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Posts posted by snickers

  1. 1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    I actually just went there. Holy lol this looks like some early 90s website with its dated web design. 

    I believe Cullen stated this several times in the documentary-and it sure did look like something from 1995


    So Q (cough-Watkins-cough) hasn't posted since December? Then who did the prediction Trump was taking office on March 4??? 😆 I thought it was Q?


    5 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

    I wonder if any Q adherents feel like idiots for being taken in by a guy (Ron Watkins) with no security clearance, no access to the POTUS, no...nothing, really, except a penchant for writing cryptic comments?

    I know you kinda already answered this, but, I saw a Yahoo article today that said i believe on the 8kun site, someone said, "yeah-

    fake news" to the reports concerning this documentary and the reveal of who Q is.....because of course they would say that

    When i am in the mood to argue back, every time someone who is Q or has Q leanings sprouts off ridiculousness to me, i say, "fake news" back to them......as I've mentioned I already had some fall outs with people over it, but most just ignore it, I'm shocked most of them have not blocked me on FB (maybe they actually like me *shrug*)

    But I am finding it harder and harder to like them, especially after watching this hot mess (thought i liked this documentary)


    5 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

    If this dude lives another 50 years, he will go to his grave still believing the Big Q Storm is right around the corner.

    This is what shocks me about the Q people, how long will they continue to believe until they realize they've been had????? It's why i feel at this point it is a cult, i mean look at Heaven's Gate-which i recommend all of you watch the Heaven's Gate doc on HBO if you have not already done so 😉

    9 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

    While Watkins may have had to sell a lot, I'd be shocked if a guy who has been a data farm provider for porn sites for over twenty years and has a substantial collection of both fountain pens and expensive watches doesn't have a fair amount of wealth that can be liquidated if needed. Not having money in a bank doesn't equate to not having money.

    ^exactly, though i would not be surprised if they ended up losing money due to all of the lawsuits with F.Brennan and trying to get 8chan back up online

    On 4/5/2021 at 10:23 PM, Lady Whistleup said:

    I still think this doc is somewhat flawed because of how much Cullen bonded with Fred. At some point it became less about Cullen researching Q and more about Cullen helping Fred escape the clutches of the Watkinses. But it was eye-opening for sure.

    I think pretty much all docs at this point are flawed.....docs tend to show only one side of things, and lately i've been very underwhelmed by documentaries, i think some have hurt then helped....you got docs that are extremely left learning and some that are right leaning....an example of a one sided doc is Seasipracy on Netflix....it had some good points raised, but at the end of the day, the documentary didn't really have a conclusion or reasonable solution.......

    One documentary I thought that actually did a great job of showing both sides of the coin-was Tiger King-even though i'd call that more a drama show, it showed that both Carole Baskin and Joe Exotic treated tigers/people badly though they both were on opposite sides when it came to their beliefs, and i loved how the show exposed what a fraud Carole Baskin is......and she was soooo PO'ed when the show aired her dirty laundry....

    oh well! to me that shows the film makers did their jobs....

    But lately I've felt the HBO docs do a better job with neutrality.....I don't blame Cullen for helping Fred....while they probably did not have to show all that drama that went down between them, they probably figured showing drama would keep people watching, i wished instead they had shown more of the people trying to take Q down....


    • Love 5
  2. 17 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:
    On 4/5/2021 at 10:12 PM, snickers said:

    I was hoping they’d show the Christian qtuber (the one complaining in the hot tub) got arrested by the feds and was currently in jail

    Didn't know that!

    I'm sorry I need to clarify....I do not think the christian Qtuber got arrested.....I thought perhaps by the end they'd show he did.....honestly though, he kinda looks like one of the dudes that was inside the chamber going through those papers 👀


    But I think had he been arrested it would have been stated somewhere....


    20 hours ago, revbfc said:

    I really wish we could have have found out who the original Q poster was.  That thread was unfortunately dropped in favor of chasing Ron (who I will refer to as the “Q-surper”).  Yes, Watkins is a POS, but who got the ball rolling?  

    A big yes to this^

    Unfortunately unless this person outs themself, we will never know....and once they did get hijacked....why did they not try to get back online? did the Watkins' silence them????? As in block the IP address from posting.....be easy to do.....and it appeared the original poster was not the sharpest tool in the shed when it came to modern tech


    It was so funny at work today once the virtual meeting started someone immediately started off by saying, "Did anyone see that Q into the storm? That was crazy!" 😆

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  3. Still trying to unpack episodes 5/6......but they were easier to watch than 3/4 😳


    I am sure I’ll have more thoughts but these are my thoughts at this moment:

    • I was hoping they’d show the Christian qtuber (the one complaining in the hot tub) got arrested by the feds and was currently in jail
    • i believe stronger than ever that Ron is a psychopath....he’s Q after all
    • i cannot believe Cullen was at the insurrection  with no mask on!!!! I guess he was trying to blend in but 😳😳😳😳
    • The psych ops stuff was........deep.......but totally makes sense in the world of Trump and Q
    • if anyone is still following Q aka c0demonkey.... they are fools!!!!!
    • Love 8
  4. 9 hours ago, TexasGal said:

    I do wonder how much the pandemic and people spending so much time isolated and at home contributed to the Q madness?  I can't imagine my family member would have ended up spending so much time going down those rabbit holes if she'd been able to live her normal life.  But maybe I'm giving her too much credit.

    I think it is part of it, but not all of it......I think had people been able to lead their normal lives, they wouldn't have been AS caught up in it?


    I personally just think Q got more traction as the Trump rallies continued and got more frequent in 2020...but we will see, maybe the documentary will show us? that and the whole....."Q stops child trafficking" thing that got the holly housewives hooked in....that's how the person i know who i had a big blow up with got hooked in, and this person is a family member.....sad!


    and she got hooked in right when the pandemic started....


    I blew a gasket at her though...after January 6...i won't say anything more....I'm sure you can all guess what happened....and then she left Facebook shortly after.....


    Luckily with lockdown I have not had to see her at family functions....cause there's been none


    On 4/1/2021 at 7:09 PM, Maysie said:

    Evidently Jim got married very soon after arriving in the Philippines and there may be another kid with that wife.

    Someone spawned with Satan?


    On 4/1/2021 at 8:13 PM, Lady Whistleup said:

    Ron seems totally on the spectrum, and I doubt he actually writes the Q drops. I think Jim writes them and Ron posts them.

    I disagree with this, if he is on the spectrum, a lot of his behaviors makes sense, but that to me, it would make more sense why he would be the writer of the Q drops, but I could also see daddy watkins being the writer as well, but to be honest, daddy watkins doesn't seem keen enough to me *shrug*


    as for those that say for all the money the watkins have, why do they look so poor.....well.....i know someone who told me, according to the book, "the millionaire next door" the "average" millionaire man drives a Ford F150 and wears a suit from men's warehouse....if that is true...i'd say the watkins kind of fit this mold......


    i do think most people in the world with the fancy houses/cars can't really afford them.....






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  5. UGH episodes 3/4 were hard to watch.  But I feel the information being presented here is too important not to watch.  I think the next two will be even worse.


    Ron and Jim are psychopaths, there's no other term for it.  At least I truly believe Ron is.  He has no emotion, no feelings, if he did, he couldn't be admin of 8chan.  It takes a special kind of personality to be an admin for a site that vile, it broke Fred down pretty quickly, because I believe Fred actually does have you know, feelings. 


    Between the antisemitism, racism, sexism, all the porn stuff is like, no big deal 😑 yet I have a feeling some of the Q holly housewives would be most bothered by the porn 🙄


    So, Cullen did go to Soapland right???? Were the cameras not allowed in? Strangely I wanted to hear more about it, I'd rather hear about the sex stuff than anymore of the crazy conspiracy theories and racism. 


    And I hate myself, for not actually minding, and seeming to like the lawyer from Citizens United??? I can't remember his name.....he had a look of "get me out of here,  I"m here for the paycheck" the entire time he was with Jim 😆


    I have a feeling the series will end with more questions than answers, but, I'm learning a lot about the Q movement (I'm not surprised how small the first "rally" was) and for me this is not a waste of time to watch, despite how hard the subject matter is to watch.


    I try to find humor in things that I find disturbing, so I got a good laugh to everything below (and a big YES to the Roger Stone/DC comics villian comparison 😆)

    On 3/26/2021 at 3:21 PM, Rlb8031 said:

    My takeaways from the first two episodes:

    • There are a lot of people making money off of Q theory dissemination. If being a true believer wasn't financially remunerative, I'm not sure how many of them would be in on this.
    • The Watkins (father and son) have made their considerable wealth providing an offshore internet data haven for people seeking to do things that would be otherwise illegal in the US. 
    • Its incredible to me that guys who declare themselves incels and blame women for their not being able to have sex, then shame guys who are able to have sex and therefore no longer incels. Shouldn't that be a cause for celebration?
    • Am I the only one that ascribes some importance to the fact that none of the key players in this story thus far are actually living in the US? I'm thinking that one or all of these dudes are ex-CIA (yeah, I'm looking at you Daddy Watkins)
    • Speaking of ex-CIA, it didn't pass me by that Daddy also intimated that he was an academy graduate (West Point? or VMI?)
    • Roger Stone is literally the living embodiment of a DC Comics villain.
    • Lady, if your uber-Christian husband is regularly on a site that was created to allow hardcore porn to be shared anonymously shouldn't you be asking "what made you go on that site to begin with" and isn't it a little strange he never mentioned the porn to you?
    • There is barely one good set of teeth among this crowd. Folks are not living right...


    • Love 4
  6. I rented this today.....I liked it quite a bit.....but I get why people hated it.


    Unfortunately I knew things would go south with Ryan in act 3 for all the previews showed her in the nurse's outfit so you knew she was going to that bachelor party.  In reality, I don't know what other kind of ending they could have had to make it realistic unless she had killed Al and gone to jail? I actually think that is a worse ending.  At least they did get arrested in the end, i really thought they were going to get off.  I was hoping what would happen was that Ryan would confess so that the cops would start looking at the bachelor group and find the body but of course that did not happen.


    So this is an adapted screenplay? is it a book?

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  7. 5 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

    For all the blathering these Q-nuts do about their concern over "child sex traffickers," do they not realize their Q overlord shit posts on a message board where they actually ALLOW child pornography? 

    I KNOW!!!!! That cracked me up-but are we really surprised? I’m not, like Q really cares about kids....or anyone but themself (s)

    It looked like from the “coming soon” footage that 8chan gets shut down? That might be why you can’t find it, I’m sure Q moved to like 10 other forums by the time we get to 2020, remember we are still in 2018.....

    and I agree those message boards looked very....2001 😅


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  8. This show so far was everything I’d hope it would be. I’m interested in Q because unfortunately I’ve had to cut people out of my life who got sucked down this rabbit hole-yet they say I’m the brainwashed one 😳

    they would never watch this show because, mainstream media, but, I’d love to see the looks on their faces if they realized Q bred to life from a website that thrives off of child porn 😒

    • Love 11
  9. While this show didn't end up being what I thought it was going to be, I really thought there was a document or documents that contradicted the Mormon origin story and i thought that would have been a much more interesting story, but it wasn't half bad


    I mean, talk about a sociopath/psychopath! And who knew you could forge documents like that! Like someone said, who knows what is real and what is fake that is being displayed today....


    I think 3 episodes was just enough to keep someone interested but not drag it out....I'm surprised an atheist would keep up the charade of being in the mormon church for so long...

    • Love 2
  10. I rated this "thumbs down" on Netflix!


    Wish I could have given it a lower rating than that. 


    On 2/16/2021 at 8:45 PM, kieyra said:

    actually, I remembered the exact moment I turned it off: the “LAM ELISA”/tuberculosis stuff. I can’t. Not in 2021.

    😄 I wish I had turned it off, but I saw it was only 4 episodes, not like 10 so I thought, "okay, I will finish this"


    I don't know if the point of this was to highlight the dangers of "web sleuths" or it was supposed to be a legit story about Elisa Lam? I don't remember hearing about the Elisa Lam thing at all back in 2013, so I must have either forgotten, or was just not paying attention. 


    And I totally agree with the comment that I too was waiting for a reveal that these "sluethers" are now in Q!!!! They have to be in Q now!!!!

    They angered me to a level I had not been that bothered by in a TV show in a long time, it's like, the hotel lady is getting hate? What about those idiots???? I mean, first off, the video....anyone who knows anything about individuals with mental illness can see first hand that was someone having a psychotic episode, from the way her head whipped around back and forth to the hand gestures.  Also, for them to say that was someone else's shoe on the video? mmmmkayyy, that was clearly her shoe, those people were seeing what they wanted to see.


    What i didn't get was, clearly these internet people have no life! And i think that is the common theme with all these people who are getting sucked into the rabbit hole, they have husbands, kids, friends.....but for some reason they are letting these "internet conspiracies" consume their lives...and i just don't understand it.....they need a real hobby!!!! Read a book, write fanfiction, DO SOMETHING!!!


    I don't know if it a personality thing, I mean my life is not the most exciting right now (but i blame the pandemic for that) but i have never been one to let one thing or person consume my entire existence......


    I look at a forum like this to be healthy.....we talk about TV......but when you cross the line and start "demanding" to the police for autopsy reports, spouting ridiculousness on your "youtube" channel about how the LAPD is part of a conspiracy.....you have officially crossed into "you have no life, you are a loser, get a real job" realm, at least in my book


    I personally think these peeps just want to get internet famous, they don't really care about Elisa Lam, or anybody but themselves, and they don't want to work a real job


    And i had to laugh when it was revealed that the hatch opened vs closed thing was a "miscommunication" thing....as a government worker, miscommunication is a daily thing in our agency.....luckily we don't communicate out the public....but this is something that happens ALL THE TIME, and unfortunately unless you work in that type of environment, believe it not, unless you are "given permission" it is not so easy to fix....there's always the "chain of command" to follow and once something happens, even though you know its not accurate, you can't fix it


    my motto is, "I only work here, not my paygrade" but as you can see, it is problem now thanks to the "sluethers" who "do their own research"






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  11. On 3/5/2021 at 2:33 PM, carrps said:

    Oh, and I absolutely hated Blue Jasmine. It was like watching someone get tortured. I felt a lot of misogyny wafting off that stinker.

    I actually thought Blue Jasmine was one of Allen's better movies......

    Not that i've seen a ton of them....


    And Ronan as Frank Sinatra's son? I think he looks a lot like Mia, but...anything is possible in this crazy real life tale. I"m hooked on this show.

    • Love 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Dani said:

    The middle daughter was Eddie’s real life daughter and this was her first role. 

    Gotcha.....still though....one would think she'd have more of a role 😆 I mean, she wasn't bad.....she just hardly had a part


    I wanted to see all 3 kids, not just 2...I kind of felt at times the youngest daughter had more lines than his heir

    • Like 1
  13. On 12/7/2020 at 9:56 AM, kathe5133 said:

    I remember when this happened.  I thought they were whack jobs and dismissed the entire thing.  A dear friend, who has since passed on, was obsessed with it.  As fascinated as he was, I was repelled!  Recently I've been down the NXIUM and Scientology wormholes so I gave this a look.  I was right.  They were whack jobs!  I feel bad for those who they left behind.  Children, and family who will miss them forever, but I don't feel bad for them.  They bought into this bullshit and they got what they wanted.  Who knows.  Maybe they are smiling down on all of us from some distant planet.  

    I know I'm late to the party, but this has been on my watch list on HBO Max forever but i just got around to watching this yesterday....I watched the whole thing in a day because I could not stop watching....and I had the time


    I have to say, back in 1997 I get why we were saying they were whack jobs (I had just turned 18 at the time) and I remember thinking, "Why would anyone do such a thing?" .....but to me.....now watching this documentary and learning more about the group, to me their belief system is no different than the groups we know today, i.e. scientology, Q-anon, etc.  So i'm not in agreement with calling them whack jobs.  I do remember even back in 1997 one of things that made what happened so perplexing was that these people were for all intents and purposes, intelligent people in the IT field, medical field, etc. 


    I didn't know this group had been around for 23 years, or that at one time it had been much larger than what it had dwindled down to....I also didn't know they had such a nomadic lifestyle and while I remember that Applewhite or "Do" castrated himself, I didn't know 6-7 other men did as well 😶


    And is it just me, or did Applewhite age big time after he castrated himself? On the videos it looked like he and some of the other men aged and lost their hair????? I thought to myself, "Are those some of the guys who castrated themselves?" So disturbing.....

    But it could have just been aging due to the passage of time....


    I also thought it was really tragic, that 3 other people killed themselves to join their classmates...one cannot help but feel for them, I think for all of them, they so desperately wanted to believe....be a part of something....you can't just dismiss it and write them off as whack jobs, I think this was the whole purpose of the documentary

    • Love 3
  14. I was not expecting this to be as good as the sheer greatness of the first one, but story wise, I thought it was a decent sequel.  I guess what I didn't get, was why they had them pretty much play characters of characters.....and so much of it was fan service (not that doing that is a bad thing).

    But this was good fun, during these hard times it is good to watch a fun movie.  I personally thought the scenes at the barber shop were the best and the Wesley Snipes scenes were good, though a little over the top.  And I agree not enough Akeem/Semmi! But Semmi's scenes with Tracy Morgan's character were pretty good.  As for the daughters, um, where was the middle child? Like, she was non-existent....could the actress not commit on set? Could they not fit her into the storyline? The youngest one was really cute though, and I liked Meeka, but I had no opinion on the second one cause they never showed her!

    At least we got Sexual Chocolate at the end 😆

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  15. I watched this last week, I heard it had a "WTF" twist so I figured I had to watch.....

    My thoughts:

    1. While I was surprised that "Adele" was "Rob", the signs were there, I knew the minute they showed the astral projecting that Rob was not dead, but I wasn't sure who he was.....at one point I thought Rob was David! I also thought maybe the Adele was finding a way to reunite with Rob somehow, I was all kinds of confused....but I was not expecting Rob to be Adele

    2.  I figured there had to be some reason Adele gave Louise the journal and there was a reason she wanted her to learn to astral project

    3. Just for Adam! He the true victim here as others have said!!!!!! I was very unhappy when I saw at the end where that was going....

    4. The twist was just an okay twist it definitely was over-hyped and I felt there was a more shocking twist in Harry Potter book 3 than this!

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  16. On 2/28/2021 at 2:54 PM, kiddo82 said:

    This is one of those movies that I appreciate way more than I like.

    This is totally how i felt about Nomadland.....


    Happy to see it did win some awards though, wasn't sure what was going to happen....

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  17. I thought this was pretty good, but slow...so slow....and I don't mind slow, but I had to watch half of it and come back to it the next day


    I'll be interested to see how many awards it wins tonight...if it wins at all


    I think it could go either way.....I want to read the book it is based off of now

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  18. Seriously? posting Chris's review? Don't get me wrong, i like Chris a lot, I don't live too far away from in Ohio, but I'm shocked he even saw Tom/Jerry because of course he'd give it a bad review.....


    This movie has a terrible critic review and a high audience review....and I can see why....this is Tom and Jerry people, this not meant to be a movie to be taken seriously.....


    It's a movie for fun, and I think it accomplished that.....it stayed true to the Tom/Jerry frenemies aspect and tried to do sort of a plot...granted the plot was not great, but, since they wanted to do a live action movie for this for some reason,  it accomplished the goal


    I heard one criticism is, not enough Tom/Jerry, I can see that....I think they should have made it a 75 minute movie to show more of them and less humans....


    So I thought this was good fun....

  19. I got HBO Max right before Xmas because I have  Roku device and this show was on my watch list for a while, finally binge watched it...saw all ten episodes in three days.


    I am so here for this show! Cannot wait for season 2!!!!!


    I'm slightly biased (and strange) because one of my all time favorite movies is Aliens and only Aliens, did not like Alien and Alien 3/4 sucked balls....and another two movies on my all time favorite list is Terminator 1 and 2....I won't give my thoughts on the movies past Terminator 2


    So, naturally, I would be into this...and i was SOOOO into this....


    but, it had some flaws...for one, the radioactive soil/crops....okay, you got two androids with one being the MOST ADVANCED android and those two didn't think to test the soil and land around them before they planted those crops???? poor writing there...very poor


    On 10/19/2020 at 12:53 AM, ADRz said:

    In a planet where there were never any humans, humans are devolving!!!  There were apparently some neanderthals there at some point. 

    Well, we don't know that for sure....I think....humans MIGHT have been on Keppler 22 B, or Aliens were and those Aliens eventually got to Earth....there are TOO MANY similarities between this and Prometheus/Alien franchise so......lots of theories here....if it is true the Mitharic really had no clue what they were building when they built the necromancers, then obviously an advanced species had to have left something for them...could have been human...or alien


    But if you know the Alien franchise, one would say....alien!


    I know this last episode was really strange/weird/out there....but sometimes strange is good....the serpent thing, I think some have talked about, I'm guessing represents the "snake" in the garden and Mother and Father are "Adam/Eve" especially now that they are in the tropical zone....but...i'm sure they won't be staying, gotta get back to the children! unless the plan is to try to kill "the baby"


    I'm actually kind of relieved the "baby" ended up a trick and she gave birth to the big bad for next season......and I will say, while the writing could have improved in some areas, I think the writing, acting and overall story showed excellent character growth in Mother/Father and the children....in the beginning, i could not stand Campion, Hunter, Paul (at times), Tempest, the other older girl-Holly? but by the end, I was rooting for all of them, loved seeing Hunter bonded with Father...and was soooo happy when they were all reunited briefly, only to be separated again....that to me is good writing, for me to be fans of a character when I could not stand them at first....


    The one i am still on the fence about is  Caleb/Marcus....while I did not like Mary/Sue in the beginning she grew on me, and I am assuming she will remain part of the "group"....their backstory and the stealing of the identities was interesting

    • Love 1
  20. 23 hours ago, magdalene said:

    That's from a children's rhyme , "ring around the rosy, pocket full of posy" - I was told that rhyme is somehow ?  referring to the Black Death aka the Plague.  Also, the root for us politely saying "Bless you" when somebody sneezes, or "Gesundheit" (which literally means "good health" in German) comes from people believing that the Plague was caused by bad spirits. One of the first symptoms could be sneezing and people started saying "bless you" to ward off the bad spirits.

    I think I've heard this too...but apparently it was common in the middle ages for people to wear flowers on them and in their pockets because they smelled like...you know what....

  21. Sorry did not have a chance to read the other comments yet, but I have to get my feelings out here 😅

    I forced myself to watch this, because I wanted to see what the hype was about.  To me, this show did not get even remotely good until episodes 6/7/8, and I think that is too far into a series to get a story going.  As for the sex scenes, again, to me, nothing really happened until episode 6, but the reason I say the show got good in episode 6 is because i feel the other storylines really started taking off and the sex scenes were 50 shades of grey light to me...I was not impressed 😑


    I found Daphne and the Duke to be the worst and most boring couple, but found all the other storylines good and interesting. 


    As for who the real Lady Whistledown was, at first I thought it was her, than thought, no, it couldn't be, because she would not do that to her family and Colin, then.....what do you know!


    And it is for that reason alone I cannot get behind her and Colin as a couple and I hope it does not happen!!! I actually think all of her articles were quite toxic. 


    I will probably watch season 2 one episode at time like i did this 😄

    • Love 2
  22. On 2/4/2021 at 2:03 PM, Umbelina said:

    It's romance novels produced by Shonda.

     Yeah, i saw after i made this post that this was a book or books i've come to learn....

    and i finished the show so i'll post in my thoughts  in episode 8

    i think hygiene habits all around were god awful until what? the 1920's? 😄 when did the actual shower come on the market? i'm thinking around then....

    I heard there is a reason there was the saying "pocket full of posy" due to the bad hygiene!!!! so glad i live in the now 😅

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  23. On 2/7/2021 at 11:30 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    It had a lot to offer, but I must say that I don’t understand why they were opposed to regaining their hearing. I’ve heard of this philosophy before and I don’t get it.  

    Well, the guy who ran the community sort of explained it...the Deaf community (the way I understand it, don't want to speak for them)....do not look at Deafness as an impairment so there is "nothing to fix" and cochlear implants are VERY controversial and have been ever since they came on the market....



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  24. Okay, I know I am in the minority here, but I am hoping I can get some help here....


    I made it to Episode 5 of this show and for the love of God, what is the appeal????


    This show is boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I thought it showed promise when the Prince entered the picture and I thought that might get dragged out, but no, Daphne and the Duke are already married????


    And the press was saying that this show had the "steamiest" and most "racy" sex scenes for Netflix! Please! these sex scenes are rated PG-13! This show is child's play compared to what is on HBO or even other shows on Netflix!


    I just don't get how this show is their biggest success over shows like the Umbrella Academy, The Crown, Ozark, and heck, even Stranger Things!


    The costume design and set design is beautiful, so I will give it that...like the diversity of the cast....but the story itself......MEH!


    Can someone please explain to me the appeal? Help me see what I am missing??? I am not hard to please when it comes to TV 😅



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