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Everything posted by Darrenbrett

  1. As someone else pointed out, maybe just to justify Stan staying in such a large house?
  2. I just don't see this happening, for a couple of different reasons. 1.) It's just too clean. This show doesn't usually opt for that option. 2.) It would feel anti-climactic. 3.) It's one thing for Elizabeth to question whether her orders are coming from "the Party", as she did in the last episode. It's another thing entirely for her to go over to the Americans. Just don't see that happening. She'll stay loyal to her Soviet ideals right up until the end.
  3. Something about what you're saying rings a bell, and maybe it's true but... wait, oh, never mind. I don't even remember what I was going to say... Couldn't have been that important.
  4. I think you misunderstood what I wrote, which had nothing to do with how observant Stan is or isn't. I'm saying the writing lacks some credibility there. If you're a Russian agent, living next door to an FBI agent in counter espionage, you do your VERY BEST to blend in. Regardless of whether Stan was often awake at 3am, they (Philip and Elizabeth) would -- realistically - do their best to not return home at those hours. Far too suspicious. I mean, it can happen once in a blue moon and you can say you had something crazy happen. But when it becomes too regular it would raise red flags. I just don't see Russian agents bringing that kind of unnecessary attention upon themselves -- especially considering what their neighbor does for a living.
  5. Totally agree. Philip can sell a story like there's no tomorrow. He definitely didn't do that here. I mean, when your FBI friend says "I can tell you're not telling me something" you better make damn sure you tell a story that he buys before you hug it out and head home for the night. I mean, come on. Philip's slipping because he's so conflicted. But there his survival instincts should have kicked in.
  6. After an earlier episode I wrote this: Okay, in this episode we got pretty much exactly that: Lightbulbs finally going off for Stan based on his interaction with the Jennings, combined with his knowledge of the history of the "illegals" investigation. Although, I have to say, him noticing them coming home at 3 in the morning fairly regularly was a red flag just a little too far. That seems decidedly atypical behavior, especially for travel agents. It's hard to keep that air of believability with that plot point. I mean, if P & E are going to choose to continue to live next door to an agent in counter-intelligence (already a very iffy endeavor), the least -- and I mean THE VERY LEAST - you'd expect is that they'd do everything possible to NOT stand out. Coming home at 3am frequently definitely isn't that.
  7. But my original point was that I thought the show runners did a better job of demonstrating her internal conflict in previous episodes/seasons. I'm fully aware she's compartmentalized, and that she's anything but typically relateable, but still... if her humanness doesn't shine through at points, it makes her a less compelling character. That was all I was saying.
  8. A few (somewhat random) thoughts after reflecting on this quality episode for a few days: 1.) The actor that played the intern/film buff is a remarkable actor. I completely bought into his portrayal of the character. For me, he WAS the character. It's rare that acting is so good it becomes invisible. 2.) I also noticed the marks on E's face, and HIV/AIDS definitely crossed my mind, too. And, while it fits with the era, I asked myself, would the show-runners really want to add that massive dynamic to the plot with four episodes left to wrap up the entire series? I doubt it. Not saying it's impossible, but it seems doubtful to me. Also, if it were meant to be a foreshadowing of HIV/AIDS, I think we would have had one of those long, brooding moments with E in front of a mirror, her face turned to the side with her regarding the blemish. 3.) For me, the payoff with Stan is somewhat lessened by the fact that he's not in counter-espionage anymore. I would rather have had him directly involved in the slow building of the investigation into the illegals overt the last 3 years. But, beyond that, more than anything, what I REALLY want in one of the remaining episodes is a moment when Stan's intimate knowledge of P and E makes something click for him; in a way it wouldn't/doesn't click for Aderholt or anyone else on the team. And I want him to reflect on how his actions impacted Nina when it comes to his decision about what he's going to do about P and E. That would show character growth/complexity that would be compelling. 4.) With all the killings Elizabeth has committed, while she's not NEARLY as self-reflective as Philip -- obviously -- I still would have liked -- and still hope for (perhaps in vain) -- something equivalent to a sleepless night or a traumatic recall for her around all she's done; re:the human cost for her cause, beloved though it may be. I mean, just in terms of writing, that would make her character more relatable and human. I don't expect her to do a 180, but some visible turmoil would be nice; beyond the chronic tiredness and nicotine addiction. Human beings, in real life, are complex. Lately she's been portrayed as a little too one-dimensional for me; and something's been lost a little, in terms of her relatability. What made her character dynamic for me was the internal conflict. I want much more of that in the final episodes. All that said, I'm hyped to see how it all plays out. And, after having lived through several somewhat anti-climatic series endings, I'm fully prepared to not be fully satisfied. I'm not even sure that's possible (being fully satisfied). The lead-up, the unknowns, and the multiple possibilities are probably always more intriguing than any kind of final resolution, no matter how apt it is. Ultimately, I just want the show to be true to itself and to its characters in the wrap-up.
  9. I really enjoyed this episode. For me it was right up there with the season premiere in terms of quality. A few notes: - Someone mentioned the Martha story-line. That made me think back to how well that character was played. The acting was stellar. That's what made that story arc so interesting. And it's the lack of that that's really making the Paige arc drag. Writing matters, but if the actors can't pull it off, it's kind of a moot point. - I considered/imagined various endings for this show, but, honestly, P & E being on opposite sides was not one I expected, nor considered (especially them being on opposite sides within the unravelling geopolitical drama of the Soviet Union itself!). I figured E would, over time -- grudgingly -- in fits and starts, begin to see things more from P's perspective. That CLEARLY hasn't happened. They've never been ideologically further apart. Tragic for the marriage. Golden for plot interest. And perhaps this was inevitable the moment Philip stopped being intimately involved in "the work". After that he could no longer serve as Elizabeth's moderating influence. Now we're seeing the implications of that, three years on. - To see Philip tell Kimmie, "you're going to be alright" was one thing. Already he was stepping out of line there -- the line of their training I mean. But to then hear him give specifics about not going to a Communist country, I mean, WOW!, that's potentially the whole ballgame. What a risk. What a moment. What a turn of events. This is a turn that the arc has been building towards ever since Philip's resolve went south after the Martha "operation". Up until now, while he's been emotionally divided, he's always acted based on his commitment to (and in total surrender to) his love for Elizabeth. This episode saw him finally draw a line in the sand -- not just emotionally, but practically. There really is no turning back now. All the final elements are now in play. Should be fascinating (and horrifying) to see it all play out.
  10. Yeah, I'm not saying she was likely to be discovered. 99 times out of 100 she wouldn't be. But the risk was there. And, more than anything else, it just seemed unnecessary. I mean, why not send in one of their "support cast" to do that intel? Why take that risk at all?
  11. I agree with this take. And Philip was always pretty positive about the lifestyle they enjoyed, talking about how the food in America, etc. "is pretty great". So, it's nice to see a rounding out of that picture, where he realizes -- via direct experience -- the flaws/challenges/limitations of Capitalism. In drawing to a conclusion, the show can't just get lost in the real politik, it has to finish the story about the marriage and the family as well, or it'll miss the mark on it's original intensions. One pet peeve from the last few episodes that I've been meaning to touch on. Elizabeth is not only serving as nurse to the guy she's trying to gather intel on, but in addition she's also (twice now) watched him (from VERY close by) with just a different wig on. I mean, come on. Wigs help disguise someone. But the guy's seen Elizabeth up close a hundred times now. He knows her face. So when she showed up in the pizza joint with the long, straight black wig, and before that the shorter brown wig while she walked in front of him and his colleagues with a newspaper in hand... well, that just stretched the credulity way too far for me. Last point, I loved, LOVED!, the telling look Elizabeth gave Philip when he tried to "intrude" on her little debrief with Paige. I mean, that look said SO MUCH. Spectacular acting. Russel's acting is what I love most about the show. And that's saying a lot. Because clearly, acting is a high point of this show - with numerous stellar performances to make note of.
  12. I enjoyed this week's episode. A couple thoughts: While I've argued that E has a real idealogical commitment to socialism, in this week's episode she was definitely showing some knee-jerk anti-Americanism that was more visceral than idealogical. I thought that was an interesting play by the writers. First, because people are never truly ONLY motivated by "pure" ideology. And secondly, because it showed P that E is not very likely to be reasoned with -- for the very reasons I just described: her anti-Americanism has become an emotional, non-negotiable disposition/commitment, not a conclusion drawn from a reasoned outlook on the present situation. Thirdly, I've seen people shift like this. They begin their activism with well-reasoned idealogical concerns, and then end up shadows of themselves: clinging to a one-dimensional perspective simply because they've already "picked a side". Elizabeth's Soviet story is her Prrreciousss!!! She's not giving it up. And yes, it's making her difficult to like as much. She's becoming a shell of a human being. Harder to like, but fascinating nevertheless! In terms of the end game, is suicide (or at least the commitment to an obviously suicidal future mission) her only way out? I'm beginning to think so. I'd put the odds of that happening at about 50% at this point.
  13. I remember when he said that to Sandra, and I also remember him agreeing with her when she said he was being paranoid after being embedded in stressful circumstances for so long on his last assignment. Him searching the car really had nothing to do with that. The car matched the exact make and model they were looking for. It was a logical step; not a leap in intuitive power.
  14. Actually, he checked the car because the make and model matched what they were looking for, not because he had some spider sense kicking in.
  15. One small thing I predict: when Stan first has a revelation about P&E he will have a flashback to their car from season 1. He searched that car's trunk, after sneaking into their garage. That was the closest he ever got. He knew a car like that was involved in the kidnapping of the Soviet defector. He was so close -- and had no idea. Another flashback scene would involve remembering seeing a woman of E's build walking towards the car they later chased and shot at. Those were the two closest sniffs they got. So close, so far.
  16. The Elizabeth you're describing here is not someone I recognize from the show. Secondly, if the show runners made one of the most central characters as one-dimensional and unappealing as you're describing, I don't think the show would be anywhere near as successful as it is. Why do you think people keep talking about -- strange as it seems -- wanting P&E to have some sort of happy, redemptive end? It's because people actually resonate with her/them. Now, has she been brainwashed by Soviet propaganda from a young age? Absolutely! Is she a loyal soldier? Absolutely! But she also believes in the cause; deeply, passionately. That's been made clear over and over again in the show. She would have torpedoed her job ages ago if not. Her Achilles Heal is not that she "just wants to win", it's that, unlike Philip, she just can't expand her perspective enough to see what's really going on around her - either in America or the Soviet Union. The only reality she responds to is the one that's been pre-constructed in her head. That said, again, what makes her journey compelling is that, as Philip pointed out in the episode, it IS finally getting to her. This sets up the ultimate showdown -- between two parts of Elizabeth, as much as anything else, in the final 9 episodes. Should make for excellent television!
  17. I think you're mis-representing/mis-understanding what's going on for her. It's not that she doesn't want world peace at all. It's that she's convinced that the spread of the Soviet form of government is the way to save the world. Compromise, for her, like all idealists, just seems like a move away from what's best for the greater good. She's not a warmonger. She's an idealist. And sometimes, in situations like these, that makes her (and them, idealists) even more dangerous. Remember, she really believes she's doing the right thing.
  18. Okay, I have to say, that was an amazing episode! In fact that was by far my favorite episode of the show -- ever. What an incredible return to form after a little bit of a lackluster season 5. This episode had plenty of what I most love about this show: the long, brooding looks. Elizabeth's (wordless) inner turmoil was particularly compelling. Totally excited to see how this is all going to play out over the next 9 episodes. The show runners have definitely set the table perfectly.
  19. Yup. It's details like that that make one cringe. The least I would do is run for cover, no matter how tired I am. And then -- and only then -- if I don't see any imminent danger, I might rest for a while.
  20. What comes off as unrealistic is how they run into shortages of certain staples - like veggies, and yet they seem to have a plethora of pretty much every other luxury known to man. I mean, where do they make all this stuff? Some of what you see requires a real and substantial manufacturing sector, which is, where? Also, within the greater arc of the story, it only makes sense to carry on this creepy "Enjoy your life in Wayward Pines" if - IF - you're pulling the wool over people's eyes. But there is no vast secret. All the townspeople know they are the supposedly the last humans on earth, and they all know the outside world is empty save for freak sub-human abbies who want to eat them. Just doesn't add up. It's like 1984 (the book, not the year) without the contextual need for Big Brother. This kind of story is just interesting enough to keep me watching week to week. But the execution and the plotting AND the characterization has been pretty lazy and all over the place. Hope they pull it together a little bit. Too much to ask for?
  21. LOL. But all you're doing in saying this is re-enforcing your preconceptions. You're saying, "Yes, he's grandfatherly.. but WAIT! that's just a rouse. It's a tactic! It's in Master Spy Manual Chapter 3: Being Grandfatherly! I'm saying that, beyond all that, I think much of his behavior with P & E is sincere. Yes, I think he's a battle-heartened veteran. But I also think he genuinely cares for his agents - and believes in an underlying principle that he sees as ultimately serving the whole world.
  22. Right. But I'm actually referring to viewers who've expressed distrust of Gabriel - not characters in the show. And that's surprised me because I've always felt that he plays a humanizing role; one that softens the directives coming from the Centre. In other words, it's the showrunners' way of lending some humanity to the Soviet side of the drama.
  23. By the way, one thing I've been surprised by in the commentary on this forum is the distrust of Gabriel. I've always felt he is trustworthy - and serves an interesting (humanizing) role because he softens the blunt-end directives coming from Moscow. To me he comes across like a grandfatherly figure - and I would gladly play Scrabble with him any time.
  24. Fantastic episode. Only one complaint: the scene where Gabe tells Philiabeth that it's time for them to go home -- and then quickly adds "but it's your decision", pats them both on the shoulder and leaves. To me it would have felt more realistic, and would have been more dramatic, had Philip said something like - "So the Centre is ordering us home?", followed by Gabe, somewhat slowly replying - with an emphasis on the weight of the situation and present unknowns, "No. But I'm saying it's the best course. The risks now are too great, and there's too much we don't know. But... (long pause), I leave it to you. Ultimately, it's your decision, and I'll support whatever you decide." I mean, this is a HEAVY moment. I wanted it milked just a little more.
  25. Excellent point! Realistically, the only way this might really work is that the parents are granted permission to continue disclosing information because the agency in charge (in this case the KGB) sees it as a means to recruiting/prepping Paige. While it makes for interesting drama, in reality they didn't have to tell her as many details as they have. Also, certainly P & E must be aware that at some point their disclosure to Paige moves her into the accomplice category. This is an interesting aspect that the show hasn't yet explored very much. Elizabeth is probably too much of a diehard to consider or worry about this, but I think Philip would think about it - and at least voice his concerns.
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