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Everything posted by Oklahomama

  1. You're right about Tasha. She doesn't light up the room at all. Even with that blonde hair my eyes don't go to her in a group setting.
  2. I'm thinking Allie and Selina, with a possible heather
  3. I was wondering the same thing! I hope she comes back! It was fun having an insider or two.
  4. That's what some of y'all on here were calling it last year so I thought my definition of body-con was wrong
  5. Let's place bets on what color tube dress Kelli will wear Saturday! Not hating, I think she looks like a dime.
  6. Whyyyyyy would they pick that one? It looks nothing like the other 7.
  7. Ugh they are all so beautiful. with tryouts coming this next weekend, that means the banquet must be during this week right?! I'm so excited
  8. Thank you! Now I remember. I agree, she looks much better!
  9. Agree. My husband and I were both like "huh?!?!" To me, she doesn't have the look, the dance technique or anything.
  10. Definitely not. GSW are likely going to go pretty far in play offs
  11. It was from last year so it might be waaaaaaaay back in there
  12. Has it ever really been confirmed that the DCC organization had an issue with her weight or was that just the board's speculation?
  13. I don't think we will see Kyndall as she has accepted the position at the Star. I could be wrong, but that seems to be a pretty nice gig!
  14. Ugh I am such a Madeline fan, but that shot of her does nothing for me.
  15. Yuko's family must be close with the Jones'. ?
  16. Y'all. My crotch fruit has been pronounced a GIRL. A huge shock after two boys. Wanna guess what my husband suggested for a name? wait for it.... Breelan! Bahahahahahahah I want what he's smoking
  17. Lord I love you. I did genetic testing this week so I'll find out next week. I'm due September 13th, so I'm only 12 weeks. I'm 95% sure it's another boy though because I'm pretty sure my husband has zero X-swimmers in that body.
  18. I have MFP! Lemme PM you my name. I'm knocked up with crotch fruit right now so I'm trying to keep my ass in check and not gain an excessive amount of ell bees. Whyyyy TF did CMT take MTT out of their daily lineup?
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