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  1. Related to the "show about the bananas world of a famous person" of The Other Two, there was a very short-lived show on Vice called What Would Diplo Do, in which (your fave and mine) James Van Der Beek plays Diplo. It was an engaging and entertainingly goofy show and JVDB once again gets to demonstrate his excellent sense of humour. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/vbe48x/watch-the-series-premiere-of-what-would-diplo-do
  2. She said The Electric Company, so I imagine she has seen it but just didn't place it in the right title of the franchise. (Sarah's TV watching was very limited during her childhood.) Oh, I missed the TEC reference! Gotcha.
  3. Ah, yeah. That makes more sense than my "theory."
  4. Oh man, I LOVE that Pointer Sisters counting song from the end of Game Time! Such great 1970s grooviness, and I'll always love the sweet animation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUL4T8WcFdA I can't figure out how Dave and Tara and I have all seen it and Sarah hasn't (or doesn't remember). Maybe Sarah was just a kid who didn't watch Sesame Street regularly, or maybe they only showed this bit in Canada? . . . I'm sure there's another explanation.
  5. [Jumping in here before I've watched the show or read the recap] "Hooray!!" I'm so excited that the Fug Girls are back with the TWoP gang, recapping *at length!* It's all making me very happy. Praise be to Rae Dawn Chong!
  6. Great show, you guys! That Nonac music made me laugh so hard my coworkers were concerned for my health!
  7. "WEAVE WEAVE WEAVE WEAVE!" [I seriously need that as a ringtone] You all are total champs. Great job on the show.
  8. The double Dave-Hate segments reminded me: Have you guys ever talked about how the "Will Dave Hate This" song came to be? I've always found it to be a really catchy, fun tune, and I'd love to know more -- Is it based on another song? How did you record it (i.e. why does Tara's voice sound far away/old timey)? What are those lyrics? Thanks!
  9. Feel better, Dave! Vendreddy-three forever!
  10. Re: Love & Hate -- Wow, you guys. what a journey! There was some *major* thespianing in those clips. I'm the same age as Tara and I'm from Regina, so your examination of the movie was a total time-machine experience. Thanks for enduring the hours of shitty YouTube clips for my benefit! I don't remember ever watching this movie but, like Tara, I was pretty steeped in the story as the trial was taking place. I think by the time the film came along, I felt like I knew the whole saga and didn't need to watch it on tv. The whole story still makes me pretty uneasy, especially since Thatcher's out and about in the community these days. Uch, what a creep.
  11. Not germane to the show, but: that's some seriously janky photoshop work in the promo pic. The dog-holding fella seems to have dislocated his left leg.
  12. I've been waiting all week (since Tara tweeted about watching the episode) for the Nonac, and it did not disappoint. Solid episode choice and presentation! Of course, the Nonac theme is always a complete and ridiculous delight. I was shocked at how many of those 1-second theme songs I recognized. I know those songs on a molecular level. The one I drew a total, not-even-a-single-guess blank on: 90210. O_o
  13. Truly one of the great KITH classics. "But I can 'splain!" "No, Ray. No . . . 'splanation is necessary, it's your drinking." Also, I just now realized that all the bartenders in the ending montage are the same guy.
  14. Moose Jaw is perfectly charming, Jeff. Don't listen to Dave.
  15. Oh man, you're so right Sarah: Team Haverchuck forever. The photo of him at the top of this page makes my heart hurt. And if there's still online evidence of the Joe-hugs-Busy shenanigans, a link in the show notes would be so uplifting.
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