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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Those "anti-virus" lanyards remind me of mosquito repellent wristbands I wore once on vacation. I have no idea if they worked or not, but why not wear them just in case...
  2. Loren and Alexi are shameless with showing off Shai! Lol 😍🦃
  3. I do believe Emma is a victim of sibling abuse. Get rid of Tom and let her comment by herself.
  4. Hi hi! That visiting a lawyer seems like deja vu for Submit and Jenny, except this time he's actually single.
  5. Next week's ENTIRE episode looks all kind of uncomfortable.... and I can't wait to see it!
  6. Translator soon too. Ditzany will finally learn what Yazan actually gave up for her.
  7. Oh lawd! It's Jenny's future, her life is at stake if she doesn't marry Submit! 🙄
  8. I'm trying to figure out what Cheese Dip and Melyza ever saw in each other that they even have this story line.
  9. He's gonna let drunk Ditzany cut his hair? No!!!
  10. Maybe they'll adopt one of her grandkids and call it a day.
  11. I wouldn't be too proud about getting back with my mom, Colt-ee.
  12. Is Angela trying to imply American food doesn't have fresh ingredients? Lawd have mercy.... And then I watched Kalani make pancakes.... 😏
  13. Is everyone getting a ton of "Discovery Networks" ads every break, or is it just my area?
  14. Tom is snide and mean. Does Emma have any other brothers seeking to hold on to their fifteen minutes of fame?
  15. And I was going to say at least he'll keep her young with all the games, but who knows? Also, I kinda like Submit's quarantine grow out hair.
  16. Hi! Don't read anything into it that I'm here on time when Tim and Veronica are on....
  17. Ditzany is all kinds of wrong. Even the little things, like propping up her phone while talking to Yazan, on a bottle of booze. The man doesn't drink for religious convictions. Then getting "tipsy." I can't.
  18. Welcome Angela! (Never thought I'd say that.) Again with the friends and family who make more sense than the people we watch this show for!
  19. No Ariela. Y'all have not been fighting all day. You've been telling Babi off all day. There's a difference.
  20. Oh boy. Nothing worse than miscommunication, especially when traveling. Or in this case, lack of communication.
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