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Everything posted by Kimmmmmm

  1. Yes, he did play great and seems like a good guy...unlike everyone else, I don't find him annoying and mostly, he ran off that boring Julia Collins type, Sara...(apologies to their many fans)
  2. I don't...and it's not even her fault...she reminds me of someone else I don't like and I want her to go..soon.
  3. Nah... Those two deserve each other...and as long as they're together, two other people are spared.
  4. The Kanye number was a fucking mess....he's an idiot
  5. WHEN, OH, WHEN are they going to make him cut that the hell out?!?!?!?!?!
  6. Have to admit I melted with Missy's reaction to Sheldon's crying.
  7. Been watching on StartTV...new network (I think?)...Bridget is fine with me, but the one I do find annoying is Ariel. And it's not her fault...I blame the writers, who almost always make the oldest girl a snarky, sullen little witch.
  8. Agree with almost all of this...except about Grace...at least, I keep trying to forget about her, but people keep bringing her name up and I have to remember that crapfest all over again...
  9. Yes, to all of this! Soooooo smoooooooth! but I have a bad feeling that too many voters are going to buy into Courtney's "oh, I'm a bit shy" act. Then she screeches (only word for it) and bellows for a while and stupid Howie and Simon slobber all over her and each other about how we're watching the second coming.
  10. Wow...three pleasant, gracious, non-obnoxious contestants....any one of them would have been fine with me :-) Congrats to you, Dave....start wherever the hell you want!
  11. I remember one contestant (years ago) starting out with "I've always wanted to say this, Alex...I'd like to solve the puzzle" Alex was in hysterics...
  12. Well, I'm out until that thing is gone....can't STAND him....and I DO hate him for his puppy story...
  13. I actually think she looks like Andrea Martin...
  14. Rats...I mean, nothing against the new champ (what's his name?), but I was really hoping Lauren would go the distance...
  15. While I liked both "family member" contestants and wished them (and still do wish them) well, I still plan to root for whomever I please, family or not...
  16. I'll be honest...I would have been happy with any one of the three tonight...all perfectly likable, including Dave, who I didn't find at all annoying...don't care at all about order ;-)
  17. Didn't notice Suzanne buzzer-jerking at all....just think she's a really good player.
  18. Best wishes, Scott...you did great! Now I'll root for Suzanne...I liked all of them tonight!
  19. Congrats, Scott...wishing you well! However, as a Michigander, I am strongly compelled to tell you, for future reference, we pronounce it Mack-in-awe ;-)
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