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  1. That's all true. But it seems (to me anyway) that Will wouldn't act as judge and jury in either case. In both cases, there was wrongdoing committed by an officer of the law, and he had to do the right thing. It's not a huge thing, especially since I personally agree that letting Amanda off the hook is actually for the greater good. It's just that it seems a bit inconsistent on Will's part. He would arrest his longtime friend (and oftentimes more than friend) and potentially destroy that relationship, but I don't remember if he did anything at all about Amanda.
  2. That ending threw me. When I saw the painting of Harry and Asta from behind, my thought was that Goliath was there somehow. I didn't jump to "Harry is Goliath" because that doesn't make any sense. I know, they're obviously going to explain it, but for right now, I'm not on board with Harry actually being Goliath.
  3. I think it (Beetlejuice not having more screen time) makes sense. The original story was more about Adam and Barbara and learning how to navigate the afterlife, with Lydia's relationship with them and with her own living parents a close second. I agree with Keaton that shifting the focus to be all about Beetlejuice would probably upset the balance. He's definitely one of those characters where a little goes a long way. He did play a key role in the plot of the first movie, and it says a lot that his 17 minutes of screen time made such an impression, but it sounds like they're going for a similar formula to the first movie, with Beetlejuice more of a catalyst than the "star" of the show.
  4. Wow, I had no idea. Looking forward to it.
  5. I don't think so. She made Ian promise to never tell Mike, and as far as we've seen, he kept that promise. It's either going to be one of those things that seemed important but never comes up again, or if/when we get a Season 4 and Mike is all sad about Iris, Ian shares the information with him to somehow make him feel better. It could work, if Ian figures that he can share it, now that she's dead, but I have no idea what it could be and how it could have that effect on Mike.
  6. I don't think that that was Bunny who got shot with his hands up. Bunny knew that the whole episode on the bridge was "fake" and would know to stay well away from it all. That was Konstantin's boat. Konstantin and Iris were coming back there from something, and Milo was already aboard, with his own guys. It was a show of strength, announcing who was in charge. I too was confused by the two shots and a thump, though. Presumably one of them shot the other, but the only way that makes sense is that one of them was loyal to Milo and the other was not, and Milo knew it. It was weird.
  7. Same. Unfortunately, as far as I know, there isn't a Season 2 (yet).
  8. Yeah, the more I think about it, the more threads are still left hanging out there. I forgot that Robert was still alive; for some reason I thought Kyle had taken him out, and even after that line about his vest catching it, I guess the idea that Robert was finally gone stuck in my head. I've seen elsewhere that supposedly a Season 4 is going to happen. So we'll see.
  9. That felt like a series finale. Closure on Robert, Milo, Konstantin, Iris, and Kareem. And Mike ends up back at the cabin, which we haven't seen since Season 1. Looks like Evelyn is going to pursue both Ian and Kyle, but Mike's voiceover mentioned prison and what it does to you, etc., while we looked at Kyle sitting in the back of a squad car. No one here is completely clean, but Ian and Kyle both arguably did the right thing for the wrong reasons, or the wrong thing for the right reasons, or something, so part of their tragedy will be going to prison even if they're both "good guys" in the bigger picture. The Russian invasion was thwarted, and Kingstown can go back to just being run by Mike and Bunny, on their respective sides of the law, with that huge grey area in between.
  10. That last shot with Jay waiting for Asta was sad. When Harry said he would make Asta forget everything that happened that evening, I figured it was probably going to have a catch, but I was thinking it would be something bad, not something sad.
  11. Wow, that was a great episode! Rather than just setting things up for the season finale, some things paid off, some more pieces got moved around, and some things got set up for the season finale. Sometime during this episode it finally occurred to me that Charlie is probably named for the character Charlie Gordon, from "Flowers for Algernon". I have nothing to add to dwmarch's excellent recap other than that I agree with pretty much everything they said, and I thought it was all really well done.
  12. Mike was actually smiling! He seems to have gotten the Russians and the ABs mad at each other, which is good, and I'm not quite sure what the deal is with Bunny's warehouse being empty by time SWAT got there, but that's probably good, too. Merle didn't look so good at the end there. I don't want to think that the guard/officer did something to him, but I wouldn't cry if he did.
  13. Mayor Ben is officially such a wimp that even when he does something he wants to do, and his wife says it's okay, he'll still undo it because he thinks she probably really doesn't like it. That was painful to watch, perhaps as painful as banging your shin on the coffee table. He moved it back?? Dear lord. He can't even tell her he moved the coffee table because he bangs his leg on it all the time. I'm glad they finally killed off Psycho Army Lady. I'm sorry, I'm not sure what her name was or what branch of the service she was in, but she's just been Psycho Army Lady for a while. She killed the pizza guy? Dude was just trying to make a living. Why, because he might have seen the alien, and she kills anyone who might've seen him? When she and Harry were fighting in the train car, and he pushed her through the window, I had a thought about how I'd finish her off, but I didn't think they'd go there. They went there, and I cheered. Kinda gross that she left a mess on the side of Harry's face, but that's how it goes. It was worth it. I'm not sure what Violinda's deal was, with her trying to stop Harry and Asta from checking out the petrified remains of Goliath. Did she not know about the egg, or did she know about it but was trying to keep it to herself because of her feelings for Goliath? Either way, kinda weird that she showed Asta, then when Asta came back with Harry, she was adamant about keeping them away from Goliath. Sheriff Mike is actually not a bad cop when he checks the attitude, listens to his Deputy, and does some real police work. I'm still not sure why they made him such an ass to begin with; maybe so there could be some kind of character growth?
  14. Deputy Liv continues to be the MVP. She went to Sheriff Mike with her theory that they'd both had their memories of that day erased by an alien, and yeah it sounds crazy but she had to put it out there. And of course she's 100% correct. And of course Sheriff Mike shuts her down, but this time it wasn't just him being a dick; Harry helped him "remember" that day, and it was a good day. I like how all those things kinda tied together. So now Liv is back to being the only one with no memory of that day. What was the point of Mrs. Mayor and Max going off to Grandma's house, since they were back for the play and nothing really happened in between? Was it really just to get a fart joke as they were leaving?
  15. I kinda figured that (the guards were AB-loyal), but there's so much stuff going on that I wasn't sure. When Carney was taking his beatdown, they kept yelling "Who do you work for?" trying to get him to admit who's really in charge, but Carney wouldn't give. Yeah, Mike actually telling the KPD to do this, don't do that, like he's their actual boss is starting to feel off. Maybe he ain't got time for formalities, but he's still asking for favors, not giving actual orders. Mike and Evelyn are an interesting couple. Probably one of the more healthy working relationships on this show, although obviously that's a pretty low bar to clear. Ian wanted to make sure Konstantin knew who had the power, at least in that room. And Konstantin, to his credit, sat quietly and took it. So Merle is in solitary, but somehow can still call Mike on a cell, and Konstantin is off the board, but only for 24 hours. Will Mike be able to stop them from consorting? Will Mike be able to stop Iris from being Iris? Will Mike spend the next episode mostly driving around and saying "Fuck"? Stay tuned.
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