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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCqfqVFZxxU Great video of the Halloween Halftime by former DCC Loren. (only the second half)
  2. @ShellyB Any update on the new dance studio at the Star? You think we'll get a tour/at least a glimpse of it? :D
  3. Maggie and Mandy are first years, they also took Mandy and Kelly Q to Oxnard earlier this season. Probably just availability.
  4. We could go back and forth all day about why so and so didn't go on tour, but all of these girls have lives outside of DCC and I think it's a bit much to say that they'd expect the girls to put school aside for this. Maybe they're letting the girls have a week off with the away game and some are visiting families? I know Madeline is headed back to Utah for a workshop she's doing at some point. From our view we see "trip to Italy" but on their end there's so much that goes in to that. If they're performing it could fall on who was able to practice with showgroup the most, has the time off work, or who has a passport (which can take up to 3 months to get depending).
  5. I wonder if his girlfriend knows this...
  6. For those wondering, 8 girls on the USO tour this year: Melissa, Lacey, Jaclyn, Megan, Amy T, Jen K, Robin, Maggie.
  7. On the website it says she's at community college and plans to transfer to a state school. I think she plans on majoring in Marketing or Communications? That's pretty much what they all go for really.
  8. Well then I really hope Holly's is just here say. Girls got too much potential to throw it away, and there are so many reasons girls don't go on USO tours. Im still amazed these girls find time to even date or be married. Major props. Between work/school, dance practice (isn't it like 4-5 hours a day?!), and finding personal time I don't know how they do it. And then factor in a player's schedule? Girl has to have a time turner or some hocus pocus magic to fit him in.
  9. Can't remember where I saw/heard it, but they're not taking a USO tour in December this year, so this is the only one. As for the dating rumors, I sincerely hope it's not true. I just don't see Jenna or Holly breaking the rules like that. If so than KJ have a big problem on their hands with girls getting lax on the rules. Crossing fingers that it's false, I really wanna see Holly and even Jenna (if she goes for 6) back next year.
  10. CAN be but won't be, I think it was Jennifer who mentioned in one of their FB live chats that they're expected to maintain their rookie year weight (or just not go to far above it) so that they don't have make adjustments like that. The fact that she's spilling out of her rookie shorts should be evident by now to K&J.
  11. They are in movement so it could appear worse than it really is, but Megan and Amy still look out of shape by DCC standards in recent pictures too. Le sigh. I wish their standards weren't as such so we wouldn't be programmed to think like this. They're beautiful ladies.
  12. Hm, wonder what happened. She was at practice earlier this week. edit: looks like it's not serious. She's on the field for practice today.
  13. For the lazy people like me who hate scrolling :D
  14. Just search for NBC 5 Dallas, scroll down a bit since they're a news station and post a ton. It's 24 minutes long or so.
  15. I really enjoyed that! If they can't make the season longer, at least give us a glimpse of what practices actually look like without editing. It was interesting to see blocking and who really leads the choreography (Jenna and Jennifer). We also got to see the first half of the routine at the end. I also spotted only 36 girls, someone may need to count after me to be sure. Wonder who's out?
  16. Who knew people could make such judgments out of one photo and 2 inches of stomach showing.
  17. If they're going to continue to do those BTS videos I'd highly suggest they leave out those shots of the girls looking directly in the camera with "come hither" looks. Screams porn intro and doesn't help their situation with all those creeper fans. I've noticed a few girls have made their instagrams private again. The last thing they need is another stalker issue.
  18. (Sorry for the double post.) Jennifer is one of the gems of the week, and along with being obnoxiously photoshopped they seemed to miss the bottom half of her leg..
  19. Just sent in my response, anxious to see if this will lead to improvements for next season! Major points I hinted at: less/no more Rycroft and instead bringing back alumni as mentors or guest judges. Less filler stuff ( staged mentoring sessions, bleh) and more studio time instead. I'd love for them to show one on ones with rookies and veterans again. More showgroup, and then of course... EXTEND THE SEASON. Gameday is just as interesting, if not more than training camp. Kthanks CMT.
  20. Boots, though I doubt they'd let her keep them since alumni don't get to. She probably had to return them later.
  21. Simone...I want to like her but she just seems flaky to me. Crying during squad photo? I was expecting someone died... Maybe I'm being snarky, but missing a friend's wedding is something you'd probably known for awhile and not cry worthy during one of the happiest days for the team (especially rookies). Didn't she barely make it last year? And then injured herself in a yoga class which led to missing a game...meh. Get it together girl.
  22. This episode was prime example of why the show needs to be longer. I had to watch it twice just to process everything. K&J, the phrases "world class", "out of time", and "lots of mistakes" are forever banned from here on out. We get it, find a thesaurus. Amy and Kyndall cut...just rip my heart out and stomp on it with your boots. That's how it felt. I don't look at the "bad" traits of each girl. Honestly I try to root for whoever comes through that door in training camp, it's so hard to watch. I couldn't be the one to deliver bad news, so props to KJ. Kelsey I swear to God you better come back next year and not turn into Breelan/Ashley Pro/Kat. Please....please. Odd that they didn't show team photo. That's one scene they've always shown since it's such an OMG-moment. Loved the family and friends event being at the stadium, wish we could have seen more! The Star opening wasn't that necessary, would have preferred seeing squad photo. Injuries...someone give Emma a medal. When they eventually change from Thunderstruck (maybe after KJ retire) it will be hard to just replace someone like that. I also would be super careful outside of practice if I knew a game was coming up. CMT PRODUCERS - This is reportedly your most watched series, please give us more than 8 episodes. There's too much to cover and too much "fluff" at the same time. You're wasting an opportunity. Specifically (IMO) get rid of: Rycroft- Nothing against her as a person, but the "mentoring sessions" are hella boring. zzzzz 10 different shots of cowboys fans cheering. The stadium is 3/4 full at most during pre-game and most the time people aren't paying attention. Celebrity appearances, the girls and this process are interesting enough on their own. Waste of time, bring back alumni and guests choreographers!
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