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  1. That’s why I said wishy washy explanation - they might have thought that was good enough, and maybe in some places it could be, legally - I can’t comment because I don’t know the law. But ethically ?? Morally ?? and I think a lot of people’s issue (definitely mine) is that even if she DID have the right to use them, Given the circumstances and the passage of time, and who alex has grown to be, they expect us to believe that not only has he got zero anger whatsoever about how she went about that - he’s processed all of that, rebuilt an entire relationship with her whilst cheating on his wife and fallen in love with her again in the space of a few..whatever it was on the show. 7 years ago - maybe. But where he was mentally and emotionally in his relationship with Jo, having just married her a second time - After all they’ve been through - it completely defies Belief.
  2. And THIS is exactly why it feels like the writers just decided to stick the middle finger up to the character, and the jo/ Alex relationship because they let him leave this show with no dignity whatsoever - when it would be been EASY to make the changes you mentioned and have it be more true and organic to the character we all know him to have grown into. There was just NO NEED for it to have been done the way it was.
  3. THIS! This is what infuriates me the most - I literally did a whole rewatch of this show coincidently about 3 months ago, and I watched it with totally fresh eyes as I had seen it previously as it aired.. and back in season 5 when it aired I used to be a fan of Alex/izzie. However, on rewatch, it’s clear people are forgetting the little things (or to me, glaringly obvious) and the main thing out of all of those early seasons that stood out to me was how one sided that relationship was in actuality- izzie spent most of season 5 hallucinating Denny, and even when part of her realised he wasn’t there, had no problems sleeping and being intimate with his illusion. And while their wedding was a lovely gesture, in no time at all izzie had up and left and the above speech is happening...so for them to try and manipulate flashbacks of all the ‘good’ scenes of their relationship mixed with all the negative ones of Alex/jo after YEARS of showing exactly the opposite just screams contrived and feels like the writers are trying to rewrite history into something it wasn’t! Also I know we got some wishy washy explanation but I am also very bothered by the fact 5 years after their DIVORCE izzie apparently decided it was all good to use fertilised eggs that were only fertilised by Alex due to her situation with her health AT THE TIME without any discussion with him about it? Is that even allowed/legal?? And he’s just fine with that? And not being told for another 5 years?? LOL
  4. I am one of the ones that used to watch the show religiously but Haven’t this season - because it should’ve finished seasons ago - But I’ve always been an Alex fan and I’ve been following to see Alex’s ending.. and I don’t know what I was expecting after the last few seasons but even this baffled me at how terrible it was. There is no way, no WAY that the alex they have been developing for years would marry his wife (TWICE), support her through all her trauma, show for seasons how in love with her and committed to her he is, to just abandon her without a word and commit adultery with someone who left him 10 years ago - not only left him, but cheated on him with a fucking ghost, and left him with thousands of medical bills!! The izzie/alex love story had its place in season 5, however for this to even be the credible exit they’re trying to sell viewers - let’s not pretend alex was the great love of her life, when he was always a second choice to Denny. And this Storyline may have been somewhat feasible 7 years ago, but alex and jo have been together for SEVEN SEASONS. they built this fantastic relationship, Alex has never made any mention of Izzy for years and Alex’s last scene with Jo was getting married to her again..I mean, come on, it’s completely ridiculous ! And lastly, is anyone else questioning how utterly wrong the message they’re sending is that you can’t be a father and also hsve your own separate relationship??? How messed up is that? hate this, hate everything about it and the writers should be completely embarrassed and ashamed of themselves for that utter nonsense. Alex and Jo deserved so much better.
  5. No we did not, it was thrown in there as if daring us to question how they went from A-Z with no explanation. But your point is exactly why I'm infuriated with this storyline - this show supposedly prides itself on tackling pivotal issues in our society, they've done it a hundred times before and make NO hesitation in giving themselves a round of applause for it when they do. So for them to now focus on DV ( one of the most prominent and sensitive issues out there) you would expect no difference. However it's as you said - jo is not only being minimalised, she isn't even IN the storyline!! And if this was any other character, or god forbid Meredith herself, they wouldn't DARE be this thoughtless or careless because they know someone would absolutely slate them for it. So I hope someone DOES, because it's disgraceful, and especially when Shonda has specifically mentioned this before and said what a 'survivor' she is, and yet we've seen none of it or even a glimpse of how she's feeling. So shocking, and they should know better
  6. I think this is something everyone would agree on, whether they're fans or not. I am one, and one of the biggest frustrations for me (and the frustrations are endless) is that they had set her up so nicely in seasons 9/10 to have a really rich character background, they planted so many seeds.. all they needed to do was follow through and build on them and she couldve been as loved as someone like Lexie. I know a lot of people liked her back in season 9, she was fresh and brought life and energy to the show, she made me invested again, especially her developing relationship with Alex in season 9. The biggest let down for me other than what they've done to Jolex, is the complete abandonment of her career. The episodes where she was getting recruited by Callie into ortho are among my favourites for her and I loved them together as a team. In s9 and 10 she was shown to have JUST as much drive as Stephanie, and they were in constant competition just like the originals. I hate hate hate that just because she had Alex, they took away her career focus, and gave it only to Stephanie, because they had no idea what else to do with her. It made Jo less liked/respected as a character and it only got worse from that point on, as they added 'shocks' to her background (only ever as cliffhangers) without explaining them, and completely took away her perspective. It's beyond shit what they've done to her because she WAS being written well and had so much potential!! she's still my favourite but now she's a mess and it's all due to the writing, and now we're at the point where she has a DV storyline, yet somehow she isn't even in it. Wtf
  7. Yeah I have my doubts about the wording of that, but I personally don't think he's going to end it, because really what is there to end? I had assumed they've been broken up ever since Jo walked away in episode 2, and the writers act like they were never even together in the first place. They haven't shared a verbal scene since 13x09, which alone is utterly RIDICULOUS to me. I seriously hope that this isn't the end of it though, and that it's just a catalyst for him to either find Jo, or to kickstart the shift to her perspective.. since it's been abysmally absent in this entire non-storyline. I want to see the strong survivor side of her Shonda pretended she cared about st the start of this season, because so far this DV storyline has been completely botched!!
  8. Exactly, and I just don't understand why they have done what they've done to Alex and Meredith, with Alex's character in particular, because Cristina was her 'person' (I fully loathe that sentiment now) and she never had to lay down like a doormat and take all of merediths crap! Or Be nothing more than an ear piece and the sister wife that they've turned Alex into. And I'm speaking generally here over the last 3 seasons. I just don't get it, because doing it benefits NO ONE. Alex obviously, because he is allowed zero personal life of his own - it's ignored so much it's embarrassing - but also Meredith because she looks like such a selfish, callous person.. and obviously Jo, who had some pretty valid grievances over the last 2 years, yet was made out to be the biggest witch to ever pass though the doors Of grey sloan. There's just nothing there that I have any interest in watching. They had so much potential with jolex, especially this season and once again they've ruined it - and what's worse is that what they've given us instead is just total garbage! So beyond frustrated
  9. Yeah, agree totally GSMHvisitor and what's painfully ironic is that they COULD have 'reinvented' or at least taken apart and let us see the inner mentality of a character with Alex, after having done something so awful. If they were going to have him beat deluca within an inch of his life, the ridiculous overkill of that could have been forgiven if they then went on a PROPER redemption journey with his character, which is what I was expecting - therapy in the form of anger management for one (I always thought jo could've benefited from that too), because someone doesn't typically lose themselves to the point he did unless there's a much deeper complex issue there - so there was a big opportunity for a full exploration of his mentality that led to this - and maybe once and for all we could have gotten a glimpse at his background from HIS perspective. Because all we've ever had a snippets here and there, and that one brief time his brother came. If they HAD to make it about Alex's violent act, then that's what they should've done. Instead, they sacficed BOTH this and Jo's domestic violence story for a goddamn love triangle that I'd bet barely a single person is even interested in seeing. And it was all basically a cheap gimmick for finale and premiere ratings as you guys have said. What an utter waste and disappointment this show has become
  10. I agree with all of your post but this right here is my endless problem with this show and it's happened for going on 3 years now, and I'm just about at the end of my tether. The fact that they haven't had a meaningful conversation pisses me off to no end, but it's also the fact that Merlex are STILL so one-sided as well that really turns me off the show. Because a few years ago, they were someshing I truly enjoyed, like Meredith and Cristina. But now..Realistically, in what friendship ever would you expect one person to be going through what Alex is going through, and that friend not show one semblance of interest in their life? I know this is tv but seriously, it does nothing but cement that Alex is only a priority when it suits other characters. And the bias is so obvious now that they might as well have the characters say it! It's just so hard to stomach because we have been watching this show for over a decade, and the blatant dip in quality of the writing is saddening. Another thing is that if the writers would make it clear that they had no interest in Jo, or Jolex then fine, I'd just stop watching, but it's the constant reassurance that is the worst part! Its like you said, It's like clockwork - they acknowledge the rubbish writing for them, blame it on something, and then promise that THIS year they'll dive into it. And yet somehow Jo's domestic abuse storyline has now turned into a love triangle, where she's barely even present, and Alex staples and moans. Eugh
  11. Facebook is the worst, it's like an endless stream of hate towards her even under videos that don't even feature her. It's actually extremely boring to do a scroll of the comments and usually find one of the tops ones suggesting her husband come back and kill her. I am also at a complete loss as to why her character is held to a completely different standard than every single other character on this show. Maggie decks a patient in the face and she's a hero, whilst Jo advocates for her patient (whether or not you agree with her position on it) and she's a demon. The double standards are extremely tiresome. But it's not as bad as some sites make it seem, she still has a lot of support on YouTub, twitter and fan forum, people just get tired of defending her against arguements as reasoned as 'SHES A BITCH!!!1' and I agree, Alex is my favourite character and I spent seasons 11 and 12 extremely pissed off at him. She was the best girlfriend he's ever had, supported him more than any of his other partners.. I just don't think it's as black and white that as soon as it's revealed she has a violent husband she's trying to run away from, it automatically negates every positive thing she's done or brought to their relationship. Which is a lot
  12. I completely agree with this. I thought Camilla was fantastic, and this episode was a great one for Jo. People are going to hate, even if it's a morally grey area, or if she's done nothing wrong, but I don't care anymore as long as she's finally being written well. I really felt for her here, I thought the writer of this episode did a fantastic job of conveying her position and her struggles without relapsing into monologue territory. She absolutely understood the mothers position and advocated for her based on what they knew of her feelings before the surgery. She Was trying to ascertain the patients best interests and as you said, when there was no other option, she came up with a solution. This was a great ep In terms of building some understanding for her through action and expression, not just a speech. I really hope it continues. Also, I really adored the fact that Alex had visible concern for her the whole episode and let her know in his way he understood her but at the same time giving her space. And as much as I would have loved for Jolex to have that comfort scene outside, I really loved the fact that it was Hunt. That scene was a pleasant surprise and really moving.. and I like that Jo is starting to have other people there for her. I also think that this is leading to the husband returning, and Jo is starting to connect with more people so that his entrance impacts more than just her and Alex. As for the rest of the episode, I enjoyed it a lot. Arizona is a fave of mine and I realised in her scenes with minnick she is actually making her tolerable to me ? Capshaw is so funny and I loved the 'I am wise' exchange.. I still don't like minnick but I have a feeling I'll end up dealing with her because of Arizona. Also I didn't mind her at all in this episode actually because her excitement and encouragement of the residents came across as a lot more natural and genuine. We'll see if that continues though. jackson EUGH what the hell is his problem. I was leaning towards aprils side last episode, but in this episode especially I thought she did a great job, and he is acting like an entitled petulant brat, I'm getting so sick of him . That japril the sequel or whatever it is I will most definitely be skipping, could not stomach another hour of them. I like April well enough and am usually indifferent to Jackson but together just..not a fan. actually enjoyed Merediths scenes, baileys 'I don't take milk' was delivered flawlessly lol. Glad she's getting over herself and coming back, I'm more than ready for her to have a different storyline now. And looks like they're finally remembering that Meredith/Maggie and Riggs were a cliffhanger LAST YEAR and coming back to it next episode. Sigh, this show and it's continuity, or lack therof gives me a headache.
  13. I just watched this episode and agree it was a big mess. If there's one thing that stood out to me - it's that I absolutely cannot STAND Maggie. Eugh. I think she is just biggest child ever, she actually embarrassed herself. I mean spitting out petulant first grade insults like 'turncoat'? Joking about how meredith doesnt want April killing her patients? Seriously? It's not even funny, and I don't usually like April but I am so sick of them looking down their nose at her when she has more specified training than most of them!! And I also have no issue with her taking the job because I think she's truly genuine when saying she wanted to do right by the hospital. I believe she thought someone needed to step up and and she did that. I agree with what others have said though that she could have made her intentions clearer, although arguably she did try to with Jackson, who she assumed would know her better. (Jackson is another who irritated me more than anything, argh) minnik, well... I like the idea behind it and I really like the focus on teaching and the residents. But she is making it extremely hard to like her when she does things like run off when a resident is in the state Stephanie was in, and leave the parents to sit and stew about their child while she cries in a closet. I felt very Minimal sympathy. Which is annoying because I do like the idea of the storyline, the execution is just so poor. (Which is becoming quite standard now, another shame). And Webber is a great teacher, yes, but there was a problem with the programme and I don't like how he's made it all about his ego either. I did find the moment with Steph touching though. And agree with the screen time.. I HATED penny, she did nothing but suck the air out the show and screen time away from regulars and now minnick is doing the same. Jo again had nothing to add except standing there assisting, I am so sick of her getting the short end of the stick when it comes to surgery. She used to be the Most promising, on par with Steph, into ortho, and it was like all of a sudden the writers decided she wasn't as good as the rest of them, treated like crap by the attendings and floundering. I hate the inconsistency!! I can't say I really missed Meredith that much but the show does need her and Alex so hopefully next week is better. Man the quality really has worsened so much
  14. I nearly fell off my chair when I heard her voice lol, that was so unexpected! And a bit strange as you said that she's only in three scenes.. I think it must have been the hug, and the patient too although I would've thought they would have had Jo work on that patient so it made more sense. I guess by sending her home it was the only way it would make sense for her to be last to know Alex was out of prison. As as a fan of Jo, and Jo and Alex, the start of the second half of this season definitely looks promising. I'm reserving judgement because I'm so used to being disappointed by this show, but it does seem that her perspective is being shown with more focus since 13x10, so if it continues I'll be really happy about that. Yeah the Owen thing definitely seemed like it was leading up to more than what it seemed to be, with Amelia. and April isn't a character I like too much usually but I am feeling for her in this situation, and suspect baileys probably put the pressure on her. And people are right, she's no less suitable for the role than Meredith, and some could argue she's more than capable with her chief residency and specialised training experience. I'm not here for more of the same 'useless kepner' angle they seem to love doing, whilst making Meredith gods gift to surgery, so hopefully she stands up for herself.
  15. Argh, how I feel too. I was starting to distance myself from this show because I Basically dislike everything else about it, but one scene with them literally staring at each other saying nothing just brought back everything I loved about them in the first place. Their embrace was so lovely, you can just see the love they have for each other in every Second of that hug, it was a beautiful moment for them, one we haven't gotten in a long long time. It was definitely ambiguous as there was anguish in Jo's face when she turned to leave and Alex was like a closed book at the end too, but that one scene reminded me why I ship them and why they are best together. i think they'll stay apart but I definitely think Jo's husband is coming if the reports have any accuracy, so that will be interesting. I just want this to finally be about her and include her perspective as well. A compelling story would be for her to face her past with his support and would probably resonate with a lot of women. Such a waste if they miss that opportunity
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