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Everything posted by YoureSoUrban

  1. Great game, theajw - I loved how excited you were when you realized you had won! I was also impressed by how you killed the Capitals category, where I only got 2 right. Snicker plus eyeroll here. Almost as bad as the contestant who thought Nostradamus had been Pope.
  2. No sympathy for John, not.at.all. Sending dick pics is stupid enough, but to someone you've never met? He is, as Adam said, a fool. Never heard of the Faroe Islands before so I learned something new today. Who knew Catfish was educational!
  3. I felt similarly and I also think that she, not Alex, backed her into that corner. Alex (or she, i can't recall) mentioned that her library had a rare copy of the book, then Alex asked how much the book would be worth. All she had to say was "I'm not sure, but probably quite a lot." but I think she wanted to show off by mentioning the Sotheby's auction. Adding "you can look it up" was snippy, IMO so I'm not surprised Alex went after her for that. Couldn't believe no one got "love at first sight". I read it and immediately heard The Beatles in my head.
  4. I totally forgot about Help! and guessed Michelle, although I don't know whether it was a #1 hit.
  5. That's exactly what turned it from mildly interesting to publicity stunt for me. No way she couldn't do Nev's usual Google or Facebook search. I love Tracie Thoms though. She was great in Deathproof and Cold Case but I had no idea she was a good singer too.
  6. Julia was a great champ but I like the guy she lost to. His story about when he first saw Jeopardy was charming.
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