Glad I'm not the only Kings fan here! Chris Egan will always be David Shepherd to me. (Although I preferred Sebastian Stan as Jack. Oh, Jack). Come to think of it, it seems as though Egan is just playing David Shepherd all over again.
Back on topic, I haven't seen the movie Legion, but I did think this was okay. Its a summer show on SyFy, so I'm not expecting a masterpiece, but I was entertained enough. I'll stick with it.
I did not see the twist with William, although I must of zoned out at some point because I didn't realize that he was Whele's son, I think? I too am wondering what his relationship to Gabriel is.
I'm hoping that they get out of Vega for some episodes so that we can see what is going on in Helena and possible other compounds. I'm curious as to why Vega was chosen as opposed to some other location. (I did read the Handbook on, but I'd like to get a bit more background).