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  1. Ah yes, I'd forgotten about him. Wait 'til next episode, I guess.
  2. This one was heavy. Wow. Yeah, the SD card from the doorbell cam was pretty convenient, but we did have to get on with it, and we did know that eventually Will would be exonerated. Plus, Mrs. Orbert and I both do the thing where we blurt out predictions of what will happen, and she was spot on. Angie will somehow find the deaf woman's son's belongings, and this will lead to something that saves Will. Yep. Why else would Angie and Ormewood be involved in the case? So it was deux ex machina, but I was "spoiled" and expected it. Another single scene, moving the Jeremy story forward. This one a little longer, but I'm glad Faith knows now and it wasn't dragged out. And just as glad that that's all we got, as there was plenty of other stuff going on this episode. Sad Betty. 😥 So... stupid question, but Angie was at the door and pointedly, Marion was calling on the phone, ignored though not intentionally. I totally get Angie being the one to comfort him. She alone gets Will, just as he alone gets her. But did she just comfort him, or...? I mean, Will and Marion are together now, right? Will's a stand-up guy -- he arrested his best friend, this very same Angie, because it was the right thing to do -- but he's also human and had just had the mother of bad days. Okay, I guess it was a stupid question, with possible answers ranging from "Well, obviously" to "None of your damned business".
  3. I wondered about that, too. I think they were trying to do a bit too much with the two girls and it just didn't add up. I have to keep reminding myself that this was all written and mostly filmed a year or two ago. Hopefully without getting too political, I'll just say that how it's all playing out has some interesting similarities to what I'm seeing in the news. The Muse is a serial killer, presented as a serial killer, and somehow Fisk calls him a vigilante and uses it as an excuse to form his "anti-vigilante task force" (or whatever TF he called it) which makes no sense. Then I remembered the aforementioned parallels to the news, and how everything can be spun, and if you've got nothing to spin, just make something up and spin that instead.
  4. When Devlin passed the diamond to her, he said "Give this to Luca". Luca's the boss, the one who's supposed to get "1.8" so they all work for him.
  5. That scene was from early in their collaboration, though, in the Defenders series. Jessica and Matt did end up with a good working relationship. IMO she redeemed herself, eventually. Leroy was just being obnoxious. But he too had his reasons. I don't think two examples across several dozen episodes is an indicator that it's okay to make fun of blind people, at least not on the part of the show-runners. It is, however, realistic. Once in a while, you will encounter someone who's going to say something about being assigned a blind public defender, or a blind superhero. I think it would be more unbelievable if no one ever did say anything.
  6. I liked that we got a follow-up to Jeremy, he's scared, freaking out a bit, but it was just the one scene to let us know that they haven't dropped the storyline. With both an A and B case, plus The Adventures of the Ormewood Family (and Friends and Colleagues), it didn't make sense to devote too much time to it.
  7. The Netflix series didn't have Matt put on the suit, or even make it, until well into the series. To me that worked, since it was an origin story. This series started off as a "soft reboot" or some such, and only became more of a true continuation after all the rewrites and reshoots. It feels like they're building up to him putting the suit back on, but "building up" and "dragging out" are just a matter of degree. With an 18-episode arc already mapped out, there was only so much they could change with rewrites/reshoots without things getting really expensive. I guess I'm trying to say that with him visiting the closet and locker, and starting to work out with the 'chucks, I'm hoping he'll be back in the suit next episode because all this buildup is killing me. I get it, but I'd also like to get on with it.
  8. Not only that, but she left his wallet and keys on the table. And he still tracked her down with the excuse that she'd forgotten her pie. They're going out of their way to show what a great, forgiving, understanding guy he is. I guess I'm happy for her, but she doesn't deserve him, and him keeping after her doesn't make a lot of sense.
  9. That makes sense. But what about the cops? Not a word about him vowing to fix the problems with the NYPD (not that I can remember anyway).
  10. There are still some things I don't understand about WTF is going on, and I'm not sure if it's because they're rolling things out a little at a time and it will all make sense later, or I'm just having trouble following it. Why is Mayor Fisk so dead-set against vigilantes? As mayor, and as he himself has claimed, the welfare of the city is his highest priority. He knows the police are corrupt and could be doing a hell of a lot better job protecting the city, if half of them weren't on the take. The vigilantes (White Tiger, Daredevil, Spider-Man, whoever else is canon) help people. But he treats them as though they are the enemy, and calls them that publicly. As Kingpin, this would make sense. A criminal obviously would prefer the cops to be as ineffective as possible, and vigilantes are certainly not friends. But as Mayor Fisk, wouldn't he want all the help he can get? I can only conclude that the whole Mayor Fisk thing is just a front, and somehow he'll use it to eventually regain the mantel of Kingpin. Am I way off base here? Who TF is Adam? Someone Vanessa had something with, while Fisk was away. I guess. But I'm still not clear on what the problem is between them. She ran things while he was away, he came back, and rather unceremoniously took the reins back again. Is that what she's upset about? They're a weird couple anyway, but in the Netflix series, I marveled at how well suited they were for each other. They're both broken, but what's important is how their broken parts fit together. I thought that was really beautiful when she said that. In a weird way, the trouble those two are having is the most upsetting thing right now.
  11. I defended Flower's efforts to get Sass laid some episodes back, but her running "joke" about talking to him about sex like he's stupid or a kid just wasn't funny.
  12. I learned a new word today. Or maybe a new use for an old word, or something.
  13. I assumed it was supposed to be Capt. Batel. But they're all a bit stylized and honestly, some aren't that great, I'm not sure. At first, I thought they all had some kind of skin condition. Capt. Pike's hair looks amazing, though, as usual!
  14. Yeah, that's a weird one. I guess they had to come up with something, since apparently Hardison is back as the Hacker? On the other hand, I always thought that those labels were kinda dumb anyway, especially since they were introduced in Original Leverage around the same time that they were emphasizing cross-training within the team (Sophie giving Parker grifting tips, Eliot working out with Hardison, etc.) It seemed almost like a mixed message, but mostly it just seemed unnecessary.
  15. Yeah, I was going to mention that, but forgot. Foggy's hair was great. Karen OTOH looked a bit tired. I was thinking "okay, both of them have changed a bit" then Foggy got shot and Karen needed space and I remembered that the show didn't originally include them in the first place.
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