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Everything posted by 1992austenlover

  1. I'm assuming that Sonia and Nick had sex at one point and made a secret pact to not mention it to the cameras for some reason. Now that things are going south, the claws are coming out along with the truth. I definitely don't see them coming back from this. Shame.
  2. I like how Neil handled the situation last season. Though he claimed that he was attracted to Sam on the wedding day (which I believe that he probably was as Sam wasn't being particularly rude to him that day and she was all dolled up in that beautiful dress), from then onwards Neil never made any bold claims to insinuate that his feelings for Sam were anything more than platonic but at the same time, for the sake of the marriage/experiment, he always spoke about how he was hopeful and optimistic that one day those feelings could develop into something more. Nick's narrative is similar to Neil's narrative in the sense that, like Neil, Nick has been trying to build a friendship with Sonia in the hopes that their chemistry will grow; however, I think that Nick is really struggling to find a healthy balance between being honest while still being kind/ optimistic--and I think that his poor verbal communication skills that you mentioned prevents him from being able to find that equilibrium. That's why when Nick is being honest, he comes as a little cold (ie. the "Am I in love with you? No." debacle); he spends so much time hiding his true feelings in the hopes of being civil/kind that when he does have a moment of true honesty, its like a weight has been released from his shoulders and he feels entitled to unload given all of the effort that it has taken for him to keep his true feelings bottled up inside. Clearly, it's all or nothing with him and as a result, he doesn't come off as genuine at all. I just don't think that he's really equipped to handle this experiment (which is fine--it's definitely not for everyone).
  3. That's fair but I'm framing my argument around the fact that it's pretty clear to me now that Nick wasn't being completely honest with the cameras when he said that he's attracted to Sonia. After seeing the preview for next week's episode, I strongly believe that Nick's meltdown is a reflection of his true feelings--that he just isn't attracted to Sonia--thus tarnishing all of his previous statements about how he was attracted to her. He might have thought that she was beautiful on her wedding day when she was all dolled up but then changed his mind the next morning...who knows. I just know that Nick's words have not been matching up with his actions so far and I think that the preview finally settled any doubts that one might have about his true feelings for Sonia (or lack thereof). Sadly, he's just not that into her.
  4. That's possible...or maybe he's just not that into Sonia and doesn't want to complicate things by bringing sex into the equation. I think that the same thing could be said about Sean and Neil--some guys are more thoughtful when it comes to sex and understand the implications that sex can cause in a relationship (especially in this high-pressure environment) which makes them shy away from getting physically intimate until they are certain that they are able and willing to deal with the complications and consequences that inevitably arise from having physical intimacy. I just don't think that Nick is ready to have sex with Sonia yet because he's clearly not attracted to her and as a result, he isn't willing to open that pandora's box, so to speak. Personally, I'm with the people on this board who are tired of the gay accusations. Just because you're a guy and are not comfortable having sex with your stranger wife who you are still trying to figure out does not automatically make you gay. Unfortunately, not all couples can be the second coming of Jason/Courtney, Tres/Vanessa, Tom/Lillian, etc. Some couples need to work a little harder to build chemistry and some guys aren't willing to have sex until they feel that the chemistry is clearly present in the relationship.
  5. To be honest, I'm just happy that Nick's true feelings on the matter have finally come out because I could not handle another episode of him pretending that he's into Sonia when it's been clear for awhile now that he's been silently struggling in this relationship. I've tried so hard to like Sonia and Nick (what can I say? I'm a sucker for a cute, quirky couple) but my problem with them has always revolved around the fact that the relationship has never really felt authentic and real to me as Nick's words have never matched his body language/actions. I thought that maybe he was acting this way because he was uncomfortable with the filming process and being vulnerable on camera (factors that would definitely impact my behaviour if I were put in that situation) but now it's pretty clear that his emotional detachment primarily stems from his lack of attraction to his wife. I give him some credit for trying to get to know Sonia as a person before verbalizing these feelings as opposed to potentially sabotaging things from the beginning by admitting from the get-go that he wasn't attracted to her, but I do think that his breakdown in that preview was definitely a cause for concern and it will be interesting to see if they could recover from that explosion. However, I don't think that Nick is a bad person by any means; I just think that he's one of those people who tend to bottle their true feelings until they reach a breaking point that causes them to explode. I can relate to that--I hate confrontation so I usually tend to try to brush things off until the situation escalates to a point where I feel like it's affecting my complete mental state and only then will I feel the need to unload. Like Nick, I'm pretty shy and introverted and I need time to process my feelings before I feel comfortable making moves/concrete decisions so I do get where he is coming from in that respect. That being said, do I think that him yelling about how he doesn't find Sonia attractive after weeks of saying that he did find her attractive was the best course of action to take? Probably not. But then again, at least he was honest and now that his cards are officially on the table, he and Sonia could hopefully start interacting with each other on a deeper level. Good, bad or indifferent, I do actually think that this is progress for them.
  6. I don't know if this is the right thread to post this in but it looks like Sam has a boyfriend. :) https://www.facebook.com/srole1?fref=ts Anyways, back to season 4...judging from this interview with Derek, I think that there might still be some lingering feelings of bitterness towards Heather (which I'm not blaming him for it--it's just my observation). http://www.theknotnews.com/married-at-first-sight-derek-decision-day-heather-13090?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_content=sep2016&utm_campaign=news
  7. I agree with this. :) In regards to Sonia and Nick, I'm so conflicted about these two. I mean, I can understand and respect the fact that he wants to take things slow but I'm failing to see any sort of real romantic chemistry between them at the moment despite the fact that they are allegedly attracted to each other and the more I see of them, the more I'm concerned that they are simply going to stay in the friend zone or won't be able to connect on a deep enough level by the end of the experiment. They are cute and friendly and quirky at times but they also seem a little disconnected and awkward, which may or may not have to do with their reactions to the unorthodox position that they are in. Obviously, it's early days and I could be happily eating my words in a couple of weeks but right now I'm pretty skeptical about this couple. Nick, especially, worries me...I mean, he seems like a nice guy but if I were Sonia, I would be a little insecure about my position in the relationship too and I would be little annoyed by the insensitive things that he occasionally says from time to time (I mean, watching the preview and seeing Nick say that he's not in love with Sonia to her face--yeah, I could not stop cringing). But I do hope that they work it out. And yeah, I'm also worried for Lily and Tom for the same reason as you are. Though I would like to believe that they are the second coming of Jason and Courtney, I do think that Tom's very rigid view on people/the world (such as the materialistic thing) might grate on Lily once the honeymoon period is over. I hope not as I actually enjoy watching them; so far they are genuinely adorable.
  8. I don't think it can be saved because Heather is Ashley and Derek is no David. David was the one who kept the ship afloat for awhile even though he had boarded the Titanic with Ashley. Given that both Heather and Derek are checked out of the marriage and clearly don't like/respect each other, I can see them deciding to not prolong the inevitable and just head for separate life boats before either one of them can get too emotionally involved.
  9. Derek kind of reminds me of both Neil and Sam from last season. At times, he has Neil's optimism and laid-back personality...but then the next minute he is spouting provocative phrases like "when we get a divorce" and randomly talking about how Heather is no "spring chicken" (whatever the hell that means lol) simply because he is frustrated that she is not attracted to him. There's this side of him that kind of reminds me of Sam--and I'm referring to the thoughtless, unstable, "Oh I'm committed to the marriage but I'm going to prove it to you by cutting you down with my words" Sam that we saw during the first four weeks of the experiment. Sometimes Derek says things in the heat of the moment that are a little below the belt and which you shouldn't say to someone who you are attempting to foster a longterm relationship with--and to me, his actions suggest that though he definitely did care about making the marriage work, he doesn't have the patience or the level-headedness required in this situation to potentially achieve the end goal. Granted, the situations are very different as Neil never deserved Sam's barrage of abuse while it is clear that Heather has already given up on the marriage...but I suppose it doesn't matter as both outcomes are likely going to the be the same anyways (ie. ending in divorce). I agree that Derek is defeated and given his wife's attitude, I don't blame him for shutting down either. Sadly, I think that they have both already thrown in the towel.
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