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Posts posted by snickers

  1. This movie is on Prime, i highly recommend, it is slow moving so it might be good for a saturday or sunday afternoon viewing....

    I hope Riz wins, I think I read he spent six months learning ASL for the role and it shows

    As someone who is somewhat familiar with the Deaf community, i think this movie did a really good job showing the effects of hearing loss and


    how getting the cochlea implant is a not a "quick fix" and i really liked how it showed once it is first turned on, that voices sound more mechanical


    • Love 3
  2. I thought this movie was pretty good, i expected it to be nominated, not sure about wins though. 

    I would definitely NOT recommend this movie to anyone who is sensitive to the subject matter

    But I think it was a really good story to be told, for I think it is more common then people realize, and while this is not exactly the same, one of my friends told me about a friend close to them who lost their baby a week before birth in utero and how the mother had to deliver a deceased baby, and the emotional toll it took on the couple


    Hearing stories like that make you appreciate and think about how dangerous the whole process is


    But did anyone else think the chemistry between Vanessa K. and Shia L. was off??? I just wasn't buying them as a couple, but I may be extra critical because i CANNOT stand Shia L. as an actor, I have never liked him since his Transformers days, I am not saying it now just because of the drama surrounding him....I just do not like his acting method


  3. I thought this movie was too depressing, I don’t see how humans can go on with only 2 people left. 

    I consider the film so-so, the scenes with Jupiter in the sky was awesome, but there was not enough of them. 

    I liked the twist though. 

    • Love 1
  4. This movie was crap! I heard it was not worth watching but I thought hey, why not make use of my hbo max subscription.


    good thing I didn’t pay extra money for this.


    I think Jared Letos character did it, sparma? I don’t even remember his name! But I agree the movie really went sideways once jimmy got in the car with him and started digging with his back turned *eyeroll*


    how did they get 3 stars to be in this? 

    if someone else is the killer, did they even show or hint who it could be? 

    • Love 2
  5. Yes, off the chain but i heard some historians felt this portrayal was a little...too off the chain? though they are happy the story of John Brown was finally told


    So I finally watched this series....my Mom has Showtime so she had it recorded and we finished this the other day....there is way too much stuff on TV so i can only watch so many shows at one time


    But i agree with what others have said, more people need to be watching this! this was sooo good!!!! I think what made it work so well was having the story be told from a kid's perspective, and i appreciated the humorous aspects of such deep and disturbing subject matter


    I think the casting was spot on...loved Bob, loved how he said he "wanted to believe" before he jumped out the carriage, i liked Daveed D. as F.Douglass, i liked the casting for the General.....the sons......heck i even liked Cook!


    Ethan Hawke needs to be recognized for this performance....i'm sure he will get a nomination, but he really should win....I'm not one for grand speeches, but even i was moved by his speech in "gentle Canada".....watching that speech made me think, "this is how people become radicalized!"  (of course-completely different cause, but hopefully you get my point ha)


    I know some Showtime shows end up on Netflix....I really hope this ends up on Netflix eventually so this reaches a larger audience....February would have been perfect for Black History month but I have a feeling it won't go on Netflix until the end of 2021. 


    Obama listed this as one of his top 10 shows for 2020 i think....


    my only criticism is that i wished they would have shown more of the "bleeding Kansas" conflict....i have a friend who teaches at a University in Kansas so she has told me a lot about the bleeding Kansas stuff, i have visited Kansas a few times.....and i was disappointed when we went to Topeka the capitol building was closed for renovations so i could not see the John Brown mural....here's to hoping the next i am out there it is open!!!!!

    • Love 1
  6. On 9/24/2020 at 2:00 PM, festivus said:

    He was fine but I don't get the hype with this dude. He's nice looking but he's always just okay. OTOH, I've never been that impressed with Sam Claflin either but I thought he was very good as the rigid douchcanoe,

    Ok, Henry Cavill might not be the BEST actor, but my god, he is SOOOO fine to look at, he was especially nice to look at when he was on the Tudors.  And his acting to me, is better than say some of the other big names like Chris Hemsworth who to me, is just okay acting wise, and Henry Cavil imo is the better looking person if we are going to strictly go by looks here


    As for Sam Claffin, I recommend watching the movie, The Nightingale, if you think he was a good douchcanoe in Enola Holmes.....


    I thought this movie was good, but, kinda long? I would like to see a sequel, because i didn't like the way it ended...to open ended????

  7. Was not impressed with Amy Adams, but I thought Glenn Close did a good job.

    I did not read the book, but my Mom did, and I think i enjoyed this movie more than she did, she liked it, but I think she was hoping for me.

    I guess I was not that disappointed because, Hollywood has long had major problems trying to tell stories for this demographic group AND they do not do a good job translating coming of age novels/biographies to the screen


    • Love 2
  8. 2 hours ago, circumvent said:

    A 18-year old having sex with a 17-year old have the same consequences in some places, like being considered a predator. 

    I don't think grooming is the same as preying. In the show Eric has agency, and I do like that the grooming part is at times subtle. Claire seems, at times, lost and impulsive, but not someone who is out to get every student. Besides, have been in a relationship with a teacher, I don't see why he should be treated like he was using his "power" to get students. That would not be justice. It was natural and organic.

    But I didn't grow up in this country. The United States is extremely puritan concerning relationships, body and sex. Maybe that contributes to the number of real predators and pedophiles.

    The US is a puritan society, it has loosed up quite a bit i think, but, i mean, it was founded by puritans right? LOL


    I do not think that is why we have predators and pedophiles....


    Claire just makes bad decisions period....she's not a predator, but she is abusing her position, doctors/teachers/counselor's etc,  people in positions of authority/power cannot be in relationships with the people they provide a "direct service" to


    I myself come a counseling background, now, I am not currently doing that, but I am still in the social services realm, and a good piece of advice i heard once at a training was, that it is natural to develop feelings for the people we serve, but if it happens, you have to remove yourself from the situation, you cannot work with them, and you cannot be with them or begin a relationship with them.  I believe in my profession, you cannot start a relationship until you have had no contact for 5 years.....so the person who did the training said, "you tell that person, if you really have feelings for me, you will wait"


    I mean that might sound ridiculous, but I thought that was good advice, you have to remove yourself, cut yourself off and move on, and say, "find me in 5 years, i'm out"


    otherwise you end up like Claire here....

    • Useful 3
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  9. I found this show by accident when I turned on Hulu live and it popped up on the interface....I was like, this looks intruging


    I watched the 3 episodes in 2 days


    I love it....can't wait to see what happens.....I like Nick Robinson...and I still think he can play a teen even though he is far from one


    I did expect the romance to start like, half way through the season, not by episode 3


    I have to say i can't help but think of Mary Kay L. when i watch this though-though at least this kid is a senior, not a 6th grader

    • Love 8
  10. 2 hours ago, PikaScrewChu said:

    How are people still okay with making jokes about "the Jew nose"? 😬😬😬😬😬

    Man, I tell you, that scene in the synagogue....she HAD to be in on it right? If someone showed up dressed up like that at my place of worship I’d be calling the police. If she wasn’t, she was truly a saint. 

    Another WTF moment was the lady and the cake...you just write that with no pause? 

    as for the Q guys, the hubby theorized they were a gay couple? Anyone else suspect that? I mean, it would explain them not going totally crazy on him when he was parading around in his underwear 😂

    • Love 6
  11. I just watched this series this week due to a recommendation from a friend pre COVID, i have been itching to watch halloween moves/shows, so i thought, why not


    I have to say i was disappointed-i liked the guy who played Dracula, but i am surprised there is so much love for agatha......her character annoyed me soooo much!!!!! nothing against the actress....but.....she was just too unrealistic for the time period....now, the character of zoe i was i fine with....which is why i say it was nothing against the acting


    i just think it tried to be too "modern" or as someone else put it "edgy"....it just didn't work for the time period...but....i will say....i didn't mind the dracula being with men aspect of it....considering dracula is supposed to be seductive and a seducer....that part with the guy on the boat i could get behind...but the scene with him naked in front of the convent was just too much for me


    count me in as someone who also loves the 1992 FFC version....nothing can beat the cinematography and score.....plus there's no way a movie like that would be made now with those scenes (especially the lucy/dracula scenes lol)

    • Love 1
  12. 54 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

    As for the Rudy bit I bow to no one in my hatred of Rudy but I noticed that a lot of the dialogue seemed dubbed over and there was a lot of use of a split screen between the daughter and Rudy, so it's hard to know how real that whole segment was

    you and I must be watching two different movies...sure the scenes were edited/spliced up....but i think it is obvious...we saw what we saw...a guy totally infatuated.....and I think he thought, "she's totally into me too" with the hand on the knee, etc....I think the asking for the number/email sealed the deal...and is he married?


    As for the rally scene that was another scene heavily edited.....did anyone remember when that footage was leaked over the summer? I think someone at the rally figured out it was SBC....because the video i saw on the net showed him getting booed off the stage...not because they figured out who he was...but I think the started to figure out they were getting duped....but, i swear the video i saw was like at least 9 minutes long, maybe longer...which just shows how long it was going on and how as he sang more versus, the more they were eating it up....i wonder if this was the place where he wore the bullet proof vest...it has to be.....


    my hubby thought the scene with Pence was the scene where he wore the vest


    i quite liked this.....it's been so long since i've seen the first borat i can't really compare, but, while he changed it up that's not a bad thing...

    • Love 3
  13. So this is not as good and not nearly as scary as hill house, but, I found bly to be creepy, eerie, and hands down the saddest horror/haunted house story I’ve ever seen

    i mean, that ending with Dani and Jamie....I was 😭

    I didn’t care for the relationship between Peter and Rebecca, or that back story with the sisters but what happened to the lady in the lake was really, really good 

    • Love 3
  14. I am not surprised to hear her parents owned their home, I’m hearing houses in Colorado are averaging about a million these days???? Did they even have jobs when they moved out there?

    And you know she was running the show by that pic of him in the mouse ears 😂I think for some men it is pulling teeth to get them to wear the shirt, let alone ears 

    I thought this documentary was so-so, I knew the story already from watching like a 20/20 special, was hoping I would learn something new watching this.....uh no

    • Love 1
  15. On 10/3/2020 at 11:30 PM, ShadowHunter said:

    Since the school did not care enough to stop the fight sooner I guess none of them get expelled from school? Lol.

    Man, I love me some cobra Kai but that fight was sooooo over the top.....

    I get they wanted something big and didn’t want to repeat a tournament....but....really?

    but I am looking forward to season 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Love 2
  16. If you don’t want to be spoiled quit reading this post lol


    i thought this season was just so-so, got good the second half, the first half was just slow...these new characters all blow minus Reb but even he got on my nerves by his inability to function by himself 


    On 9/30/2020 at 2:13 PM, zibnchy said:

    1. Fucking Judy. This new character who we know nothing about and who we are not really told anything about and, to boot, she's just really unlikable AND, if I do say so, not a good actress, is given this pivotal role in the season? WTF?

    2. Will Jackson is just incredibly useless.

    3. Either give Linda Miles a real storyline or kill her off please. Her nasty snotty

    Yes to all three! Judy was terrible....from the moment she had those pants pulled up like Eurkel I was like, “this chick is a terrorist” 

    I have a feeling we will see miss miles as governor next season....but then we will get either useless Will or Vera back 


    On 9/30/2020 at 2:13 PM, zibnchy said:

    7. I confess that I really really wanted them to find Dr. WhateverTheHeckHisNameIs tied up in the back of the prison van. It would have been cheesy but satisfying.

    Dr. Miller! They say his name so much how can one forget 😂 that would have been funny to see....I was sooooo disappointed he got played by Ferguson....I really thought he was going to take Vera’s concerns to heart....I mean, I know he cannot let personal feelings get in the way...but come on man! You didn’t make the connection with the fish gone missing! You are supposed to be the medical doctor! Funny because I thought we were gonna get a dr Miller/Vera romance in season 7 going into season 8....pretty sure that is now dead before arrival 

    too bad, he was an upgrade compared to Jake the snake lol

    Allie was a bad top dog.....unfortunately I think she’s a goner....so who is boomer and Ruby going to hang with next season? Not Lou Kelly! 

    the freak better be in peak freak form next season....no more hiding behind Kath Maxwell!

    • Love 1
  17. Wow oct 2021! Why even release the trailer...no wonder regal decided to shudder their doors 😐 

    looks like I got time to read this book now 😂

    • Love 2
  18. On 9/12/2020 at 9:36 PM, Melina22 said:
    On 9/12/2020 at 9:12 PM, topanga said:

    Most women astronauts would not be like this, even mothers, so it upsets me that Emma was written this way. Certainly no male characters would ever be written as conflicted and ineffective as Emma. 

    I have to agree. Astronauts, male or female, aren't just regular people. That's why so few make it through the incredibly rigorous selection process. They have a very distinct combination of qualities you don't find in most people. They're smart and fit obviously, but they also must have a certain amount of ice water in their veins to even get on those giant tin cans and get blasted into space without screaming in terror. 


    Yes! That’s the problem with the writing, they made Emma and even Ram I think “too regular and relatable”.  Misha and Lu were more in line (but even Lu had her moments of ridiculous) of the characteristics of an astronaut. I liked all 5 of them, and in the beginning I didn’t think that would happen, and I know the “drama” aspect is why that happened but from a practical aspect yeah, I don’t think it represents what astronauts are really like.


    A good movie I think that also shows their personalities is First Man. I thought Ryan Gosling did a pretty decent job in that movie. But yeah, it definitely seemed like Neil Armstrong was very.....bland and at times cold. But I get it, you can’t be warm and fuzzy, because back then, they really were in, to quote Star Wars, a “bucket of bolts” that sounded like it was gonna break into pieces as they took off into space. I’d be terrified. 

    I personally don’t think the problem with the story was that they choose a bad candidate in Emma-I think the writers just wrote her very badly. They tried to make her a super star at work at write her as a super mom. I think she was supposed to be their “best” astronaut-yet the 10 episodes written made one think otherwise with all the drama.

    The show should have been 6-7 episodes, I don’t think we even needed 8! I actually didn’t mind the husband, he actually gained my respect in the flashback scene when he held his tongue when she climbed onto that jet and wouldn’t “confirm” the not pregnant question, I thought she was going to take off in the jet- he could have easily overstepped his bounds and intervened to “keep her and baby safe” because that so would have happened in shows or movies in the past. But I liked how he just astutely observed. I think I also have a soft spot because I liked him in don’t tell mom the babysitters dead 😂

    Anyone know If season 2 is happening? It doesn’t seem like this show got a lot of viewers????

    • Love 2
  19. On 9/10/2020 at 10:01 PM, Anduin said:

    It isn't a huge book. Wordcount is about 181.5 thousand words, a little over Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and less than even the smallest Ice & Fire book. There's also an audiobook on YT. Plenty of time between now and December if you get cracking!

    Ok you have convinced me to purchase and download it as my next book! 

    • Love 2
  20. I'd be interested in hearing what fans of the book think? I remember as a kid the mini series on TV coming out...I never saw the movie from I think the 80's or 90's but i hear it is horrid....

    maybe if they push this movie back i can read it before it comes out LOL

    I do think books like this are meant to be adapted today, with the advancement in special effects/CGI

    I think it looks good too...but trailers can be deceiving....and i heard Blade Runner 2049 was a bust (i guess?)

    But I will go see it....i miss blockbusters and I don't want to pay PVOD prices!

    • Love 1
  21. So-I had never heard of the umbrella academy until season 2 premiered-watched both seasons in about 5 days 

    definitely one of the better Netflix shows-I think in some ways I might like it better than stranger things, but, I do have some gripes with it

    for one, like with stranger things I cannot get behind all of the main characters-my top 3 in order were Five, Klaus, and Allison, I just did not care for Diego at all and Luther really annoyed when he tried to be the hero, but, I had a soft spot when he was a good big bro to Five though Five is older than him 😆

    as for vanya, I really did not like her in season 1, I thought she was much better in season 2 and I hope she finally has a handle with her power because if in season 3 she causes another apocalypse I’ll be doing a serious eye roll at my tv screen, oh and I’ve seen other comments in here that she reminds them too much of dark Phoenix, definitely! 

    i am also hoping the siblings get closer in season 3, I think the best scenes is when they are all together, and when we will finally see some of the other people with abilities? Lila while a surprise, again almost reminded me of an X-men character with her ability to mirror the powers 

    I guess those sparrow academy kids might be some of the others? 


  22. Oh where to begin with this show lol

    the good:

    -the scenery, while the cgi at times was bad I thought the setting looked great

    -good finale, pretty decent finale to an otherwise blah season 


    the bad:

    -Katherine Langford: I have not seen her in 13 reasons why, but I’ve seen her in knives out and now this and I think she’s overrated, If she has less screen time in season 2 I won’t be sad 

    -Merlin with no magic: while I get the plot line of him Having no magic, I felt it dragged on, and then to have him get it back 3 min before the show ends...but the scene of him getting it back was really good 


    if they do a season 2 I will watch, but, I hope next season has some better writing! I mean, is this series supposed to be YA? At times I felt like it with the bad acting and that horrid song playing during the nimue/Arthur scene....but this is Frank Miller and some of the more violent scenes were not very YA friendly 

    I would rank this below Carnival Row but both shows have their issues-and both shows have the same political message 

  23. Just finished this series because I recently got HULU in my house. The book club I’m in read this book a couple of months ago. I would agree with others that this show is way better than the book, but they had time to flesh it out over 12 episodes-had they made it a 2 hour movie I don’t think it would have been successful. 

    what I liked: 

    1. how they showed Cornell’s depression-I was blown away by the scene with the counselor/therapist, while it was in the book this scene was just so much more powerful, I loved it. They also showed the depression and anxiety much earlier on, while in the book I felt this didn’t come to light until he went to see the therapist 

    2. chemistry between Connell and Marianne -I thought it was very well done and was portrayed better in the show than in the book (probably because they had more time to develop them as a couple)

    3. Good job with the casting of Joanna and Peggy, they were spot on, Gareth and Niall were not what I had envisioned but they worked lol...as for Jamie, the actor I thought portrayed him well, since it was a surprise in the book to see how someone who appeared to worship Marianne would be so abusive 

    what I did not like:

    1. They didn’t show mariannes viewpoint enough-in the book while I found her annoying I “got” her more than I feel the show “showed” the audience. She was more like-able, but in the book Marianne and Joanne and even Peggy would talk politics/feminism a lot, Connell had a lot of these same views and it really frustrated me how in the book someone who was so “woke” to politics was so oblivious to Connells financial struggle. The show did a bad job explaining the scholarships they both won and how Jamie tried going for it too and was not awarded one. There was a good scene in the book where Marianne admitted that certain scholarship should really be awarded on financial means, not academic . She also had this attitude of, I didn’t really study or prepare for the exams yet she was awarded one, I personally think she acted like that to pretend around her friends (because none of them got the scholarships) and did study for it, but it really annoyed me because in the book I was afraid she was going to get one over Connell and he was going to have to drop out of college. But the politics thing was one of the things Marianne and Connell “got about” each other and I felt the show didn’t portray this 

    2. the casting of Marianne/Connell- ok so while they had great chemistry as actors, I have a beef with a couple of things. One, the actress who plays Marianne is too good looking. I envisioned Marianne being VERY ordinary/plain looking, and while she “cleaned up” in college I never got the impression she was traditionally beautiful. On the flip side, the actor who played Connell I felt was not good looking enough (I know some will disagree lol). Again maybe it’s because I already had an image in my head in the book but Connell is supposed to be one of the best looking guys in the school, the actor had the body type, but me almost looked too mature or something. But, he did an excellent job acting wise so I totally get why he was cast. 

    • Love 1
  24. Well I was glad I called it on Drogon going back to Valyria (and taking Dany with him 😔

    i am also glad to see I was right about Jon not sitting on the throne though I thought for sure he was a toast when Drogon found him, but yay he reunited with ghost!!!!

    boo to Sansa being queen of the north, if any kingdom really was “independent “ all this time, its dorne and the iron islands but whatevs 

    still a Dany fan, loved her victory speech, here’s to hoping Drogon lays some eggs and lives to be older than balerion!

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