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Everything posted by TotoGirl

  1. That's how I feel too. Makes me feel like people are friendly too, though I understand where everyone else is coming from Everyone that posts in these forums is so good at getting their thoughts across so eloquently...sometimes when I go back and re-read my posts, my words make me sound like I'm a schmuck who barely passed third grade!
  2. We know Twit's friends get paid to be on MBFFL, but I think the most underpaid people involved with Twit's show are the camera operators that put in long days recording 1000+ hours of Twit's life. Whatever they are making should be increased 100-fold, at least!
  3. I'll admit to having an "RBF"---some days it's there because it's a crappy day & other times just because....but I mostly reserve it for times when I'm "graced" by the presence of 24/7-CTB's (24/7-Complete & Total Bitches) as I personally (and privately) refer to them. They're sort of the older, wealthier version of Mean Girls and they travel in packs. Somehow there are always a plethora of them at our local High School sporting events, giving the death-stare to anyone that doesn't wildly cheer for their little Peyton Mannings. ;) (And that’s just what they do on Friday nights.) Several of them are shop owners here in town (floral, clothing, etc.).. Among us "regular people"/"peons" the running joke is, that after (if) you buy anything from their store, you MUST then kneel at their feet, kiss their shoes and thank them for the privilege of spending your money there! They're awful!!! (Definitely 24/-CTB'S in my mind!!!)
  4. @ClareWalks---Thanks for your point of view. I hadn't thought of the whole thing from that perspective until you explained how you feel about it. I'm so sorry to hear that you were bullied like that. Bullying is something that causes pain and torment in such permanent ways, doesn't it? I guess we're kindred spirits in that way. (Along with many others in this forum.) I guess I just looked at this particular situation with Twit as a simple, innocent interaction between two random people and didn't look farther or deeper than that. Even knowing that Twit overreacts---often---I was still surprised by the vehemence in her post. Sometimes it feels a like she just wants something to preach a sermon about and her devout followers jump on everything she says and go crazy with it, just because "Twit says". Trying to figure her out is quite the exercise in frustration & exasperation, isn't it?
  5. Found this gem on Twit's FB page a while ago & just remembered it & thought I'd share.... (If it's a repeat, please disregard.) The FB post was entitled Don't Make Me Smile", "Don't Ask Me to Smile"- something along those lines. (I don't have the energy to go back and look it up.) Apparently Twit had been in the checkout line at the grocery store, had paid for her items and was waiting for the courtesy guy to finish bagging her groceries. When handing the bags to Twit, he apparently hesitated with the last bag, looked at Twit, and said "Smile, it's a beautiful day!" I guess this was horrific thing to do to Twit because she raced home to her FB page and launched into a 4000-word TIRADE filled with statements like "don't ever ask me to smile, I will smile when, and if, I want to", "NO one has the right to force their feelings onto another human being" and "in this day and age, men still feel like women are to be controlled and that it is a man's right to do so". Of course, her minions joined right in, agreeing that this guy was a "real jerk", that "no man has any right to tell a woman what to do", etc. etc. etc.....Unbelievable. We all know that Twit lives in a world of "her truths" and twists her interactions with others around in quite inventive ways, but I thought "WTF???" Twit wigged-out out because of this??? Because some guy said "smile"??? Seriously??? Egads--the gall, the horror, the atrocity!!! Stop the presses everywhere, announce to the world, so everyone knows NEVER to say "smile" to anyone ever again!!! (Usually, if someone says "smile" to me.....I do! It makes me smile...'cuz I think it's kind of a nice thing to hear! And then...unbelievably ....I usually reply back with "have a great day!" or something terrible like that. But...that's just me....and I'm just not as enlightened in social graces as Twit...Guess I have a lot to learn.) ;) Sometimes I just can't with her.......
  6. I keep thinking about Glenn. During this episode, I really thought that he looked completely "paralyzed". Absolutely stuck in place as far as what he can do, or should do to change anything in his daughter's life. Think about the way Twit talked about the skiing episode: the camera crew didn't help her fast enough or help her the right way, the boots were faulty, other people would have been hurt in that situation, but she wasn't because her legs are strong and flexible from dancing, which allowed her to lower herself down and go into controlled splits. We know her family and friends watch the shows when they air on TV, so I'm going to assume Glenn saw the same skiing incident we all saw. I imagine he was wondering "what the hell" after hearing the reasoning & explanation that had just come out of Twit's mouth. Seriously---where would he start? What could he possibly say? If he confronts her, she gets angry, deflects, cries, screams at him or just completely shuts him out. I mean seriously, what the hell does he do anymore? I know he loves his wife, but I think he has some serious doubts as to whether or not Babs would back him up, or take Twit's side and defend her. I'm not excusing him from all responsibility-he did help in creating the version of Twit we see today, but I think he's backed so far into a corner that there really doesn't seem to be anything he can do anymore to change the outcome of things.
  7. Mamadrama---I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this. Sending love & hugs across the miles. You have so many of us here keeping you in our thoughts. I hope knowing that brings you some comfort.
  8. I would love to see Michelle Carter and Sarah Robles be the faces of the Body-positive movement. To quote you, 3girlsforus, they're "healthy, strong, confident, driven and intelligent", and they've had to live balls-to-the-wall to reach their Olympic success. I seriously doubt either one of them spent any time sobbing in the restroom if somebody pushed them too hard. I'd love to read books about their life stories and I'd have no hesitation whatsoever if my kids looked up to and/or emulated them! What an inspiring, refreshing change Michelle & Sarah would be compared to the narcissistic, name-calling bully we're stuck with now.
  9. Criminal Minds, NCIS, Joe Kenda & other true crime shows, CSI (original & NY), Law & Order:SVU (Love Mariska Hargitay!), and any kind of Forensics show. (My hubby also jokes that if he ever goes missing, our kids need to point the cops my way, even though they'd never find his body!) :) If I'd only known about Forensics when I graduated from high school, I'm positive I could've helped catch a ton of serial killers by now! Toddlers & Tiaras, MBFFL, 600-lb. Life. Used to love the Duggars (until the parental cover-up & other crap Josh did), and, hanging head in shame... Honey Boo Boo (but their grossness got to me).
  10. Speculation & Ideas regarding Twit's upcoming 'Big Announcement': (Feel free to chime in & add your own ideas!) -Endorsement deal -Another book deal -Opening her own dance studio -Her own talk show -Cameo in a movie -Finally decided to have weight loss surgery -DWTS appearance or guest judge
  11. During this season, I wondered why Ashley was never shown, then I read somewhere that Ashley had begun a fitness & weight loss journey. Made me wonder if Twit said nasty things to Ashley (like she said about Roy) for wanting to lose weight, and they had it out, and that's why she isn't a regular on the show anymore.
  12. ^^I've thought the same thing about the 'Big Girls Dance Class' title. I could see where some people might think of it having a negative sound to it, and if there are guys out there who enjoy dancing as a form of exercise, how would they know whether or not they'd be welcome to participate? I like the "No Body Shame Dance Class" title, but I don't like Twit. Someone here suggested that Caitie start her own classes and call them "Every Body Dance Class"---that title sounds more like every size, age and gender is welcome. (Plus, I really like Caitie!)
  13. A Evening Out with The Barnacles of Twitlandia: As a group, they pick the restaurant with the largest buffet in town. (Natch.) They are led to their table, nearest the buffet, of course. Buddy is wheezing, his face is turning a strange color & he's mumbling something no one can understand, Todd spins, hip-pops and dance-struts his way to the table, Tal demands a larger bowl for a Fruit Loops appetizer and Heather is shouting "Todd, that C-U-Next-Tuesday thing was awesome! Everybody together now, C--U--Next...." while doing some lame cheerleader pose. Then, in unison, they all demand a larger chair in preparation for the Queen of Twitlandia's arrival....which is announced with a soundbyte of donkey-braying laughter blasted over the sound system. Once everyone is seated, and the Queen's shoes have been removed, they share a pitcher of frappuccinos and toast to the awesomeness of being "besties" with The Coolest Dancer and Best Twerker on Earth. Ahhhh, what a life they live. I am SO freakin' jealous!!! ;)
  14. I used to think Heather was pretty OK, but knowing she’s praising Todd on FB for the C-word, she's demoted to the dregs of humanity status with the rest of the group. (Really Heather? You're setting a great example for your young children.)
  15. Ooooooh....So much to snark about, I don't even know where to start!:) (Thanks for the great new thread, Toaster Strudel!!!)
  16. @Tosia---Best two-sentence description of Twit I've ever seen. May we suggest it to her as the title of her next book? ;)
  17. @jacksgirl-Same here for me too. We also RARELY had soda in the house & if we did, it was a 6-pack and each family member got one can. (If we were thirsty, my Dad's patent answer was "there's milk in the fridge or water from the tap".) I also grew up on a farm and way back in the "stone-age", getting take-out pizza meant a 40-mile round trip to town and was a huge treat that we had maybe every 2 months.
  18. I wonder what the owners of the Greensboro Dance Company think of Twit & Todd's behavior and language while on national TV. I know they get a lot of free publicity because of Todd & Twit, but I assume that a huge percentage of their customers/students are female (adults, teens and little girls). I wonder how many of their students are as outraged and distgusted as we are? Wonder if GDC worries about it affecting their business? (I'm still super-pissed about the bullshit that went on the other night!!!)
  19. This whole Twit & Buddy thing is just weird. The "Boo Bear" pet name (said a bazillion times); the vast number of "crossed the flesh-hold" comments, being in the hot tub with the man she 'used to be in love with'/man she's 'currently in love with', the juvenile pursed-lips 'kiss me Lennie' 'love you Lennie' gropey-stuff whenever Buddy was around, giving Heather all those side-eyed death stares, trying to get Buddy's undivided attention when Heather's around...I just assumed Twit and Buddy had had a hot & heavy romance, it ended & they remained good friends. NOW we find out there never was a romance between the two and Buddy says he's never thought of Twit romantically and he's never been physically attracted to her Was this all some long-running delusion of Twit's? An outright lie to make her seem super-desirable? A load of crap just for good TV fodder? Or is she hoping all these stories & hints will make Buddy realize his one true love has been right in front of him all this time?
  20. But Twit only passed out from poor hydration & lack of sleep! Give her a nap & some Gatorade and she'll sail through with flying colors! A 2nd-place finish is practically guaranteed! ;)
  21. It definitely looks like Buddy has put on weight, but I'm just not convinced that he's only 20 pounds lighter than Twit and weighs in at 370 lbs now. Men do have more muscle & larger bone structure but I just don't see him weighing that much. Might just be me though.
  22. @ClareWalks-I admire your determination and commitment to continual self-improvement!!! You definitely inspire me to try harder on my own journey. Buy yourself that cupcake after those 14 miles on Sunday, girl--a giant one too, and savor every bite!!! You will have earned it!!!
  23. @Ketzel--that ^ post needs a warning telling us to put on a Depends before reading! Putting on Depends makes me think of Twit's statement: "Cuz, you know how when you laugh, or sneeze, or just sometimes for no reason, you pee all over yourself?" ( her voice trails off as Buddy looks like he's going to vomit....)
  24. The way Twit acted when she confronted Lennie about not being home at 3am spoke volumes. Calling him 10 times, getting upset when he didn't answer her texts right away, driving to his house to ask him where he'd been, putting her fingers over the peephole in the door so he wouldn't know it was her knocking...it seemed needy, clingy, insecure and a bit juvenile to me. Combine that all the ass-shaking, Fitty Smallz videos, really overt sexual behaviors, sharing their intimate sexual details with a radio and TV audience - I could see where it would be overwhelming, intimidating and off-putting for a guy in this relationship having all of this stuff coming at him every minute of the day. Add in the overbearing, loud, attention-seeking behavior, the guffaws, and the weird pit-sniffing stuff and a lot of guys might think it's just too much to deal with.
  25. Scooters with baskets on the front for those pizzas, cupcakes & jumbo frappuccinos.
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