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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. I hated Sunday's voice during the whole game and hated her voice in the FTC, as well.

    Good call from Jessica on the question to Ken.  He talked about loyalty and then turns on his closest ally.

    Really got tired of the Hannah and Adam bickering at FTC.

    I picked Adam as my favorite on day one.  So glad to see him win.

    • Love 4
  2. Quote

    Someone remind me why Sonny cares what Eduardo is smuggling? How does this affect him or Titan?

    Justin wanted to find out what Deimos and Eddie were doing together.

    I was trying to figure out who that baby was that Nicole was with, and I had to run through the names of all of the babies to come up with Tate.

    What ties do the Kiriaki have with the Hernandi?

    All of that hotel time with Adrienne and her time in the hospital has only been two days?

    Patchy Claus?

    Did Sonny's pillow have "SK" or "JK" on it?  I would have wondered if it stood for "Just Kidding".  :)

    "This is all about me."  "Isn't everything?"

    Dammit, Derrick!

    Brady doesn't need to go to Victor about Philip, why doesn't Philip do it?

    Dammit, Brady, why do you have to keep being such an asshole? And how do you know Eduardo is smuggling bags and shoes?

    Nicole really needs to see a therapist.

    • Love 1
  3. 6 hours ago, SeanC said:

    She's going the category fraud route in the hopes of guaranteeing a win.

    The original Broadway role won the Supporting Actress award.  But Viola got the Lead Actress award when she performed it.

  4. 1 hour ago, millennium said:

    The new tradition in school that really makes me cringe is the "prom-posal" which, thanks to the dogged efforts of attention-mongers and would-be youtube sensations (and their approving parents), now compels the average high school boy  to create an elaborately-staged (and documented on video, for sharing) scene in which to publicly invite a girl to the high school prom.   Costumes, props, disruptions in class, flash mobs in the cafeteria, anything goes.    Sure, boys can still ask the old-fashioned way, but they risk the potential date (who wants to appear oh-so-special in front of her peers) feeling underwhelmed and insulted.

    There is a YouTube video of a boy who had paid for billboards asking his gf to the prom, and he recorded them driving past the billboards.  And the girl said, "That's so stupid."  When she found out that he had done it, she started crying.

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  5. 25 minutes ago, BlackMamba said:

    What was the fuckin point in killing off Daniel if I'm going to be greeted with his dead presence or him being mentioned every  month???   And now with egg baby coming soon the mentions will never end of how St.  Daniel was simply a wonderful father and the best doctor of all time!

    I expect the baby to be named Daniel or Danielle.

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