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  1. Well, Jill figures if you're one of those people who is going to end up in the center of the earth, you should give her all your money and have a satisfying 15 minutes on the toilet before you go.
  2. Nathan is going to need a second job if this visit goes on much longer. MeMe Jill will require a lot of special treatment since she didn't make the cut for the cruise, and David's wallet never leaves his pocket.
  3. If only Jill could get those matching black and green outfits from Tim and Heidi to sell at her Ivory Creamery boutique. His and Hers set for just $55 for both! Perfect for a young couple! Includes disposable bibs from Red Lobster! Smiles and modest white undershirts not included.
  4. Sorry Miss Ashley. The look is a manly flak jacket over a grandma's blouse and a stretched-out knit skirt. You could do better at your local thrift shop for much less money.
  5. It's a job that brings in money that Jill and David can use. Sam's job doesn't seem to be as flexible as Jonathan's. Jill has never mentioned the job, but there are some clues that he works at a glass company.
  6. If Janessa is old enough to ride a hoverboard, she's old enough to leave the baby room. Jill could have moved Janessa with the other girls and used the nursery closet as her office. It would be quiet and a good use of space. The desk is just one more thing in that crowded dining room. I know the answer to my own question. Being in the center of action is more important to Jill than keeping Plexus records or writing her next best seller. She can sit at her desk and issue commands and watch for sin among the troops.
  7. At least the girls' dorm has windows, unlike the firetrap closet nursery.
  8. Now that Jill has lost the cruise, she'll have time to spend on the Creamy Yummy boutique while she's in Florida. Precious Nurie will help her tour the Goodwills and put together stunning ensembles and model them. In Jill's eyes, Nurie has nothing better to do than have "fun" with Mama.
  9. Well, he earned more points faster than The Queen of Gut Bloat did, so he deserves the trip.
  10. Last year she made up some bogus excuse why she couldn't go on the cruise. She lied. This time, she complained. Getting on these cruises involves luck, and Jill is a two-time loser. I'm sure she'll keep her new cruise wardrobe and try again harder next year. After all, cruises offer everything Jill and David love--crowded swimming pools, alcohol, beach and swim attire, "modern" music, and comedians with "adult" material--well, stuff they love to rant about.
  11. Edited to correct. Kaylee was selling Plexus to get Jill & Hunk to Punta Cana, not on the cruise.
  12. Jill photoshopped the invitation. There was no guarantee she was going to get a spot on the cruise, and she knew it. Still, she bought a cruise wardrobe for a trip she didn't have locked in? I hope Temu takes returns. It reminds me of Mrs. Howell's wardrobe for a three-hour tour on Gilligan's Island, although Mrs. Howell was a nice person, and she could afford to shop.
  13. Apparently, the description says "stretchy maxi skirt," which means the top has its own floral pattern. That makes it even worse than we thought. ETA: Jill probably made Renee wear a t-shirt blouse under the blouse. Maybe the undershirt has a print. Because nothing could make this outfit any worse than it is.
  14. The skirt and the necklace are certainly choices--bad ones. Jill must be scraping the bottom of the discard bin at the local thrift store. Is she charging the usual $35 for this mess? Renee looks pained.
  15. Jill probably brought the three opened jars of peanut butter from her pantry and an almost empty bag of dog food. She and David expect Nathan to pay. It's like Clark's and Cousin Eddie's shopping trip in the big box store except Nathan and Nurie will be loading the cart by themselves while the little Rodlets run around knocking over displays.
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