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Thanks for posting that! It's almost 40 minutes long, though, and most of it appears to be about his character on This Is Us. Can anyone tell me approximately how far into the interview Milo talks about Jess and/or sum up what he said? Thank you!
I don't really agree with the popular sentiment that Constance's vision of the show was so superior. For one thing, despite all the talk about how Constance didn't want any love interest overpowering the sisterly relationships, S1 and S2 actually have A LOT of pointless romantic melodrama---at least as much as later seasons, in fact. I'm not even sure I'm convinced that the first two seasons delved any more deeply and accurately into witchcraft, but even if they did, that's not what some of us ever loved about the show anyway :) I'm far less interested in the nitty gritty of who developed which powers to what degree and just love Charmed for the fun, engaging, touching, warmhearted and empowering show that it so often is both during AND after Constance's time on the show. Honestly, part of me enjoys the higher energy of the post-Constance seasons and how the show embraced it strengths rather than coming off as self-serious in an awkward, forced sort of way like it sometimes did while Constance was in charge. Just my take on the whole "Constance was perfect and would have made the rest of the show far better" narrative :)
Paige is a relatable, likable, layered and underrated character in my unpopular view, and as I'm re-watching I'm finding myself developing the unpopular opinion that season 4 and parts of season 5 are the peak of the show, even more so than the Prue seasons. And despite its problems, in my opinion this show overall deserves more love!
Comfort Food Books: Which Ones Call You Back, Again and Again?
whateverhappened replied to CalamityBoPeep's topic in Books
Seriously, get out of my brain! :) I've been obsessed with Agatha Christie mysteries since elementary school. I've reread them all multiple times and my brother and I, who have relatively little else in common, will still bond over her books and the film adaptations of them that we used to watch over and over. The one downside is that somehow nearly all other whodunits fall short for me by comparison, so instead of getting hooked on new mystery series, I nearly always end up returning to Agatha's. They're so compulsively readable, so clever and oddly charming, and have a lot more insight into human nature than they're generally given credit for. And one of the hidden benefits of aging is that I now tend to forget 'whodunit', so when the killer is revealed I get to be surprised all over again as if I'm reading these mysteries for the first time! I, too, adore Jane Austen and her unparalleled gift for language. There's so much wit, insight, and brilliant turns of phrase that reward multiple readings. Northanger Abbey is my personal favorite for reasons I won't bore you all with, and there are few characters I love and relate to as much as imaginative, dreamy, loyal, curious, honest, conflates-fiction-with-reality-but-is-more-insightful-than-she's-given-credit-for Catherine Morland :) I realize I have odd taste! As for Harry Potter, they really are gems, and even when the writing itself falls a bit short for me, I'm forever enamored with the amazingly vivid characters and magical world that JK Rowling gave us. And it's a thrill to see someone else mention Emily of New Moon! I was always the only person who loved them even more than the far more popular Anne of Green Gables series, but see above about how I have odd taste :) I can't believe we get to talk about books here rather than just TV shows! My weekend is made :) I already wrote down a few of the titles mentioned in the above post and will hunt for them on Amazon, aka the site where I spend 90% of my waking hours. -
I still love GG and always will! The characters, the dialogue, the way so much of the show is a more charming and cozy yet comically exaggerated version of my reality, how it can be so whisical and comically absurd yet also so perceptive, touching and real all in the same scene. And like other people said at the beginning of this thread, I will always cherish how this show celebrates life's little joys and unexpected pleasures, reminding us that the little things are actually big things and worth apprecaiting. GG gives us female characters with a lot of passions, interests and talents. It holds up intelligence in all its many forms and reading as "cool" (or whatever word the kids are using instead of cool these days, lol). It sends the message that it's okay to be different and to be your true self even if you're generally viewed as weird. It constantly reminds us that we are all very flawed but ultimately worth loving anyway. And like someone else pointed out, ths show makes me feel better about my own addiction to caffeine, pizza and french fries, reminding me that I'm not alone. I saved the most important reason for last, lol.
One is the Loneliest Number: Unpopular GG Opinions
whateverhappened replied to mstaken's topic in Gilmore Girls
I think my unpopular opinion is that the nitpicky things don't bother me much? Most of the minor inconsistencies brought up here about things like how college admissions actually work differently in the real world don't detract from my enjoyment of the show. I think on some shows they would, but to me it's clear from the outset that Gilmore Girls isn't striving to be strictly realistic - a lot of character traits are extremely exaggerated, dialogue is written to be clever rather than as an attempt to capture how real people actually talk, and Stars Hollow is purposefully depicted as an overly quirky and sometimes surreal place rather than a revealing look at a New England small town. I think the Palladinos care about showing real relationships and emotions, but I never expected them to be sticklers about accuracy and mindful of small details, so it doesn't bother me as much when they fall short. Maybe it's because I took a break from the internet criticism of GG and because I've blocked out most of the revival by now, but I'm back to loving this show more than any normal person should. I even love both Lorelai and Rory again, which is very unpopular around here. I understand why many fans don't like one or both of them and I'm not blind to their major failings, but I still love and connect with them anyway. I'm sure I'd be less tolerant of them if I knew them in real life, lol. I'm even liking the later seasons a lot more than I'd remembered! But on a negative note, I realized that I don't like Max. I think I used to, or at least wanted to, but there's something about him that really rubs me the wrong way, and I don't see anything between him and Lorelai. I can see how she connects with Luke, Christopher and Jason in different ways, but I don't really see her connecting with Max much at all. He's also weirdly pushy at times. I have to skip most of their scenes to keep loving S1. -
Parks & Rec Unpopular Opinions
whateverhappened replied to JayInChicago's topic in Parks & Recreation [V]
I've been rewatching and love Ann more and more. She reminds me of a couple of friends of mine, very competent professionally but a little awkward and unsure personally (I'm a mess both professionally and personally!), always searching for love and allowing their identities to change a little depending on who they're dating but still always wonderful friends, good listeners and helpful in all sorts of important but usually underappreciated ways. I've come to like her and Chris as a couple, two people always searching who finally found what they were looking for, and am glad they ended up together. My favorite season changes nearly every time I watch, but right now I think Season 5 would top my list. Most people seem to prefer 3 and 4, so I think that's unpopular? I also love Season 6. It's got some of my very favorite episodes, including London, Filibuster and Moving Up. This show and Brooklyn Nine-Nine do so much to keep up the spirits of someone as depression prone as I am and seem to get better with every viewing. *bows to Mike Schur* -
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Bests and Worsts
whateverhappened replied to mstaken's topic in Brooklyn Nine-Nine
I forgot about this site for a little while but had to come back because I've become hopelessly obsessed with this show! You all have no idea how great it is to read this thread and see that I'm not alone. Let's put it this way: when my best friend recently commented that I seemed happier and in a better mood, I told her in all sincerity that it's due primarily to watching B99. I've hereby prescribed myself at least a few episodes per week even though I've seen them all three or four times already. Five favorite characters: Jake, Amy, Terry, Rosa, Holt, but the exact order changes depending on the episode. Favorite friendships: Jake/Rosa (weird choice for the top of this list, but whenever they team up it's so great comedically and usually sweet and revealing too), Jake/Boyle, Jake/Terry, Jake/Holt (so I may be a little obsessed with Jake), Amy/Rosa (but I want more of it, preferably without Gina around). I really like Rosa/Boyle too once Boyle got over her romantically. Basically I like nearly every combination of characters, though the Amy/Holt pairing can be a little repetitive and like others here I fluctuate between barely tolerating Gina and completely hating her. Favorite seasons in order: 3, 1, 2, 4. I love all of them, so this was painful! Most unpopular opinion: I really like Pimento and root for him and Rosa. I love Parks but think B99 is even funnier and with characters I love even a little more overall despite the presence of Gina. Also that Jake and Amy are nearly perfect and I have very few complaints about how they've been written either before or during their relationship. Favorite episodes: So many! How did you all pick? A few are Old School, Pontiac Bandit, The Party, The Pontiac Bandit Returns, Captain Peralta, The Oolong Slayer, The Swedes, The 9-8, House Mouses, Cheddar, Coral Palms Part 1, Skyfire Cycle, The Last Ride. Those were just the ones that jumped out as ones I'd rewatch constantly without ever tiring of them. One pattern is that I don't love this show's season finales. They tend to stress me out. Wish list: Even more stories that focus on cases and crimes and, like someone said, satirizing the usual cop drama tropes. I agree with whoever said they love when B99 takes advatage of its unique niche that way rather than doing some of the same stories you'll find on any other workplace sitcom. Also that another bus hits Gina and this time either results in her permanent departure from the show or miraculously leaves her with a whole new personality. And that this show lasts at least two or three more seasons! -
I'm excited to have found this place! I have so many UOs to share, with the disclaimer that none of these are ever intended to annoy or upset anyone and I understand and respect that most will disagree because they're unpopular opinions for a reason. :-) I love JJ. I will admit that I've fanwanked a lot about her and the fact that she has a sibling who committed suicide really resonates with me, so some of what I like might be more about how I personally perceive her than what we've seen on screen. I agree with the popular opinion that she was better as a media liaison, especially as that job highlighted the interesting dichotomy of how she was so great at interacting with the public at large but, beneath the pleasant and friendly demeanor, guarded, private and closed off when it comes to the people closest to her. And it's not like this team really needed yet another profiler. It was much more interesting to see someone fulfilling a different role even if we didn't get to see as much of it as I'd have liked. Similarly, I love Will/JJ based on the relatively little we've see of them. I can't bear Gideon for some reason. It's to the point where S3-S5 are the peak seasons for me because it's hard for me to love the show while Gideon is a part of it. Other than Gideon and maybe Morgan, I love every single character. I even liked Seaver! I love Reid's hair in all its many incarnations :-) I mentioned that S3-S5 are the peak seasons for me, but if I had to pick just one favorite I think it would be season 3, which seems to be a somewhat unpopular choice? Most people I know would pick either S1 or S4 as their very favorite, but as great as those are, S3 is even better to me. I even love the episodes most don't, like In Heat :-) The newer seasons aren't as good for a variety of reasons, but I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never break free of my addiction to this show. As long as it's still on, I'll still be watching it! I really like Luke and think he's an improvement over Morgan. Thank you for reading!
Past Seasons Discussion : Tales From The Crypt
whateverhappened replied to Cattitude's topic in The Vampire Diaries [V]
I'm almost done binge rewatching the series and have enjoyed reading this discussion so much! Most of you won't enjoy my contribution much in return, because I have opinions that few others share. :) I love Steroline. Some of that is probably just because Caroline and Stefan were always my two favorite characters. I'm also a fan of friends to lovers ships in general and when one partner is a high energy extrovert while the other is a more broody, cerebral introvert. The actual stories for Steroline were lacking, but not even atrocious writing could kill my love for them. Klaroline is my personal nightmare, definitely my least favorite ship of the series, and I am ignoring the last part of the finale where the writers hint they could eventually get together. If Caroline can't be with Stefan, I agree with the person who thought that seeing her independent and happy on her own would be a fitting and satisfying end for her character. I wholeheartedly agree with whoever said that Caroline Forbes is not just my favorite TVD character but one of my favorite TV characters, period. For all this series did wrong (a lot!), I will always be grateful for them for giving us this layered, flawed, memorable female character who I love more than I should. At first glance I have absolutely nothing in common with her: I couldn't care less about fashion and you can tell by looking at me, I don't like planning or even attending big, fancy social gatherings, and I'm a whole lot lazier and less ambitious. I relate to her anyway, though - the enthusiasm and passion for even the things and people she shouldn't feel it for, the insecurity and anxiety that comes off as impatience and even bitchiness, how she gets so hopeful and idealistic and then so disappointed, how she tries too hard and so often says or does the wrong thing but then keeps trying anyway, the way she's both selfish and focused on her own needs, goals and worries but also very loving and generous when it comes down to it. She's just so alive despite being a vampire and therefore technically dead. :) Elena is ...zzzz. Like others have said, she's so poorly developed. She's everything that week's plot needs her to be and nothing at all. I could write a thesis on Caroline, but it's hard to even describe Elena's core traits beyond the fact that she's mostly fairly nice and boringly perfect...? Bonnie has a unique connection to the earth and spirit world due to her witchery (I'm sorry, I know that's not a word but can't think of the right one!), and she's a nice contrast to Caroline in that she's more tough, self-righteous, levelheaded, cautious and guarded while also more naturally selfless and attuned to other people's needs. The final two seasons had a whole truckload of problems, but to me Elena's absence isn't one of them. I was more than fine with Caroline and Bonnie as the primary female characters. I prefer Stefan to Damon but Delena to Stelena. This opinion has no rational basis at all. I just find Delena a little more...interesting? Lively? Screwed up but in a way that works for me more than Stelena? Maybe as one of the relatively few who ships Steroline I just prefer Stefan to be free for Caroline! When you all were ranking your seasons it made my day to see the love for Season 6. It's my very favorite. I know it's not better than the first two seasons, but I just love it the most, probably because of my personal ship preferences and the fact that Kai is my favorite villain. I have an eternal soft spot for Matt. I'm probably the only viewer who never warmed up to Tyler. Finally, I will echo the people who said that this show has a lot wrong with it but has my heart anyway! I know I'll be rewatching it, discussing it with you all and maybe even writing fanfic for it even now that it's officially done. I'm so glad these threads are still here even now that the show isn't! -
All Episodes Talk: Lorelai and Rory and the People They Love
whateverhappened replied to solotrek's topic in Gilmore Girls
As I specifically said, I'm not blaming Logan for Rory's choices. But some people and relationships just don't bring out our best or truest selves. It's rarely anyone's fault, just a fact of human interaction. I was theorizing based on most of what they wrote that the Palldinos had that view of Rogan, that they wrote Logan x Rory as feeling strongly for each other and even benefiting from being together short term but ultimately weren't end game for reasons I've already talked about. We can agree to disagree on that. No one really knows what strange notions are swirling around under Amy Palldino's bizarre hats anyway. -
All Episodes Talk: Lorelai and Rory and the People They Love
whateverhappened replied to solotrek's topic in Gilmore Girls
The following is all just my opinion and how I saw Rogan. Definitely not claiming any of the people who perceived them differently are wrong because it's all very subjective. Rogan had some great scenes, but overall I thought their Season 6 relationship was a bit of a mess. To me it read like the Palladinos couldn't decide how they wanted the audience to perceive Logan or even how much longer they wanted him on the show and he - and Rory x Logan as a couple - was inconsistent as a result. They may have ended the season in love, but their relationship was hardly idyllic throughout that season. Didn't they break up at least twice in a relatively short span of time? That's hardly the model of a stable and healthy relationship. I don't doubt that they loved each other, but the writing often gave me the impression that we were supposed to conclude Logan's excessive partying and general high society lifestyle was diverting Rory from the person she used to be and was ideally meant to become. That was a theme throughout and what I saw as the purpose of Jess's visit that season - not to revive a Rory and Jess romance but as a wakeup call to Rory and using Jess a stand-in for the very large portion of the audience who disliked Logan and/or the person Rory had become during their time together. I'm definitely not blaming Logan for any of Rory's choices, but I'm just saying that I don't think of S6 Rogan as written to be a relationship we were supposed to view as "end game" or even very healthy. And to me they were definitely not an ideal romance novel couple despite having some individual romantic moments. In romance novels, the idea is that despite obstacles, the two characters clearly make each other happier and better and are meant to be happily ever after. I really like some of Rogan's scenes in S5 and S6 but didn't get the sense that the Palldinos wanted us to see Logan and Rory in that happily ever after romance novel way at all, more just as a love that was often enjoyable at the time but not ultimately meant to be. My money would have been on the Palladinos not planning to make Rogan endgame or even keeping them together through most of season 7 unless we're talking in a casual way so that they could make him the father of the baby Rory was supposed to have at age 22 because FULL CIRCLE and all that nonsense. Since the Palldinos write nearly everyone with money as elitist and frivolous at best and a downright terrible human being at worst, it's tough for me to believe they intended Logan to be the one for Rory longer term. I do love a lot of their season 7 moments, but then David Rosenthal was a lot better at writing sweet romantic scenes and happy couples in general. I would have been very interesting to see how he would have written LL. Surely as at least a little happier, more connected and affectionate than the Palladinos did? Maybe that's just wishful thinking! -
All Episodes Talk: Lorelai and Rory and the People They Love
whateverhappened replied to solotrek's topic in Gilmore Girls
Right? The revival really doubled down on that, but it some ways that cyncism was there all along. Like others said, it was just concealed under a heaping serving of whimsical quirk and cutesy moments. Some of the takeaways --- Even if your "ship" ends up together, you'd better damn well not expect them to have a happy and healthy relationship. All people with money are jerks. Most people without money are jerks too, just in a different way because ... ...People with money are an entirely different species from people without it, and every single aspect of the speech, behavior, personalities and values of all people with money differs from those of all people without money. Not that the Palladinos are prone to weird exaggerations and generalizations. The only men of quality and substance have serious issues with anger and jealousy and must be surly and devoid of charm and joy at all times. Everyone on earth is either really, really selfish and dysfunctional or really, really, really selfish and dysfunctional. Romance is The Big Lie. Everyone either settles for a relationship without much passion and communication or ends up alone. Alcohol is an awesome coping device. [I might be alone in this, but it irked me at points in the series and especially during the revival, where it felt like they were swilling down booze in almost every scene] Female empowerment means that our main female characters care only about themselves and mock or callously disregard most other women, especially those who have the gall to be involved with a man who's supposed to be exclusively worshiping a Gilmore instead. Cheating is fine as long as the guy you're cheating with has a significant other who appears less 'charming' and adorable than you are. We all must drearily follow in our relatives' footsteps and make the same mistakes they did, free will be damned.- 2.8k replies
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All Episodes Talk: Lorelai and Rory and the People They Love
whateverhappened replied to solotrek's topic in Gilmore Girls
I think you've just perfectly encapsulated the Palldinos' philosophy of television writing!- 2.8k replies
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