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  1. And thats exactly my point in this whole convo. As a writer you dont write such a heavy scene between two main characters only to ignore the aftermath and leave viewers assume it was lowkey resolved off screen. You unintentionally make it look like Oliver doesnt care for her when the scene you wrote gave the opportunity to highlight exactly the opposite. But in the show there was no pay off to such a big scene and the dynamic was eventually tainted even more despite the actors doing some decent job in the scene because the later interactions of the characters during the rest of the season were meh and Oliver wasnt shown to struggle at all with their big fight. I get that it wasnt his first priority but the show had enough time to show him sleep with Sara so im sure there was time to show him a little bit concerned with how he talked to Laurel. The way this played out,it just seemed like he didnt care at all and was only just done with her which many fans believed and hated Laurel even more after that scene. I never liked Laurel but im just saying,the dynamic was tainted a lot and every time a nice opportunity was given to highlight their care or love for each other(the so called tough love some fans claim that existed)it all fell flat because after their ugly scenes there was no pay off at all and zero struggle shown. You think there was really tough love there? Honestly.
  2. Again this isnt about Laurel and how she is perceived by fans,or how you were fed up with her,this is about how Oliver looked based on what was presented on screen and how him showing apathy after that ugly fight and the way he talked to her at the dinner wasnt tough love but no love at all. My poin has nothing to do with whether or not Laurel needed to hear it. You simply dont treat like this someone that you deeply care about when they are in such a vulnerable state of mind. I get that fans who didnt like the dynamic(me included) didnt care at all but for those who loved the dynamic and claimed that these type of scenes were Oliver showing tough love to Laurel,my point is that there was no love at all with this type of attitude cause this is simply not how tough love works.
  3. This scene would have appeared as "tough love" if there were following scenes showing Oliver struggling with it or being concerned with how things turned out or even regretting his behavior at dinner(this isnt about how viewers feel or whether a fan hates or loves Laurel so its not about us being happy she was put in her place or whatever,its about the show presenting Oliver a certain way when it comes to certain people and how this defines their dynamics). Whether he had a right to be frustrated at her or not,he acted like an asshole at this dinner especially considering her condition. Yet its the way things were handled afterwards that made it seem more like he was tired of her and couldnt care less. As a writer you dont just write such a "heavy" harsh scene only to ignore the aftermath and "resolve" it later with a lame scene that viewers wont even remember. Yes Oliver told her things she needed to hear but then he left and didnt even bother to deal with it afterwards(its like this scene had an affect on Laurel but not on Oliver who, from what i recall ,moved on completely ). When people are sick ,they are the ones that fist and foremost need to understand they need to get help. Thats true. However when people we care about get sick(like her drug addiction) we dont abandon them even if we are harsh at times. We dont just wait for them to get better,we help them until they get better. Even when it gets ugly and even when we are forced to be harsh on them. After 2x14 Oliver didnt seem to bother at all with her and only did when she approached him first. Yes she was mainly responsible for getting better but Oliver acting like this in this scene and showing apathy afterwards was not love at all because thats not how someone acts when they care for a person who is in such a mental state probably at their lowest point of life.
  4. Yeah he was an asshole knowing that she had a drinking problem and yet acting like this while dating her sister in front of her. Not gonna lie,this type of scenes can provide the opportunity for nice angst betweem two characters but since this is arrow and the writers only manage to taint dynamics by writing scenes and giving them almost zero pay off instead of building to something meaningful and cathartic,it eventually came off weird and ruined this dynamic even more(as if the toxic background and the anti chemistry werent enough). After this episode, Oliver and Laurel were almost strangers for the most part of s2 and eventually the few scenes they shared towards the end of the season were mediocre at best(both writing and acting but i blame the writing for the most part) and instead of having the viewers feel like this dynamic was being honored by giving a nice closure to the fights and the "ugly" tension they had in 2x14,it seemed more like the writers moved on, ignoring what could and should have been a nice way of highlighting the dynamic between these two characters. In orther words,what im trying to say here is that i think the script unintentionally made it seem like Oliver didnt care at all for Laurel because he abandoned her at the lowest point of her life with zero struggle being shown after 2x14 thus pushing the idea that he couldnt care less about her. They did give a cheap closure to their seasons 1-3 storyline in 4x05 but that was just a filler episode and didnt seem meaningful at all since after that their dynamic was almost non existent up until the episodes towards Laurel's death that they suddenly became besties,talking about personal stuff out of nowhere.
  5. She was literally begging for them to reply negatively so she could cry about how awful the olicity fandom is. She wrote about 15 ships on her "article" yet she only used the olicity hashtag to gain traffic and draw attetnion. Her tweet had 0 likes for 20 hours in a row and once olicity fans started replying to her thus giving her importance, she suddenly started getting likes and RTs from Westallen and Laurel fans who stalk olicity accounts. Sometimes apathy is the best way to deal with these type of people.
  6. His comment kinda proves to me that the 100th episode wanted to push this exact idea,no matter how much of an alien induced dream it was. Taking into consideration Davids comment about how people can have both Olicity and Lauriver(not his exact words),i strongly believe the 100th was meant to fan service a specific group of people,to please them in a way without even making their ship endgame. It did however make them more vocal and fed the idea that L/O were meant to be. Very typical for cw to ship bait fans even after characters die. lol
  7. This guy Russ needs to stop using olicity for clickbait. He doesnt get to talk about Olicity being toxic considering he is a GA/BC fanboy. Worst part is Guggie values this guy's opinions judging by his twitter account.
  8. Thats a fine example of someone who doesnt give a frack about the show and whats presented on screen and wants their comic canon ship forced no matter what. Id suggest these comic canon shippers go and read a fanfic about Lauriver insted of asking for dellusional and irrational headcanons to be made into show canon(The irony is that these are probably the same people that jump to scream "soap opera" and "fanservice" whenever the show writes for olicity,a show canon established dynamic since season 1).
  9. The arrow spoiler tv people were always in favor of KC so i wasnt surprised by his boring Qs about BS and the lame love triangle.
  10. I didnt count them but saw a tweet saying there were 5 Qs asked. Very few.
  11. Well its not like people got to ask questions.
  12. Why are some people saying on around the internet that the season finale is leaked? Does anyone know anything?
  13. Well,that doesnt make him less of a biased comic fanboy. He will defend his fave dc shows no matter what.
  14. He is no genius. More like a very biased comic fanboy that pretends to know stuff and end ups sharing a similar mindset with those he is criticizing. p.s can someone tell me how i can delete a post of mine? I mean is there a way?
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