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  1. I cannot stand the onslaught of bullies once again on this show. Can not stand it! I wonder if Boz watched prior seasons of this show. Because if she had, she would have seen Dorit smack in the middle of most ugly situations, and indeed at times the instigator. She is unlikeable at BEST. I hate seeing Sutton be berated repeatedly. The woman can do no right at this point. That said... Garcelle was correct to let Sutton swing in the wind on the boat given that Sutton let Garcelle swing in the wind at dinner the night before as she fan girled at Kyle . I do not understand Sutton's obsession with being Kyle's friend. It comes across very much as the not cool kid in high school trying to befriend the home coming queen. Could Erika be any more of a hypocrite? And I am not a fan of these women taking out their hair anywhere and everywhere! Its gross! Keep your dirty habits to yourself! Kyle and Dorit wearing their bikinis open to one side at all times seemed a bit "look at me!" I suppose that's all they have these days, so I'll let them have it. Personally, I thought Garcelle rocked her entire look the best. Woo! Boz describing her ride or die moment for Kyle when she saw Mau at the restaurant? Why was it that Kyle looked slightly embarrassed at the retelling? And I don't think it was just that Mau was up to no good again. I don't feel like she wants the other ladies to see her and Boz as friends.
  2. Dorit has all of this coming. PK had an entire family before her, and left them behind in England then married her. Why does she think this situation would go any different for her? She is so fake and such a fraudulent human being. She’s not funny or interesting and I truly would be fine with this being her Swan song on the show. I could care less that this is the only way she has to make her bills, it’s time for her to figure out what real work is, or velcro herself to another rich man. It’s just questionable who would put up with her fake accent and never ending dialogue. Oh the Mau of it all. At this point, he’s completely checked out and is absolutely living his best life. It doesn’t make him an evil human being, he’s a very good looking man and yes these young silly little gold diggers are gonna go for that. It’s weird that he has daughters the same age and he’s attracted to these very young women (that’s he is likely having sex with), but as we all know, that’s how society works. Kyle wanted to queer bait all last season, also with a young woman…and is clearly still hanging around Morgan so what does she expect? You can’t have your cake & Morgan & Kesha…and eat it too silly little Kyle. I found it very interesting that when Porsche saw her father in the kitchen, she kept calling him “hot” and acting all weird. It seems that their time alone in Europe, has fostered a new relationship and I’m not quite sure what it is, but she seems to think fan girling around him is what he wants…. maybe it’s always been this way but I just found their interaction odd. It’s always hard to navigate divorce and Porcha is just finding her way to coexist with both of her parents reliving their wild and crazy sides. Jennifer Tilly experiencing/witnessing the mean girl adjacent hazing we’ve all seen for years. Assuming they’d all be on a Kiki, when the reality is a scream fest most gatherings with someone storming off. She is a delight however, and I’m glad Sutton has another ally beyond Garcelle. Boz has a beautiful kind daughter. She hit the lottery with Lael. It’s a testament to Boz and her upbringing. Then we have to veer to Keely of questionable intentions and baby talk? After explaining the painful miscarriage before her daughter and the terrifying experience of carrying Lael? Boz, honey, hire the surrogate you know you need and stop this nonsense or I’ll keep fast forwarding thru your Keely scenes. I only tolerated this one because Lael was there and was beautifully asking all the questions any sane person would ask. It comes across as a desperate storyline. And if it’s not it makes me sad, as it speaks to Boz’s deep routed insecurities with men coupled with her intense desire for another child.
  3. I’m a white woman married to a black man. At no point have I referred to him as my black husband or before that my black fiancé or boyfriend. JT was being salacious with a racist twinge. Make no mistake about it. He was trying to act like the big man he isn’t with a girlfriend and a silly little black girl throwing herself at him. GTFOOH. How clear to all of us was it that Paige was done with Craig. It’s blatantly obvious and her ragging on him with Austen went a bit too far. Does he have it coming? I suppose. I like Paige. She’s a smart girl. But at this point I’d love to see Craig move onto a doting southern girl who will have his babies. His attraction to strong willed women with a side of mean remains his kryptonite. I was so repulsed by that plastic surgeon staring at Sally’s naked augmented breasts and telling her how great they looked. Just as she’s about to get them removed. I’m giving him side eye, and I’m glad mom and a female staff member were present. Not cool. Beyond that though, if she didn’t want the judgements the big fake tata’s bring, why on earth was she constantly bra less in tiny crop tops with the nippy nips at attention?
  4. Karen will be craving the dirty birds she threw out last season. Did she actually dry out in the 48 hour rehab stint? I imagine her now wig less, balding, & going thru some semblance of alcohol withdrawal. Humbling. How the mighty have fallen and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving drunk. Four DUI’s are a reprehensible fact and she needs to dig deep to realize she’s a gutter alcoholic that needs to truly take accountability and never drink again. She also should never drive again. Period.
  5. This absolutely should’ve only been a two episode reunion. It is absolutely boring as hell and I can’t stand looking at the smashed boobs on Wendy and Kay. The dresses look like weird papier-mâché projects gone wrong. Mia’s sapien adjacent face is too much for my eyes. Gizzy’s right boob is planning an escape. Scroll my phone while watching it is! Even with Karen not present I feel like more could have been said about her poor choices and shady lifestyle. Period. Ok bring on the Stacey paid TJ storyline. Which I don’t buy. Although a women stupid enough and selfish enough to only worry about alimony and not child support might just pay a gay man to be her “best friend.” 🙄
  6. Sheps’ little freckle lipped girl is really ruining his plan for a redemption arc this season. She did not get the memo that he is now a CHANGED MAN! He’s ready for little brown babies & to traverse between home base and the Bahamas. Except a few things get in the way of this narrative. He doesn’t actually love Sienna, she’s just an unwilling participant in his storyline. Beyond that, his family would not ever accept this girl into his white washed former slave owned territories. GTFOOH. After the reunion last year, he knew that he needed to flip the script and pretend to be a good little boy! But Sienna was not the person to try to align his story with, she’s a vapid Gen Z’er & was just looking for her quick 15 minutes of fame. She certainly doesn’t want it be known that she was in a romantic dalliance of any depth with a 46 year-old toothy man baby. On the aside I don’t find Sienna that cute and don’t understand all the fuss. To each his own I suppose. Shep’s façade really dropped when it came out that he had been missing all night, and of course he has the excuse that he passed out on a beach chair. It’s more like it that he found his way into some trouble involving drugs or sex or more alcohol or all of the above. Still not buying the Venita/JT producer induced feigned romantic overtures sub plot. I wish Venita would find her voice and be real. Or perhaps this is all the producers deem worthy of showing. I would watch her arrange flowers and prepare to host in her cute apartment any day of the week over this fake foolishness. She’s also fantastically dressed to the nines at all times. I am charmed. JT on the other hand knows how to talk himself out of any good graces. He needs to attend charm school or listen to his mama. He is highly highly annoying. Madison’s face looked so weird in the morning chat with JT without a mask of thick makeup. I always thought she was so pretty but the fillers & other work are showing up big time without all the spackle. Lay of the fillers ladies!! They make your face a bit sapien adjacent after a point. Lines are ok. Aging is ok. Hopefully her pregnancy will keep her away from the med spa for awhile. Craig remains a lying liar who lies. Molly is adorable. Sally is sassy and I like it. Austen remains a muppet mouth. That’s all I got.
  7. Jennifer Tilly had a delightful themed party. I loved the flowing caftans. I loved her jewelry and ongoing good nature & wide eyed wonderment of the world. She’s been a fantastic addition. Then along comes Dorit in her Dior and sour puckered face ruining the affair. Sutton went for the low blow. It was a bad look. But Miss fake accent carcass out has had it coming for seasons now. She’s not funny. She’s mean. The jabs at Suttons drinking are deliberate. Her rudeness in not coming downstairs for Sutton when she was the host reveals in fact she is a shitty host, and all for a “Mama” chain? 🙄 Please, she deliberately left Sutton to sit alone until another cast member that Dorit could tolerate arrived. Her throwing around PK’s alcoholism will only hurt her kids. She’s looking haggard with the weight loss and I’m not happy so much time has been wasted on her this season. She will always be part of that mean girl faux fox five group & I’ll hold her to that fire, even as that group disbands/evolves. She NEEDS this show, but is missing the mark on every aspect with her seething rage that is likely hiding panic. Mau remains living his best life. He is thrilled to be single and is not going back. His IG story this week was shirtless on a mountain with a guy friend “hiking.” (Just an excuse to show off his sexy dad bod with his clavicle bandage post fracture). Kyle wanted to queer bait and he got out for good behavior. Good for him! I just wish he’d taken a dog or two with him. STORM!!!
  8. Shallow notes: I’ve really hated this season. I stay annoyed. To be forced to watch Danielle’s stupid acting and look at her utter fail of a hairstyle (she could at the very least tie it back) and wrinkled forehead? Her outfits are not cute at all. It’s a big no. Dolo also looks beyond rough. Without that soft Housewives lighting she is just not very attractive. She’s also stupid. On this show and in life. Anyone writing a character witness for Tommy Manzo stays on my bad side, never mind her ongoing preference for a married man who’s been separated for eleven years and “just” filed for divorce? GTFOOH. Alan and the coffee filter around his neck? Its all a bit too over the top. His stylist this season needs a written warning. With Danielle ruining the season I’m left wondering how it would have gone with Boston Rob or Bob the Drag Queen still there. Even Dorinda. They managed to squander a Kate Chastain appearance to only one episode and wasted her sitting on a throne next to Toothy Headbands McGee. I guess I’m rooting for Britney or the Lesser Ephron. Gabby isn’t terrible, although the baby voice can be a bit grating… but she’s not stupid. I just can’t take another moment of Danielle and her writhing around on the floor in the most unconvincing fashion I’ve been made to bear witness to. I’ve watched every iteration of Traitors there’s been to watch including UK, Aussie,& NZ! This season was a chore not a delight. Ready for it to end as I’m not sure what could save it.
  9. I could not believe Jesse feeling Lexi up on the couch in front of everyone. I didn’t even notice at first, my husband called it out as he looked annoyed at the television (he hates my bravo affliction). And there he was, just feeling her up on camera! I feel very old listening to Lexi and the other new girl whose name escapes me. I read on Reddit the other girl was somewhat scrubbed because she was trash talking the show when back in NYC & telling people about the season. Did we really need to see Danielle again? She is the epitome of desperate and thirsty and I am very happy to not have her back on my television screen. Vamoose oh thirsty one! The new guy Imrule it’s kind of gross. I don’t know why they think that the viewing audience is interested in somebody going to sex parties and having multiple partners. I’m starting to feel like this show is running its course for me.
  10. My favorite IG Bravo cartoonist Drunkdrawn….
  11. I cannot watch with any interest if Sandoval stays. He makes my skin crawl. And Gabby has such a baby voice, it alternately fascinates me and irks me. It's strange to me that she was on the Bachelor as I don't find her that cute... oh well. Boston Rob is from two towns over from me. I have always been a fan. I love seeing him in his Zaddy era. I will miss him, but he played too aggressively. Carolyn's faces are just incredible. She cracks me up. There is a illustrator on IG that did a montage of her faces recently...
  12. This final segment of the reunion was a bore. It could have been done in two segments, no need for three. As distracting as Heathers over filled cheek bones and chin are, I was just as distracted by the plumpness of Bronwyn's cheeks. I will never understand the face tune ups they do right before these reunions. Britani is an idiot. What else is there to say? You can't spin your lousy parenting on Bronwyn nor will you ever talk anyone into thinking your a valuable human being. She is more worried about chasing Osmond dick than anything. She has brought tremendous embarrassment to herself yet is too stupid to see it Baby Voice Whitney will always bug me. She broke up a marriage so it's hard for me to get behind her ever. Her businesses are scams. Her voice is fake. If I could recast, I would lose Heather, Whit, and Britani, and down grade Lisa to friend of just to fuck with her.
  13. Reba was cruel. Did I catch some not so subtle racism? Telling Kyle she’s pretty but nothing like that to Garcelle, then beyond rude in receiving the scarf. I wanted to snatch it back thru my television. If she’s so smart and upper crust why is she sponging off her daughter? Who was the creepy male friend? Is Sutton supporting him too? I must admit I did chuckle at the preview with Reba telling Garcelle that her relationship with Sutton was none of her business. We all know Garcelle acts as a provocateur in these situations & it’s high time someone tell her to back off. Love her, but the poking & bluntness could be a bit more measured. Reba is going to eat her up for lunch. Imagine being a sick narcissist coupled with a mental health degree? She’s a dangerous woman if you ask me, & I can’t imagine her treating patients. *shuddering* Kyle and Mo made me sad. I’m such a sucker! I can’t stand her or her new stupid face with caterpillar brows and ridiculous platypus lips. But damn if I didn’t tear up at her (performance) 😉 Kathy's house is beautiful. Her staff are top notch. I had the feeling she got them that way by being a royal bitch as she set up her expectations. It’s hard for me to imagine James Kennedy getting shitted at her recent Christmas party which in turn upended his life. Sorry off topic, but I couldn’t help when seeing the house of thinking of him. Dorit better buckle up. It’s gonna be a wild ride and both have not much of a pot to piss in. Instead they are pissing on each other with no regard their kids will see all of this one day. Get thee to a lawyer Dorit. Pronto.
  14. How incredibly awkward was Rebecca asking if she should just leave or be de-mic’d and all the women could have cared less she was exiting? After having to witness the stringy wet look hair and a stream of sarcastic excuses coming out of her mouth for three minutes? Nope babe; exit stage left forever! While she isn’t my worst new housewife ever, she’s in my top ten. That helicopter footage of her admitting this is all for brand recognition and how much her business had lost during COVID was quite revealing eh? Oh & the elitist “all successful people live in a few places.” Byeeee 👋🏼
  15. Could JT be more of an unlikeable ****? Coddled by his mama, incapable of being NORMAL for two minutes, always having to incite? I agree with you all, Venita was just a story line. And she knew it... no reason to waste your Branzino on him girl. His desperate painting of him hanging with the bro's was just so cringe. Can we get more Venita playing host (just not to JT)? I'd love to watch more of her cutting herbs, setting out flowers, telling us the rules! Can we get less of muppet mouth Austen demanding a friendship that only counts if its on his terms? Can we get the butler a dumbwaiter? Come on Miss Pat, treating people like that is not a good look. (although when I saw all the stairs on the new Below Deck Down Under I realized it could be worse for service staff).
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