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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. On 3/11/2019 at 1:03 PM, Me from ME said:

    I never knew there was a thing called co washing. I started skipping the shampoo every once in a while  when my hair started getting too dry in the winter

    A colleague and friend who is French does the co-washing (though he doesn't call it that). He will use conditioner every day and then use shampoo (after conditioner) maybe once or twice a week. That was the first time I'd ever heard of doing such a thing. Haven't tried it personally. 

    As for not washing or combing one's hair for 9 days... the only times I've heard of anyone doing that was because of hospitalization or trying to get dreadlocks going.

  2. On 3/8/2019 at 3:25 PM, Dot said:

    This may have been true for the Korean school you taught at, but it is obvious from what Twit has said that she got her job the way any American college grad could -- just manage to walk & takk at the same time. Twit had no teaching experience, no degree in English & no background in ESL. She claims a Montessori Method credential -- which would be irrelevant anyway -- but is vague about how & when she got it. I don't know what a TEFL/CELTA is, but if it's a credential requiring putting any amt of time to earn it, Twit doesn't have it.

    So I'll stand with @Me from ME: Twit probably found a job in Korea only becuz they were desperate for an American. And regardless of what you say, that is still true of ESL in Asia today.

    The reputable programs do have requirements like the @Me from ME described. There are also companies out there who recruit fresh college grads with little to no experience and put them through their own "training program" to teach English the way they (the company) want it taught. The pay is still pretty good and similar to what Me From ME described. The idea is you've just graduated college, you maybe want to travel, see the world but you're broke. You're also young and generally single/childless (therefore available to pick up stakes and move to Asia for a year or two)... it's not as bad as a sweatshop but it's not exactly going to produce a quality English-language Education. 

    And no. I don't see TWIT going for a TEFL/CELTA certification. I'm surprised she schelped her fat a$$ all the way through an undergraduate degree.

    • Love 3
  3. On 3/5/2019 at 5:03 PM, Ketzel said:

    But she (and Ryan) have 20,000 subscribers! She just said so on that morning program a couple of weeks ago! Who needs marketing when you've already got a reliable income stream of $400,000 a month?

    Okay. I've been blissfully out of the Twitney loop for ages now. So who is the Ryan and why is she calling him her sweetie or whatever "boo bear"-esque nickname... ???? 

  4. On 10/2/2018 at 11:21 AM, Colleenna said:

    If she were 30 # lighter, she could do "bouncy jacks" (some people call them jumping jacks, but there's no jumping involved) seated on a Swiss ball. Unfortunately most of these balls have a weight limit of 400. 

    And now I want one of these bouncy balls!! That looks fun!! Plus a good way to work off some nervous energy even if you just bounced without the arms at times. 

    • Love 1
  5. On 1/21/2019 at 12:37 PM, minamreeka said:

    I drink my coffee with heavy cream (but no sugar) because I'm following a high fat, extremely low carb diet.  But by heavy cream I mean I use a spoonful of it.  There is a place for it in a diet but just not what Whitney is doing with it.

    Do we know that she actually  means HEAVY CREAM and isn't doing the southern thing of saying "cream in my coffee" meaning milk or half-and-half? I remember the first time I went to the UK in my teens and a big point was to ask for milk in coffee, not cream because "cream" would be interpreted as heavy cream and not what most Americans meant by the phrase "coffee with cream". Not that I don't find it Very Believable that she is, in fact, asking for heavy cream in her coffee, but thought it might be worth clarifying. Half and half is about as heavy a milk-esque additive I can stand in my coffee. 

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  6. On 12/22/2018 at 10:23 PM, sara1025 said:

    While Whitney may not (yet) be 600 lbs, she's already making her friends/family take care of her and help her with things only paid caregivers should deal with so I wouldn't be surprised if she forced a child to do the same. What would happen if it was just her and her child and she had the back thing happen in the shower, the child would have to help their naked crying mother to her bed and watch as she has a meltdown about it, that would probably traumatize them (hell even Buddy is probably traumatized!) She's also quite narcissistic so I can just see it being all about her and who cares what the child wants, it's all about what Whitney wants and needs. I suppose I should have clarified about the BMI restriction, I think it makes sense for morbidly obese people, not for those just overweight. I agree with @alabester, if you have a physical ailment that prevents you from properly caring for a child then maybe it's not a good idea to adopt one, specially being single.

    And let us not forget how she would let the litter box get filthy to point that the cats were using the bathroom all over the place. You think she's gonna jump up and change diapers?? 

    • Love 5
  7. On 12/21/2018 at 3:18 PM, Irate Panda said:

    The agency lady said you couldn’t have a history of mental health issues, a BMI higher than whatever number makes you overweight maybe 29 and even being single made it bleak I think Whitney’s BMI was 67.  Whitney told the agency lady that Whitney was diagnosed with depression at 18.  I’m not sure if all these guidelines were just for Korean children, adoption in general or exaggerated just for the show.  The lady even said Tal had a better chance of being approved....I’m not sure if his sexuality was factored in or known by the lady.  Basically she said Tal being a man helped because a lot of the girls giving up their children had problems with their mother, I guess him being skinny helps too. I don’t even know if this was a real agency or just for the show.  Whitney started on that’s size discrimination, but the lady basically cut her off saying it was their (the Korean women) children so they can more or less have whatever criteria they want

    The agency lady was everything!! She was having none of Twit's whining about discrimination. And I love how Twit skips over the "must be married - first and foremost" to adopt a Korean baby and hones straight in on the BMI question. Frankly, her BMI is way down on the list of reasons Twit does NOT need to adopt a child. And the comments she blubbered out about her experience in Korea - like the country has just betrayed her personally after she'd "done her best" for them... cuz, ya know... it's ALL. About. Whitney.

    Why? Why am I still watching this crap? If I were Buddy, being drug back into this mess, I'd relapse too!! 

    • Love 9
  8. On 9/20/2018 at 4:23 PM, Colleenna said:

    She *can't* weigh herself. At home scales mostly have a max of 300# (although there's a more expensive brand that goes up to 400#). And I have no idea how much the weight limit on a normal doctor's scale is. It used to be 350. 

    And when did she start going to a doctor? Aside from the odd trip to urgent care. She's perfectly healthy, after all... why would she need to go to a doctor? /sarcasm

    • Love 3
  9. On 9/18/2018 at 6:32 PM, Ketzel said:

    Also because her diet consists of nothing but the five dangerous food groups: fried, creamy, sugary, starchy, and salty, washed down with caffeinated, carbonated or alcoholic beverages.

    @Ketzel...you make that sound like a bad thing... and now I want fried, creamy, sugary with a nice large caffeinated, alcoholic beverage. Ooooo one of those new coffee-covered krispy kreme donuts!!! Mmmm.... if only they had a krispy kreme around here... 


    Okay... I totally digress. I'll show myself out. 

  10. 47 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    Could you ask for one showing her washing and combing her hair?  
    The showering should be saved for her 600 Lb debut video.

    You know, you could. But she'd probably take great offense and refuse to make the video and then you'd find your request screenshotted and posted to her fb or ig and her minions would then come after you like they do when she riles them up to attack. I wonder if you'd still have to pay if the celeb refuses to make the video... hmmm.... 

    • Love 2
  11. On 9/8/2018 at 7:27 PM, Pachengala said:

    @Dot if you click on the ‘celebrity’s’ Cameo profile and scroll down, it has their specific rate. Here’s Whitney’s: 


    And if you look at some of the videos she's made, some don't look like she showered or bothered to even comb her hair. I know it's only $15 but still... make a little effort for the fans paid-for, personalized video, eh? 

    • Love 6
  12. On 9/8/2018 at 3:13 PM, Dot said:

    Thanks for this info, @Ketzel. I went to the link and read that "[the website owner] wants Cameo to let the smaller celebrities of the world 'better connect with you as a fan.' " So that explains how Tal & Twit ended up being on Cameo -- they are definitely in the class of "smaller celebrities." Well, except Twit (snark intended).

    I also went to the Cameo website & scrolled thru the "Reality" group. Boy, "smaller" is actually hyperbole. Granted, I don't watch much reality TV, but out of several hundred ppl in the group, I only recognized a half-dozen besides Tal & Twit. Calling these ppl celebrities, no matter how small, is really absurd.

    Tal doesn't mention a fee in his IG promotion of Cameo; he makes it sound as tho he is sending a greeting simply as a charitable impulse. Even more interesting: if you do order a greeting from Tal or Twit, you aren't told how much it will cost. I guess you learn that when you pay.

    ETA: @Pachengala pointed out down thread that the Cameo fee is shown on a red banner just above where you insert yr credit card number. And how embarrassing for Twit & Tal to be on this site at the prices they are worth!

    Y'all... Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies) is on Cameo. Along with Marla Maples, Josh Gates...Abby Lee Miller?!?!?!? this is the weirdest and saddest site!!! But Tom Felton?? I'd think he'd be above something like this with all the D-listers, Z-listers, and has-beens... sad. Just sad. What a weird mix of "celebs"... Caitlyn Jenner?!?! "ICON"... uh... okay. 

    Thanks @Dot - I have fallen down a rabbit hole and can't get out!!! 

    • Love 3
  13. On 8/2/2018 at 7:49 AM, 3girlsforus said:

    Ugh. I just checked out that Fat Girl Flow stuff which isn’t so much a clothing line as it is a blog. The woman who writes it and Whitney are a match made is delusional heaven. She tried all that time to get a endorsement gig from Torrid but that’s a real business that wanted nothing to do with Whitney. Now it seems she’s trying with this ‘influencer’s’ business. I didn’t see any reference to Whitney on the blog but I couldn’t stomach (no pun intended) reading much of it. 

    And yes - they  sell crop tops. YUCK!! Oh and triangle  bralettes up to size 44j. Sorry to tell you but if you have 44J girls you need underwire. 

    Based on this image, I'd say she thinks this clothing line is much more her style. And the model even has a nice calorie-laden coffee drink!!  ... ... 

    Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at 10.05.14 PM.png

  14. On 7/26/2018 at 8:40 AM, cherenkov said:

    Shitney's posts on Instagram lately are "throwback" to her last cruise and trying to make herself seen by talking about Shark Week:



    Has filming for the next season wrapped? I don't see anymore workout posts with her "trainer" whose lifting form scares the absolute shit out of me. It has now been over 2 months since the last time she posted a pic from the gym, and we all know Shitney does nothing without attention...

    OMG!!! Her upper arm is BIGGER THAN HER HEAD!!!!!! 

    • Love 3
  15. On 6/10/2018 at 4:34 PM, Dot said:

    Remember, tho, Twit claims her 2 eating problems are that she doesn't eat regularly & doesn't eat enough.

    I will say, for myself, from probably mid-high school years, all through university, grad school, and well into adulthood, I skipped breakfast and lunch and just ate "something" for dinner. I didn't snack throughout the day (if I was in class or working I was too distracted to think of eating or would do the "let me just finish this one little thing and I'll go get some lunch" until it was time to go home and eat dinner) and didn't just go home and eat constantly until bed. When I did eat, it wasn't a HUGE plate of whatever but it WAS typically crap of some description or other and probably a way bigger portion than one person needs to eat. A lot of carbs, chips, junk food. Calories I have no idea. Too many, most likely. I've never been Twit's size and generally have maintained my weight over the years with some relatively successful attempts at loss only to regain back to where started (thank GOD I never did the lose 20/regain 40 thing!). For me, not eating regularly was a big part of where my weight problems were/are exacerbated. I also wasn't very active, didn't exercise. 

    So skipping meals and then eating a lot of junk at night certainly could be part of the problem. But then... in her case, there's a lot more to it than that as we've seen on the show. And as she LOVES to point out, what makes it through the editing process is only a small portion of what actually gets filmed.  

    As for the whole "doesn't eat enough" claim... I think she'd be surprised at how much she really eats if someone actually tracked every morsel she put into her mouth. Although you'd think the collection of Starbucks cups, half-eaten cookies and food containers in her car would give her some perception!! Gads!!!

    • Love 4
  16. 23 hours ago, Dot said:

    This is a really interesting article; thanks for sharing it. I have 2 thoughts about it:

    (1) Why didn't the woman take the comparison photos at the same time to prove her point? (From hair & similar, it's obvious the photos are not taken together.)

    (2) Even if Twit & her photog used lighting, angles, etc., to distort her photos, it doesn't change the fact that she is so unhappy with her full, fat face that she feels compelled to use artifce to change it. (Frankly, I still suspect some kind of photoshopping was going on.)

    I agree on both points. The article was pretty startling to me how very different the author's face looked from one photo to another. It was hard to buy that it wasn't a photoshop or one photo is much older than the other kind of gag. I know angle and lighting can made a difference, but DAMN! Never imagined it could change one's looks that much. 

    And yes, your second point - spot on. We all want to look our best in photos but as has been mentioned up-thread, why would you go so far as to end up with a result that looks so totally different from what you look like in real life. 

    • Love 4
  17. On 5/3/2018 at 3:11 PM, cherenkov said:

    There's nothing about what she's doing there that could be called "good form" or "proper exercise".

    The box in a box squat is there just to signal you how low to go. You're  not supposed to actually sit on it!

    And at one point it looked like she was intentionally picking up her feet - like that was something she was supposed to do as part of the exercise (and not just momentum). 

    On 5/3/2018 at 4:27 PM, Ketzel said:

    It's a crossfit variation. She's still not doing it very well, but a brief sit at the bottom is part of this version.

    "We want to avoid...plopping onto the box" - so he's seen Twit's video??? haaa ha haaaa... cuz she be plopping. 

    • Love 3
  18. On 4/25/2018 at 10:07 PM, Kaia40 said:

    Wow, I didn’t even have to wait long for her to post a recent picture of her new “look” so that I can do a comparison. She definitely reads our posts, because she made sure that everyone saw her in a pic with Buddy, since we were saying he was avoiding her.  She probably just wore him down so much, that he agreed to a visit with her to get off his back and they are starting to film again so there’s that too! She’s fooling no one. Anyway, this is where I found this gem!!! I have to say, photoshop is pure magic because she has at least two chins visible in the first photo taken just days apart!  Just stop lying and campaigning that you love your body and you’re ok being fat (in her own words) but then altering a picture to look thinner and not like your current self.





    It may well be photoshop or similar app - or it could just be angle and lighting. This was an interesting article on the topic and the difference in how she looks in the pictures is pretty amazing. https://www.bustle.com/articles/147097-27-photos-of-my-fat-face-that-prove-camera-angle-is-everything-photos 

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