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17 Good
  1. The whole suicide by cop plot is an insult to both Stefano & JM, they deserved better than to be used as a barely thought out plot device to spring Hope for prison. Friday's scenes with Dario were the first time I was actively interested in Abby and saw a spark with her. Not necessarily a spark with Dario, but one with her. I like a bit of angst as much as the next person, but since Abby got back I feel like I'm od'ing on angst.
  2. I'm having a hard time figuring out if I'm supposed to be rooting for Lucas or Justin cause right now I think they're both tools. Also, gotta say, in their defense, not really sure what they see in Adrienne either. Lord, please someone save Sonny from this mediocre storyline hell. I fondly remember when he was one of my favorite Days characters and now I cringe whenever he's onscreen. It doesn't help he's stuck in relationship purgatory with someone he has no passion or chemistry with. So far I'm liking MM as the NuAbby, but still couldn't care less about Abby. Not to mention I find it ridiculous that they're writing her as finding it incredulous that anyone would be upset with her for faking her own death. Like seriously, Abby, you broke your family's heart and you're surprised they might be a little upset with you or that Thomas would be uncomfortable around you. I see they found Rafe a way to be even more sanctimonious by pairing him with the holier-than-thou Hope Brady. The more they try to write Hope's killing Stefano as some noble act the more I hope she spends the rest of her life in jail. The only bright side for me were the Chad & Kate scenes and the JJ & Gabi scenes. It's no secret I like both Chad/Gabi & JJ/Gabi, so I'm good there either way. I second this so much. Erase all that nonsense. While we're at it erase Ben altogether or at least not turn him into a lunatic.
  3. The more I see of Chad & Gabi, the more I like them together. With Abby, it's always so angsty & that gets tiring after awhile.
  4. My UP is watching Sonny & Paul is like watching paint dry. Hell, watching Paul is like watching paint dry. My second UP is I couldn't care less about Abby when she was played by Mansi and so far I'm not bowled over by the new girl.
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