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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. If he's still married to Holly, it will be half that.
  2. Ahh, it looks like sexy time for Clayton and Anali next episode! Well, for Clayton, maybe. Not much to say about everyone else, just more drama, business as usual. 😒 Ok see y'all then, also as usual, and some of you tomorrow for TOW. Have a good night! ✌🏿️❤️ & 🦃!
  3. If he paid them, it is. If he didn't, they didn't touch him for sure.
  4. I think I now know why they named the app Babbel. 😟
  5. I was about to say, "Oh, I get it! This is the episode where most of the couples nearly break up just before getting married!" except, that has been the case for almost every episode this season.
  6. The hanboks are so pretty. For some reason, I thought they would get a professional portrait done, not a selfie stick pic.
  7. Did Jasmine do any exercise at exercise time? Gino should have cleaned things up before having her move in. She just might have a therapeutic (for her) bonfire of all his memories of his past.
  8. Manuel is not going to change anything for Ashley. His face says it all.
  9. Nikki will probably do her best to make Justin's parents feel somewhere from uncomfortable to hatred.
  10. Hmm... well... Rob brought Sophie one red rose. I guess he's in apology mode, for the next five minutes, at least.
  11. Wasn't there a movie called "Swarm, " about a bug invasion? I don't think that one ended happily... Who knows, though, maybe a bug invasion is a good thing for some people... 🫢 Alright, see you next week for this auspicious wedding, and possible break- ups. Enjoy the rest of your week. ☮️💟
  12. Shek, Sarper is setting you up for the big let down!
  13. Sorry, advert distraction rant- I don't have pets, so I don't get the need for a litter box monitor. I have taken care of a cat for someone, but all I did was clean the litter box, not examine the stuff in it. 😒
  14. I keep trying understand how Yohan went from, "Let's deliver gifts to everyone!" to "I'm tired and want to break up," in less than 10 minutes. 💫
  15. So glad to see Mary and Mom Brandan have a civil, heart to heart conversation and not a battle.
  16. Things have been going smoothly for Kim with the in-laws? Not for long...
  17. Good night, all. Have a good week, and see some of you tomorrow!
  18. Oh My Goodness, Jasmine found... a suspicious lip gloss! OH NO! Gino MUST be cheating.
  19. And oh my, is she sobbing. I think toddlers cry less.
  20. Oh man, I missed most of everything! Got a phone call and, you know, answered lol. I have no idea why Devin is crying at the dinner, Nick's family seems nice.
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