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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. I'm starting to feel scared for Zied. Rebecca seems obsessed, with his pictures on everything. That can't be good.
  2. Is it me or do Jovi and Yara seem like Blake and Jasmin 2.0? As soon as she gets here, he wants to take her out to meet his friends.
  3. Don't have your best friends around when you want to brag about your guy to strangers. They (and I'm so glad they do) spill all your tea.
  4. I feel you. MY cable was out for half the week and it was frustrating. I could watch some things but not at my favorite spot to snark with y'all. Glad to read that later post that your tv is now working.
  5. Good evening! Brandon's segment is just awkward. I should be happy that his love made it to the States safely, but it just feels awkward.
  6. Ohh... thank you! I kinda thought Brandon was packing a getaway bag.
  7. Huh? They're packing luggage to pick someone up from the airport?
  8. Natalie doesn't want Uncle Beau around? 😱 😭
  9. I am DONE with Brandon already. Julia doesn't want to get on birth control and he doesn't want to use condoms. How soon before they have a crib in his parents' house?
  10. Uh huh. And that preview showed she has her visa to come to the U.S. I kinda feel scared for Mike.
  11. It's ok,, Rebecca. After 40, many of us have stopped counting the years, have rounded them off, or just plain forget.... on purpose.
  12. Looks like Jovi has been everywhere, man. Everywhere. But what do you know, he falls for a Ukranian lady. Well at least he met her in person. Add in my congrats on the new grandbaby, @JennyMominFL! 😍
  13. Guess it's just the genes that gives them that hair. I can use oil and mine won't grow like that. And water.... tangles and frizz everywhere.
  14. Syngin's dramatic? Says Mrs. I'm crying, yelling and eating?
  15. Less than 1/2 hr left. Then I'll move over to the network of competitive baking of desserts and cookies. 😋
  16. She should have ruptured something somewhere with all that yelling, all the time. Other than eardrums.
  17. I don't mind watching this confrontation between Kalani and Asuelu's sis and mom, again.
  18. Y'all sound battle weary. Been through the trenches and back with this show.
  19. The Moldavians don't stomp grapes normally but they did that day? Nope, no shenanigans going on by TLC at all, not a one! 😉
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