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Everything posted by Geekygal16

  1. I am so confused by her, by this show. She's close to 400 pounds and the show depicts her as going to the gym, exercising, lifting hundreds of pounds of weights, bench pressing... like she's a damn contender for the American Ninja Warrior. She pretty much died during the 8K in Hawaii, so yes... to redeem herself, she wants to bike, hike, swim another marathon type event that's 10 miles. Makes so much sense. I would die and I'm nowhere near 300 pounds. What the hell is she trying to prove? She can barely even climb a rock climbing wall. What makes her think she can do 10 miles? Is it the producers? They go into a room, and go... "How should we try to get Whitney to drop dead? Go!"?
  2. I may have missed it, but didn't she have two kids? Where is the first kid? If it weren't for that huge mass that is her stomach, I would not think she was 600 pounds. Of all the people featured on My-600-Lb-Life, her story resonated with me the most. On many episodes, there's usually some sad story or "Because this happened, I turned to food, etc.". Hers was simply, her mom gave her money and she used it to buy whatever she wanted and what she wanted was junk food.
  3. I for one hopes she quits the 8K so I don't have to watch her cry and whine and waddle in pain.
  4. Oh dear lord, is she going to be crying the entire 8K?
  5. Where does one get a bikini that size? I mean, kudos to her for having the self confidence to show her body off. But I seriously am amazed at the size of that bikini bottom.
  6. I'm sorry, but don't you have to STAND on the board in order to be considered surfing? If I push myself out into the ocean laying on a floaty, would I be surfing too? If so, I'm an AMAZING surfer. I think TLC seriously hates this woman. First skiing and now surfing. I think if she weren't so big she didn't qualify, TLC would try to stick her on a roller coaster, have her go sky diving or parasailing.
  7. She has two "best friends" that are gay. I'd think of all people, she'd be equipped to figure out if someone was gay or not. I think either 1. She's so desperate for love, she completely just ignored it or 2. The show faked the whole thing for ratings and she went along with it.
  8. I've been a bit behind and starting to catch up to this season... A couple thoughts: 1. She quit smoking? Since when? I thought she went through a pack a day. 2. I'm scared for Buddy's life. He seems to be struggling just breathing and talking. He sounds very congested. 3. Please don't show any more of this fake BGDC. Her "dancing" is literally her jiggling her butt. If that's dancing that is supposed to be her so-called "career", every girl at a club is a professional dancer. 4. This whole Avi thing has got to be fake, right? RIGHT???!!! 5. When she sat down on the couch at the bridal shop in only her bra and underwear... CLASSY! BTW, how is it possible that she's only wearing her bra and undies and it still looks like she's more clothed than me?
  9. I finally watched The Fitness Marshall video featuring Twit. It looked like it was filmed in one shot, not in multiple takes and then cut together. It was also close to 4 minutes long and Twit looked like she was struggling to keep up. The other 3 had a ton more energy than her. The part where they were squatting, she barely even went low and just did her signature butt shake. Why does this lady have a show to begin with? I think TLC wants to keep her morbidly obese.
  10. Twit is such a fucking hypocrite! Because she's fat and Todd's skinny, he should let her win? She, of her own no body shaming movement is essentially guilting him that because she's fat, she doesn't get any opportunities (based on this show, "opportunities" happen every week for her), so when she gets asked to participate in a lame ass You Tube video to hop around like a bunny (this is a serious "dance career", y'all), he should be happy for her rather than be upset that she's wasting precious time to go site seeing. This is supposedly the fat fabulous life she's living? When TLC put this crap on air, the premise was this 380 pound person enjoying life and doing things in spite of her weight. Something has changed this season because every fucking episode so far has seemed to show her limitations because of her weight. I don't think this episode cast Todd in a bad light. I think it shows what we all here already know... how much of a narcissist and self-involved Twit is and he's just about had it. I can't believe she's walking around NYC looking like a drowned rat. If TLC has a makeup team to make her talking heads look like a million dollars, they don't have a team to make her look representable before the cameras roll?
  11. Ok, who are these BGDC members doing this dance battle with Whit? Where's that blonde who Whit got pissed off at for trying to take over her "class"? The only people who I recognize is Mattie and that's about it. The regulars from previous seasons seem to be gone.
  12. Ok, who the hell is praising Whit's fashion sense? Are they wearing stretch pants and tank tops? Because as far as I can tell, that's all I've seen her wear. I know it's really difficult for her find clothes, but seriously?
  13. First off, congrats on the 106 pound loss! That is incredible. I don't think there is anything wrong with being called obese. What other word is a doctor supposed to use? It's not fat shaming, it's just the truth. I also don't find fat or big offensive either. Now if someone starts saying big tub of lard, that's name calling. I first tuned into this show because I wanted to be inspired by a larger woman who felt confident and powered IN SPITE of her weight. But I cannot stand her because everything is an excuse. I'm also obese with PCOS, but I'm not delusional about why I'm big. She blamed her weight solely on PCOS and thinks that she can dance away her weight without acknowledging her bad food choices. And still blames PCOS because she's still this big even though she's working hard. All lies!!! She's 32 right now. I totally agree with you. I'm big, but been fairly healthy meaning I'm not diabetic and I'm pretty limber and able to move without limitations. But, in the last couple years I've noticed the weakness in my knees and that I can't get up off the floor as quickly as I used to. I'm around the same age as Whitney. This is definitely age as well as the excessive weight hurting me. Whitney is going to have bigger and bigger problems if she stays over 350. I'm way way less than her and I'm feeling it.
  14. Is clurb a word? What the hell is that? Ooh, let me add an r and I'll create a new word. I'm so awesome! Whit, you are over 30 years old. You are neither cool enough or hip enough to start creating asinine nonsensical words. The friend just happens to walk by as Whit is leaving was the fakest and most obvious plant I have ever seen and I've watched some pretty awful reality shows. And the conversation they have after not seeing each other in so long... dance battle, seriously? Ok, so does Whit not show up at the radio station on a regular basis? The radio guys have made a couple comments like, "You showed up today!", "You still work here?". It's happened a few times now passive aggressively. Anyway, Whit is completely delusional if she thought she would be replacing Lauren. She's a glorified guest on that radio show, not an employee I feel.
  15. I am so confused. No way Buddy is 340 and Whit is 365. Even if he carried all the weight in his gut, she still looks like she's twice his size. How is it that Whitney looks like she's about to die during Jiya's dance class, but looks like she's training for American Ninja Warrior against Buddy during Will's workout session? I am getting more and more annoyed at how fake this show is getting. Whit needs a reality check. I cringe at all the times Whit embarrasses herself: each time she talks about her dance "career", how she counted on Roy to be in love with her, blaming her man problems on her weight, how she says she knows she would not be single if she wasn't fat, her hair looks awful, the fake pregnancy scare that's so obviously fake, the only thing missing was Dr. Phil delivering the results. First off, Jiya's class has a higher intensity level than Whitney's cause well, those ladies are actually dancing. And the fact that Todd and Tal loved it shows how fake Whitney's dancing ability is. I'm convinced Whit has her class wave their arms in the air, spin around and shake their butts during her so-called dance classes. And why, oh why, does she wear makeup to her workouts knowing full well she sweats like crazy?
  16. I think Whit has two moves when she dances... the booty pop with both arms grinding and the waving arms in a circle while twirling. I don't know proper names of dance moves so I hope I'm describing these properly. I also can do these two moves. Does this make me a professional dancer now?
  17. How much does Whitney weigh? She's knows she's big, right? She has a reality show called "My Big Fat Fabulous Life". Why is she crying when a guy says good thing she's on radio and not on camera? I'm not saying the guy wasn't an ass, but I'd think she'd have thicker skin to be in the public eye.
  18. Is it me, but does Buddy and Whitney breathe really loudly? With their mic packs, I can hear them breathing as if they're out of breath just talking. More Buddy than Whitney. I couldn't even watch the scene cause it sounded like he was about pass out.
  19. Does Whitney do all of her confessionals all in one day or something? She's wearing the same outfit during her sit-downs.
  20. Does anyone know, before TLC, what was Whitney's job and source of income? Because if I eliminate the money TLC is paying her, the only job she has is the 1 day a week dance class instructor? How much are her "students" paying her for the class, if anything?
  21. I forgot to mention that I loved Will for blasting Whit the way he did. She gained 4 pounds in a month while she's supposedly dancing and working out. Stop lying! It seems that people are finally getting tired of her. How long did she think she could keep being 380 pounds and not have people question that something is not right?
  22. When Whit told the camera that if Todd cared about their progress, he should just help her... Ooh, I almost threw something at my TV. She just expected him to take her shoes off for her and then started rambling off a bunch of excuses as to why she couldn't. The bench is attached to the wall, she can't reach her feet, she can't bend her legs. OMG! Her feet are so fat she can't wear a tiny heel for more than a couple minutes. Something is not right. Watching the two of them (two people who supposedly have rhythm) try to fox trot was tortuous. She was so unbelievably bad I wanted to cry for Todd cause this was her brilliant idea to enter the competition. Does it make anyone else crazy when she keeps saying "my dance career"? "I'm doing this for my dance career." "This is great exposure for my dance career." WHAT DANCE CAREER IS SHE TALKING ABOUT? Is she getting bookings? A Zumba class does not a dance career make. These so called dance DVDs... Where are they? She gets so out of breath she can barely talk. I really want to see these videos and see how amazing of a dance instructor she is. She is so delusional about Roy having a crush on her. So, she thinks any guy who talks to her wants her? Seriously? Can we just have a show with just Babs and Glenn only? They are absolutely adorable and quite possibly the only reason why I'm still watching this show. Oh besides to snark on crazy Whit.
  23. So I just found out about this show. Initially, I liked it and figured I should go back to the beginning and watch what I missed. The more Whitney talked, the more I wanted to slap her. She is a hypocrite. Her whole stance is she wants to prove that she can be healthy and fat. She loves being fat. I want to know if this is a requirement for her to be on TV. Because everything out of her mouth is a lie. I'm fat because I have PCOS - No, you did not get to 380 pounds because of PCOS. You got to 380 pounds because you ate too much and didn't move enough. Period. Yes, PCOS makes it harder for you to lose weight, but it's not impossible. And yes, I also have PCOS. I CANNOT STAND that she uses PCOS as the end all and be all of why she's so big. Get out of here with that nonsense. I can be healthy and fat and I will prove it - You fainted from overexertion. You threw your back out and can't move. You're only 32 years old. Yea, I would say you're not healthy at all. I can lose weight just by dancing - You're still 380 pounds and it's been 2 years since you have been on this show. Two years of trainers. Two years of dancing. Seriously???!!! I'm working so hard and it hurts when I see that I have gained weight - In other words, you're not working that hard by eating starches on top of starches with a side of sugar. When is this crap getting cancelled? I wouldn't mind watching a show of a big person who exudes inspiration, but that is not Whitney. I hate that she is getting compensated for lying and selling BS. The only positive note is I think her parents are adorable. She's lucky to have them.
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