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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. So there is a new ad that's a crossover between Visa and Starbucks.  The barista calls out "Santa?" and Santa shows up to pick up his coffee, and a little girl asks her mother, "I thought Santa only drank milk."  But what caught my ear was that the barista keeps telling the people picking up their drinks, "Happy Holidays!"  Are they intentionally trying to piss off the hard right wing?

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  2. I had to laugh when the announcer said that the 49er team is not designed to come back from behind.  They aren't designed to do much of anything.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Moose135 said:

    Tonight on the news, Lester Holt brought it up, said she took 4 1/2 minutes to do the anthem, when it usually takes in the neighborhood of 2 minutes.

    I read that the Vegas bookies will take bets on how long the Super Bowl anthem takes, and they keep track of these things, and when Aretha sang the anthem before a Super Bowl, she did it in just over two minutes.

  4. Quote

    Is it bad that I continue to hate Taylor even though we only see him on the jury?  I didn't think it possible, but with his Miley Cyrus shaved only on one side haircut, he looks more douchetastic than ever.


    He's just as much a douche at Ponderosa.

    I wonder how they're going to get that legacy thingie to Ken.

    • Love 6
  5. Jeez, yet again another example of why you should never tell anybody that you have an idol or an advantage.

    Man, Bret is such a douche

    Ugh, the emotional breakdown of letters.  I never understand why it's so emotional. I understand Adam's breakdown, though.

    That was just an excuse for the camera person to run their camera up Ken's torso.

    How is Jessica a threat?

    Zeke is looking more and more like a middle aged woman.

    Byebye, Chris. Zeke actually voted out his idol, huh?

    Hannah never has a clue as to what is going on.

    That reward challenge was awful

    I'm so glad they didn't show us Bret's butt.

    I'm shocked Bret is gay.

    Man, some of these challenges look like they take a lot of time to make.  Those maze doors are unbelievable. I am terrible at those slide puzzles.

    Wow, still 25 minutes from the end of the challenge to the end of the show.

    Who in their right minds thinks that David is the biggest threat in the game?

    Ugh, I can't handle neurotic Hannah.

    Draw rocks?  Not make a fire?  Maybe they got tired of sitting there for hours.

    I may have mentioned that Bret is a douche.  Nothing changes my mind.

    Wow, David, you really blew it with using your idol.  Why did Ken's name come up, anyway?

    Jesus, Bret, shut the fuck up!  So it's all David's fault that they had to draw rocks?  Asshole. Douche.

    Man, Will looks like he's 35.

    • Love 4
  6. I knew Abigail wasn't going to make it to Chad to let him know she's alive.

    Valerie is really shady. Hm.  She has a son?  When will he be appearing?

    What is Andre's agenda in all this?  It has to be more than just getting on Chad's good side.

    "I thought you were raised better than that, Claire."  Uh, what?  She's a Horton/Brady, isn't she?  When have they ever stayed out of other people's lives?

    Damn, Ciara, way to throw shade at your own niece!

    Eduardo and Dario are into importing smuggled goods?

    Is Abigail going to kidnap Thomas?

  7. Lucas needs to hook up with Anne.  If for no other reason, to keep her on the show. Damn, she knocked that mai tai back!

    Who does that, Adrienne?  Practically every wedding in Salem gets interrupted.

    Oh, come on, Andre, it's not like you're not used to people throwing you out of their houses.

    Nice callback to Rafe losing Ariana.

    Oh, come on, the Lucas and Justin arguing for themselves was ridiculous.  Adrienne was just being a ... well I don't want to use the word.

    We know that Abby won't reveal herself in tomorrow's episode.

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