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Everything posted by ShadesOfKay

  1. Here's a link to a portion of the segment on the news regarding Suzanne Mitchell. (Mods forgive me if this is in the wrong place... feel free to relocate it if it is) https://www.dropbox.com/s/jd0gkjfm1gt1zk4/Video Sep 29%2C 10 17 26 PM.mov?dl=0
  2. Cameos: I enjoyed all the 'looks' we DID get to see during cameos, except for Bethany and Celinda. I also noticed Allie's slim down but she does look boxy. She can't help it. Lol. I'm also straight up and down in the midsection so that 'one leg in front of the other' pose is my 'go-to' to put some curves in the mix. lol. Tasha looked beautiful with softer makeup. My heart broke for Yuko when she talked about being homesick and lonely I just wanted to hug her. I'll begrudgingly admit that Melissa (and Jinelle's) visit seemed to help perk her up because she was back to her adorable and perky self after their talk. Field Practice: Celinda looks like she's ahead of the beat a lot during the dances. Kelsey still looks like she's marking the dances at times. On a side note, I was reminded of those dang bugs in Valley Ranch. I used to live around the corner from the old DC facility and remember those bugs at night. *shudders* LOL. Auto-Amy: as much as I love her, she has to clean up the memory mistakes. Show Group: Kelli Q and Madeline blew me away! So awesome! I enjoyed the judges... they made me chuckle quite a bit. Emily's audition made me giggle... bless her heart. So excited for the Show Group and I loved seeing that some of my faves Madeline, Kelli Q, Robin, Jinelle, Lacey, and Holly are on/back. Kitty's Visit: I LIVE for Kitty! Her 'tight ass' comment cracked me up. I noticed how well Cersten took Kitty's critique during the down the floor activity and I was impressed by that. I don't know that I've ever seen only 1 person called into the office... I honestly can't recall. But I agree with the cut. Bethany has Emily beat with those "loud" eyes. I'm not critiquing Kelly's attire and styling this week because it's like beating a dead horse at this point. LOL. Not everyone but we do get a lot of real estate for the money down here. I have a two bedroom (with 2 full master suites), three story townhouse and it's 2400 square feet. What I pay for it would get me a tiny one bedroom apt on the East coast. LOL Ending by saying RIP to the great Suzanne Mitchell! They had a segment dedicated to her passing on the local NBC 5 news tonight and Kelli and Judy both cried. It was touching.
  3. Late posting this week as I was on vacay but the first thing I watched once I got back was DCC MTT. LOL. Oh Lord Kelly with this black and white dress. NOOOOOO! The blue jean dress makes her chest area look less perky. Please hire a stylist. Kelly. PLEASE! You are too gorg not to! I admit... I don't know who Casey Musgrove is as I'm. It a huge country music follower. Vets Jennifer, Melissa and Megan look soft in their mid-sections. l liked the segment of the vets dancing to Casey's song and showcasing their talents. Holly. YES. LOVE! This Q& A with Casey is random as heck. This entire first segment is random. Other than her star earrings and being from Texas... the relevancy is not here for me. She's super sweet though. Yay Auto Amy & Tasha for their compliments. Kelly and Judy dancing in their gifted boots is hilarious!!! Jackie and these mistakes. Ugh. She's not ready. I agree with the decision to cut her. (SN: Have any of the fan voted-in candidates made the team?) Bethany does nothing for me. Tall Lindsay either... she needs more power, but I see potential in her to come back again. Kelli has a sweet and genuine spirit. I really like her. The vets in the bell show was nice. Nice to see Jacie in the audience as well. Celinda was super awkward on the runway. Vet Holly's white dress with the cape was amazing and Vet Lacey looked killer in her swimsuit. Loved watching the hip hop dance aka Holly's routine. LOL. YAY for Jacie assisting! Yuko def struggled. *sad face* I think she was just having an off night. I just love her personality! Visa issues are tough! My family went through that when we immigrated to the States in the 90's and the cost and stress involved is immeasurable. Kyndall is still vanilla to me. That's tough that she lost her job due to DCC. 50-yard Kelsey is soooo beautiful. I'm just rooting for her because I adore her. Hey CMT...can we get a new opener? Abigail, Trisha, and company were soooooo long ago. It would be great to see newer DCC.
  4. Makeover week was such a letdown. Whitney's makeover did nothing for her. The blending of her natural hair with the weave is not working. The way they edited her being cut was so AWKWARD and choppy! I liked 50-yard Kelsey's makeover to the brown and Emily's hair as well. I'm still not here for Rycroft-Strickland. Did Vet Jen look thicker when she was teaching the kickline or were my eyes playing tricks on me? Jackie needs to work on her kicks and memory issues for sure! Lindsey's right leg high kick looked off to me for some reason. I see what everyone has been saying about Tasha's heavy makeup now. The (interview) scene where she didn't have much on shocked me because she looked so much younger and fresh-faced. I really like her though. The scene with Allie and (my fave) Holly was really cute. I think Emily's comments about being the hardest worker in the room came out wrong. I think it was nerves... I liked her more after seeing her with Kelly and Judy. Still not feeling the black eyeliner. STOP IT WITH ALL 5 FINGERS! Kelly looked so beautiful when announcing the WOW winners. But that black and white sleeveless dress at the end? no. No. NO! It was like that black and white optical illusion thing that spins and hypnotizes you. I don't know. It was just a NO. I love Michelle Keys. So creative! I couldn't remember her name last week but Khalyn seems sweet & she's very pretty. I like her makeup. Vet Robyn should tailor her makeup in that same style because she had on some blush in tonight's episode that was TOO red for her skin tone. Bethany reminds me of former DCC from the early 2000's, Sandi Boruk. On to next week! Between DCC and Project Runway & RuPaul's drag race, I'm loving Thursday night tv. Lol.
  5. I totally stole someone's idea and took notes this week. I can't keep track of the names so that idea was awesome! 1. Kyndall- she underwhelms me. She does ok sometimes in dances when not having memory issues. 2. I may be one of the few that likes Tasha. She looks stiff when dancing sometimes but I don't get the impression that she's fake, like some people have mentioned. Maybe because my first impression of her was via her IG and she seems very sweet and family-oriented. Her makeup doesn't bother me either. *shrugs* 3. Jinelle- when she first made the team I didn't quite think that she fit, but she looks great this season. Glad she recovered so quickly! 4. I will never say a bad thing about Yuko, Madeline and Holly. I adore them. 5. Heather H- I can't take the baby voice or the boring personality but I CAN take her dancing. She killed it! 6. My dear Auto-Amy- her kicks are inconsistent and those memory issues are not helping. I love her spirit though. 7. Emily has GOT to eliminate that black eyeliner. I agree with the person who said that above. Sheesh!!! She's actually very pretty but those piercing eyes don't need ANY MORE HELP standing out. 8. Kelly and Cersten are awesome! 9. Whitney- Like me, Whitney has a classic case of RBF! I don't think that she can't help it... it's just her face. I do think she needs a hair makeover and to dance with more power, consistently. 10. Kelsey- she's so pretty to me. I'm on the fence about her meeting with K&J in the office. There were some moments where they were kind and some where I was like, "OUCH!" I LITERALLY wrote down, "Did you have to say HUMILIATED Kelly?! OUCH!" I don't have much to say about Rycroft. She just does nothing for me or the show. CANT WAIT for makeovers next week! It's one of my FAVE episodes each year! Lastly... anyone else catch that shot of Kelsi Reich in the promo for the WOW Awards? LOL
  6. LOLOLOL Brenda Teele. She used to be a news anchor here in Dallas for our local ABC affiliate. I have no clue what she does now.
  7. First time commenting! So excited the show is back! Kitty seems nicer this season or maybe she just had less to critique. Either way she's still hilarious. Love Madeline, Auto Amy, Yuko, and 50-yard Kelsey. LOL. I agreed with the feedback around Kat's dress. Football field: Skimpy uniform. Professional Interview/Appearance: Appropriate dress. I didn't think the critique was harsh at all. She just didn't look put together well. I felt bad for Calia when she talked about wanting to make it back. She just looked heavier and didnt perform well from what I saw. She should also brush up on current events even if it's the (dreaded) political issues. Kashara's southern drawl is annoyingly cute. I can't help but like her. LOL I don't care for Emily. The eyes just are too distracting and her kicks were low. I couldn't believe when Charlotte said "Dallas Cowboy." That's a personal pet peeve of mine. Candace Romo is one of my fave judges ever on the show. Love her personality. Please don't bring back Rycroft. She's like watching molassess run down a hill on a Texas summer day. (Boring and painful.) I love vets Holly P, Robin, Lacey, and Jenna! They're so fun to watch. Holly P is up there as one of my fave DCC's of all time because she's so darn talented. I think for Jinelle she probably had to take proof of her "job extension" with the DCC as part of her visa renewal. I'll ask my Dad what the process is since he works as a senior executive officer at a foreign embassy in DC, and he deals with that stuff all the time.
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