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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Oh lord, we can't get away from those nudie pix of fifty arguments ago. Weird how quickly Jasmine went from, "I'm sorry, I messed up..." to "but not as much as you did, Gino!"
  2. Oye, Manuel can get excited? Haven't seen much emotion out of him other than grumpiness or moping.
  3. Speaking of... wow, Nikki and that bright bubblegum pink lipstick!
  4. Oh yay. More of the same drama next week. 😒 See you then, or maybe sooner, if I chime in on Diaries tomorrow. Have a great MLK Day, and a great week. ✌🏿️❤️
  5. Jasmine wants to make Gino cry for real with this confession.
  6. She probably threw it out along with that electric toothbrush long ago.
  7. Maybe they can get married at a petting zoo... I mean, they'll have plenty of cute animals there.... maybe a llama...
  8. Wait. What will Ashley be wearing while doing this dance, her wedding gown or athletic wear? 😟 I like the choreography, but, that's a lot going on in a lovely dress.
  9. Gino's romantic side is called a producer who knows how to make a romantic setting.
  10. Clayton says he's elated right now, but I predict that won't last long. He'll be angry and frustrated again with Anali by the end of the episode. Oh wait, that's Nikki. No, it's Ashley! It's everybody!
  11. Nikki, you just met this nail tech, don't tell her all your business. 😞
  12. I I I have no words, other than I'm glad I wasn't the one who had to use the bathroom, badly, while they were in there.
  13. Good evening all! Here for all the multi-lingual arguments we'll hear tonight! Hope you feel better soon, @Pepper Mostly. ❤️
  14. Hi everyone! I'm here on the repeat run of Diaries. Sorry, got caught up watching the Brooke Shields documentary. Came from the same agency? You mean they aren't the same friends as Danielle's?! Why does it take a psychic reading and a girl's night out to make her realize she should move on from Usman? She should have passed on him in the first place after seeing him with Lisa.
  15. Hmm... next week's ep looks like a doozy, thanks to Ashley and Manuel, and their uh, distractions. 😬 I think I may join in on the Diaries tomorrow, if I can't find anything else to watch. So see y'all then. Have a good night, be safe and warm! ❤️
  16. Oops! I meant to say haven't! I don't watch soaps at all now... other than this mess we all watch! 😂
  17. Wowww, I have watched that show since the 90's, I'm sure.
  18. Mother Sophie looks... harsh to me, like she's been through some things. Not sure of what things, but, some things...
  19. I just checked. It was in the junk mail. Oops oh well... 🥴
  20. I don't know either, but maybe he is just bored with Nikki. I think I am projecting; I'm bored with their story line.
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