Access).

  4. On 11/20/2019 at 1:48 PM, Minneapple said:

    Amy Sherman-Palladino and Aaron Sorkin write dialogue like this all the time. Amy's scripts for Gilmore GIrls were said to be 60 pages longer than the script for an average hourlong drama, just because there were so many words crammed in there, probably a lot of them repetitious!

    Aaron Sorkin (when I love, mostly) is horrible for this. 

    • Love 1
  5. Welp, I’m back to hating Darlene again. Everything I disliked about her in the original show is in full form again. What I really want to know though is where the fuck is Bev in all of this. I fully think she knew exactly what she was doing when she put Darlene as her power of attorney instead of Jackie. Jackie definitely has her issues but she saved enough money from trucking (and a lawsuit it seems) to live on her own and support her mom while the old bag was “destitute”. Bev is and always been a shitty parent to both Roseanne and Jackie.

    And on a side note, who would have thought that DJ would be the “successful” kid? Doesn’t live with Dan, raising his daughter on his own house , and seems to be self-sufficient (or at least mostly). Doing better than either of his sisters.

    • Love 20
  6. 1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

    I don't know if this would be considered a UO but I wish that show runners and fans (like myself sometimes) would get that there are shows that can run for 5-7 seasons, shows that can run for maybe 2-3 seasons and shows that should only run one season.   I think about some of the new shows I'm watching:

    I like Emergence, but I can't see it lasting more than one season.  There is a little girl at the center of it and next year she's going to look a lot older.  How will they explain that (the same thing happened with Walt on "Lost.")

    I can see Prodigal Son lasting for a few seasons unless it gets too off the rails the way Hannibal did in its last season.

    I like Stumptown but if Dex doesn't change somewhat, the show will get silly for me, I mean how many times can she get the shit kicked out of her?

    I liked Empire the first season, but it got silly after the third season.  How many times will the Lyon Empire be in danger?  

    The first two seasons of Prison Break were great, but after that...I didn't like.  

    Agree. I think the type of show influences this a lot. A show like The Good Place is going to be hard to maintain over a lot of seasons. The premise is unique enough that after a while it's just not sustainable. On the other hand a show like Modern Family is not exactly groundbreaking tv. Sure there are elements of it that are/were but at it's core it's a family-based sitcom. In my admittedly UO, Modern Family isn't really any worse or better than when it began, it's just an 11 year old show that's old. I came into the show very late, just a couple of seasons ago, and ended up watching most of the series within a few months. They're isn't any difference between the latest episodes than the S1-2 that I watched earlier this year. Cam is still an ass to Mitch and they have a semi-toxic relationship, Gloria still screaches, Hayley is still an idiot, and Clair is still uptight. They are all caricatures and tropes that last.  Some shows have a premise that lasts longer, some don't. Just the way it is.

    • Love 2
  7. 1 hour ago, SoMuchTV said:

    Overall very sweet, so I guess I can overlook the 4-month-old, 12-pound "preemie".  Who was so cute, by the way.

    Okay, so I don't know much about newborns, except for holding the random baby when my friends have given birth, but that kid liked way to big to be a preemie to me. At some point it's like they thought if they kept saying it, then we'll just ignore the obvious. 

    I really wish they would include DJ and Mary in the show more. I mean if we switch them out for Harris it's like a 2 for 1 deal. (Although I'm glad someone called Darlene out on her David/Ben bullshit).

    • Love 15
  8. 10 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

    I hate peppers in any form/color.  And, no, you can’t “just pick them out”.  The flavor taints the whole dish.

    My mother always liked to put peppers in things “for color”.  Who cares about the color, when you are ruining the taste?

    The same applies for putting coffee in chocolate desserts. No, it doesn’t enhance the flavor of the chocolate; it ruins it.

    This is timely as I am reading this and eating a quesadilla from dinner or on Saturday. I hadn't touched it yet so I just heated it up at work, bit in and found to my utter horror it contains green peppers. And yeah that is all I taste.

  9. Finally watched. And like everyone else Harris  is still highly annoying. I don't know if it's the acting choices, the character in general, or just the way they are writing her, but dear lord please just get her off the screen. Can they deport her in exchange for Daddy Dishwasher? I liked him. 

    I don't mind the love triangle. I do feel bad for Ben as he seems like a nice guy, but I think Darlene and David are endgame, especially with Galecki seemingly free now that Big Bang is over.

    And I'm with Jackie. Don't name that baby after the evil that is Beverly!! 

    • Love 10
  10. 22 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

    Oh, and while I'm at it, I don't give a fuck about Steven Universe.  Or Rick and Morty.  Or Adventure Time.  Or Spongebob Squarepants.  Or The Transformers way back in the 80s.

    Omfg, I was ready to shoot my TV if I heard that damn Steven Universe song one more time this weekend. Creepy fucking kid.  And Rick is an asshole. (I have no opinion on the other two.)

    My big UO, I don't really get the love for Netflix. Other than Taylor Swift concerts and the occasional Queer Eye I just find it exhausting. Most of the time I came really find anything interesting or they simply don't have it. I keep starting and stopping my subscription and everyone thinks I'm nuts 

    • Love 2
  11. On 8/20/2019 at 1:33 PM, aquarian1 said:

    We got our full forum back., so this thread has been renamed.  As with prior seasons, the season number is different in each source - some say season 7, some say 15.  To keep with prior naming conventions we went with the larger number.  Carry on.

    Yay! I'm catching up on my episodes waiting for Dorian to figure out what it's doing and saw that the show wasn't in my forum homepage anymore! Had a little moment. 

    • Love 1
  12. 49 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I agree. I recall the murders from childhood, but, it wasn't until I was a teen that the details came out more.  The movie, Helter Skelter came on tv and even though I only watched a few portions, it terrified me.  I felt haunted by Tate/LaBianca murders for most of my life. Manson was like the Boogie Man to me.  It wasn't until many years later that I actually was able to view it with more objectivity and see Manson and his co-horts as the low life murders they were.  Not some kind of super human being, mythical, magical figure, but, mean, criminally minded, cold hearted, violent, selfish murderers. 

    The area where the Tate murders occurred, seemed to carry some folklore about it.  Visitors came, as you will know Brattinella, to gawk at the gate to the estate. There are a couple of foot tours that those who took the walk have posted on You Tube.  This is was BEFORE the place was torn down and completely rebuilt.  The street going up to the gate looks the same though and the light pole is still in the same spot from old photos.  I did read the house number was changed as well.  

    Has anyone seen the new movie with Brad Pitt and Dicaprio?  Supposedly, someone in the movie is portraying Sharon Tate.  Isn't it a comedy? How does that work?  It's called Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.  I still have a fascination with Hollywood, so, I may check it out. 

    It's Margot Robbie playing Tate. I think she is the neighbor of DiCaprio's character. Apparently Sharon's sister loaned the movie jewelry and/or clothing of Sharon's for Robbie to use. 

    • Love 3
  13. I just binged the first 6 episodes and Butcher is about to make me quit. I don't think I can take much more of his sanctimonious bullshit. At this point I'm not sure there's much difference between him and Homelander.

    • Love 2
  14. 21 hours ago, Archery said:

    For many of us, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood was calm, not boring.  We found acceptance for a half hour from a gentle man who did not care that we were brown, or disabled, or just girls.  He addressed issues and fears great (assassination) and small (disappearing down the bathtub drain) while confirming that we were not stupid or damaged for being afraid in the first place.  He was steady, reliable routine in a time of war and political chaos.  Even the best of children's television at the time could be sneakily mean (see: Sesame Street), but the Neighborhood was a place where some of us could go and know that neither we, nor anyone like us, would ever be picked on.  YMMV. 

    This so much. I was born in 1975, probably the perfect age for the show. Mr. Rogers was pretty much the only "real" show that showed me a calm, safe, caring home (that want a made up the show with actors), something that I and few of my friends had. When Fred Rogers died I cried harder than when my dad died. 

    • Love 19
  15. 1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

    Glad I'm not the only one not enamored by her lipsticks. I did buy a few from her site—and they're sitting in my drawer, too. However, I was suckered into buying that lipstick that was glittery based on all those posts on IG that made the product look like it did amazing things. It didn't. Luckily, I purchased it from Sephora where I was able to return it a few days later. I also returned a highlighter palette of hers I purchased from Sephora, too. Was underwhelmed with how they performed. The best highlighter I've ever used? Wet n Wild MegaGlow Highlighting Powder. That stuff is the bomb and it costs less than $8 and will last forever.

    I received a sample of the La Prairie Essence-in-Foundation with an order I got from Nordstrom. Came with a cute little applicator. The coverage was OK so I looked it up online only to find out that shit costs $205!!! That's just outrageous.

    I have one of the blitztrance I like. It's kind of bronzy. All the rest are a no go. They are not good unless one has very full lips.

  16. Well I caved and got the Fenty foundation (shade 150 - neutral). I was going to waih for Pat McGrath at the end of the week but I'm not crazy about her return policy (nor the very expensive lip products that are sitting in a drawer unused except for the initial try it on moment). Hopefully I don't have the same issues others seemed to have that was mentioned above.  

    Honestly the best foundation I've ever used was Cover Girl Clean in creamy natural. Great color and application but I became weirdly sensitive to the smell of it in the past few years. 

  17. On 7/15/2019 at 9:21 AM, funky-rat said:

    It's half and half.  If you don't have a lot of buildup, then it works pretty well.  Mix it, spray it, and hose it down a day or two later.  If it's been building up, or comes on fast (ours gets green quickly if it's been wet/humid out), it still helps loosen it up.  A hose might work, but you might need something a little stronger.  My dad's personal pressure washer had no issue getting it off - no need to call a "professional" to come in and do it with super high powered machinery.

    Thanks. It's pretty humid where I'm at (central FL) so I might give it a try. I'll borrow my friends pressure washer as back up.

  18. 12 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

    I'm the one who originally mentioned the stuff, and I was talking about the "Shower" version.  I don't know if there's anything special about mobile home showers, but mine's a 70's-80's era, one piece (vinyl, or fiberglass, maybe?) with glass doors, and it works great for me with no scrubbing.

    I think @funky-rat was the one who mentioned the outdoor version for mobile homes.  I've used it on a wooden deck and a concrete driveway.  It made a little difference but not dramatic.  They weren't too bad to begin with, though.  You can see tons of reviews (& pictures) online.

    Ahh, sorry about that. I'd. like to blame my phone but I can't . Just me not paying attention!

    • LOL 2
  19. On 7/2/2019 at 6:33 PM, SoMuchTV said:

    Okay, this isn't what you asked but I'm going to tell you anyway 🙂  Get something called Wet and Forget Shower.  I find it at the big box hardware stores.  It's like $20 for a big jug that lasts me at least 6 months.  You spray it on once a week after the last shower of the day.  Rinse it off the next morning.  No scrubbing AT ALL.  It took a few weeks but all of a sudden I realized that some of the grime that I thought was permanent had disappeared.

    I've never actually seen it advertised though.  I saw someone mention it on another forum I follow, so I'm passing on the favor.

    I too love in a mobile home, does it work on build up of grime? Without a pressure washer or a lot of scrubbing?

    • Love 1
  20. On 6/27/2019 at 11:16 PM, Silver Raven said:

    Our internet is through our landline phone service.

    I get my internet through CentruyLink. They are also the landline service in  my area, though I do not get that (cell only through Verizon).  You should check to see if the provider of cable in your area also internet only.  I was going to do that with Spectrum but the internet is spotty on my road.

  21. 12 hours ago, Blergh said:

    Actually, you brought up an somewhat different UO for me re that show: I often thought it a bit lame that,to recall the time of the crimes, they'd play one of Casey Kasem's Top Ten songs from that year when oftentimes the victims/perps were of either of an older age or demographic of a 'typical' fan of the Top Ten. It's not that I (as a viewer) wasn't entertained by hearing the songs but I just thought they didn't really fit the persons- much less the events leading up  to the  crimes depicted.

       The copyright issues of WKRP  over the music rights were already well-known by the time Cold Case debuted so I truly believe the latter PTB somewhat needlessly shot themselves in the their collective feet via including Top Ten material for the original broadcast! 

    Somewhat related. I still get tickets if everyone I watch one of my Married with Children DVD's and I don't hear Frank Sinatra opening up the show.

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