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Posts posted by ch1

  1. Malucci was on thin ice for making a wrong call on a heart patient (with Chen’s help) that resulted in the patient dying.  He then got caught by Weaver having sex with an EMT in an ambulance.  When Weaver fired him he tried asking for his job back but when Weaver wouldn’t relent he called her “a Nazi dyke” and stormed out of the ER.  It was a cheap way to write him out.

    • Love 2
  2. If anyone is just watching the broadcast episodes on Ovation do yourself a favor and watch it from Ovation on demand.  They have the unedited episodes up by Wednesday after the episodes air.  They cut out some good stuff.

    • Love 1
  3. 41 minutes ago, kathy42977 said:

    And I can already see a Carter/Abby/Luka triangle coming and I'm not looking forward to it. I absolutely HATE triangles. All it means is episode after episode of two guys who could have been great friends snapping at each other. And they could have been great friends but they can't because they are "in love" with the same woman.

    I would love if just once both guys could just say to hell with it and go out and have a beer or something.

    After the season 10 episode where Carter got a kiss from Luka for going back for him I would have shipped those two.  Talk about two guys screwed in the love department.

    • Love 4
  4. 6 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    I think they rushed into giving Carter a storyline, once it became clear that Maria Bello wasn't coming back. So instead of continuing their flirtation, perhaps with the added stakes of her ex-boyfriend hanging around, they had to come up with something new. And figured that trying to make Carter then new Benton, but this time with added sexual tension for his student, was the way to go. And it kind of made sense that Carter would use some of Benton's 'tough love' tactics on his first real med student, but it didn't make for a fun character trait. 

    I didn't mind Lucy, but again, her self righteous challenging of everything Carter taught her was far more heavy handed than when Carter had railed against his own mentor. I was actually interested in the idea of them getting together, once he was no longer teaching her (hey, it was apparently fine for Doug and Luka to sleep with med students, after all), but it was not to be. Instead, we got Carter/Abby/Luka, which was so much worse than anything else could have been.


    On rewatching Lucy was so beyond annoying to me that I got why Carter was such an ass to her.

    The writers tried so hard to make sexual tension between them that it just turned me off.  And they definitely lost me with Lucy mentioning how much sex her grandparents had.  I mean hit me over the head a little harder.

    She was bearable right before they killed her.  Go figure.

    • Love 3
  5. 13 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

    Well, I do remember she did eventually slip up as there was some cross-over episode with Third Watch and Susan having to race to New York after a frantic message on her answering machine from Susie...

    But, overall, I agree. And I was always perplexed why the show brought Susan back since the writers then on staff had no idea of her characterization, didn't seem to care as long as it made Abby look good (my take only), and then just sort of lost interest in her.

    They lost Anthony Edwards and Eric LaSalle that season so I think it was basically hoping to not lose fans by adding an old face. I did like her being back that season even though it did go to shit.

    • Love 2
  6. I have a hard time imagining either of them playing AJ since AJ is treated with such contempt no matter who is writing and in charge of the show.

    Plus, SK was perfectly fine as AJ and they chose to screw him over . I have no desire to watch an unnecessary recast so even though I like AJ I still wouldn't watch.

    And the idea of Sonny and Jason again??  Just no. 

    • Love 4
  7. What did I miss that Scarlett seems to act like she has a gun to her head to stay with Gunner?  What did he do to her?   She's acting like she is in some kind of forced marriage.

    The writers also need to give Gunner some damn pride.  I'm not seeing anything that makes me understand why he wants to stay with someone who treats him like shit.

    • Love 8
  8. Secrets and Lies didn't do any of the characters any favors.  Carter especially.  Susan and Abby were gross for laughing when Carter said he lost his virginity at 11 to his maid.  It's like the writers decided to write these 30ish year old characters as teenagers which didn't work for me.  I hate that episode.

    • Love 7
  9. I can't believe they brought Deacon back just to throw him in prison.  I guess I should be glad they didn't kill him.  That's GH's way of screwing SK.  Bell's seems to be to not treat him like an actor worthy of story.  I like how he says you don't want to give Deacon too much story.  What about A story? The man has been nothing but a prop since he came back 3 years ago.  I have never seen an actor so screwed before.  I don't think I would care if SK wasn't actually entertaining to watch and someone who actually adds something to scenes.  

    • Love 6
  10. 3 minutes ago, tessaray said:

    They made a point of mentioning that Deacon was helping out by running some parts of Quinn's jewelry business after they were a real couple living together. Not saying that he doesn't like wealthy women but he and Quinn seemed like real partners there for a while.

    They also showed him cooking for her.  Deacon wasn't earning a paycheck but he did take care of her crazy ass.  IMO they had to cheapen Deacon and Quinn to sell the future great loves of Quinn's life...how many have there been??

    • Love 8
  11. 5 hours ago, tessaray said:

    What a waste of Sean Kanan.  It probably wasn't the intent of the writers but I was totally #teamDeacon watching this episode.  

    Of course, it might be that I am still a little bitter that they ignored a goldmine of stories by letting almost everything that happened between Quinn and Deacon happen off screen.  I do love Queric but it wasn't Liam who was the catalyst for the better (?) person that Quinn is today - it was Deacon who first accepted her just as she was.  That was the turning point for Quinn. (IMO, YMMV, and all that.) 

    Still, SK, y'all.  I love seeing him on my screen.  

    I think this is why I will never root for Quinn.  They had to rewrite what was on screen to sell her woe is me story.

    • Love 6
  12. 8 minutes ago, SingerIslander said:

    As I see it, the rush is because who shot at Quinn was never the story, though for a week, the audience thought it was.  The goal appears to be for Quinn to be redeemed, Ridge and Quinn to continue to develop real feelings for each other, and Sheila to enter the mix of a very strange quadrangle, with Eric as the fourth side.  Stunt casting with Sean Kanan and even Kimberlin Brown was to get people talking, but a shooting mystery was never the focus of the story.  It was a lure for the audience to tune in.  I'll be very curious to see how ratings are for last week, this week, and the week to come.  A one or two-week jump in ratings is nice if it happens, but can it be sustained?          

    So Sean Kanan was brought back once again to be a prop.  What a waste.  

    • Love 8
  13. 1 hour ago, voiceover said:

    Exciting BINGO card find: Randolph Mantooth as one of the policemen at the school shooting (I double-checked IMDb to be sure).  He was the co-lead on Emergency! (about EMT techs & firemen) which -- for all of you born after me -- was ER before there was ER.

    Saturday nights when I was a kid.  And boy, I had a crush on him.

    I had really stopped watching around now.  No Carol, Doug, or Lucy, and Carter on the downward slide from "optimistic cheerful doc" to "brooding self-pitying soap opera".  

    I'll pass.

    I got to agree about Carter.  It seems the guy never got a break.  Right up to the end of the series.  Would it have killed the writers to give him some kind of happy ending?  Instead he got Kem and a dead baby.

    • Love 3
  14. 2 hours ago, slasherboy said:

    Thanks for this, but I was wondering, specifically, what the initials "M" and "k" and the numbers "1" and "2" stood for.  

    I remember extremely detesting Abby Lockhart.

    I don't think I would have hated Abby so much if the writers didn't revolve the show and Carter around her.  

    I also hate the fact that they had Luka and Carter in a pissing contest over her instead of building a friendship between them. Wasted opportunities there.

    • Love 2
  15. 3 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    I'm confused - this Samira is Edward's maybe illegitimate daughter from a time he ran away from the Qs?? Alrightey then. So how many children did Edward have from affairs?? There was the son from Mary Mae Ward, who died, a Jimmie Lee Holt, and others? Is Holt alive? Who was his mother? 

    Why are they still giving Edward kids when characters like Ned and AJ are old enough to be grandfathers themselves?

    • Love 7
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