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Purple Hyatt

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Everything posted by Purple Hyatt

  1. Anyone else grossed out that Claire had to put in Derek's contacts for him??
  2. They have a youtube channel (where they just started doing recaps) and it's 100% them. They are great! Lots of BTS with other racers too. https://www.youtube.com/@croquetachat
  3. Hey...wasn't the shooter the same guy who killed Robb Starks wife??
  4. Same. Also rolled my eyes at the GMs office with the view of Wrigley. I know they have to show that they're in Chicago, but still... Though I did like that the GM was named "Ted".
  5. Mike wants to go to the Cubs? They already have 3 catchers. smh
  6. Cubs fan here...Cubs tied with Pirates back in September. Cubs already clinched and Pittsburgh was out of the race. http://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2016/09/29/cubs-pirates-tie-game-rainout
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