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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Yes, she makes me tired in sympathy just looking at her. And TJ is tired as well, but still ready to do more rituals! Amazing.
  2. I agree with Mom Brandan on the creatures that can hide and climb walls. They showed a lizard, on the wall, and it's not a pet?! 😨
  3. He says what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours, in this marriage. Unsaid: I don't have anything to be yours but one thing...
  4. Good evening everyone! Oh, yay, more Kim & TJ wedding.
  5. Well, Rob, evidently whatever you and Sophie talked about over the years, I'm guessing having kids never came up. You probably talked about the practice of making them, a lot, I bet. Hmm... from the preview, it looks like it's only going to get worse for some of the couples. Sophie's crying and Nikki's telling Igor to get out. 😲 Alright, see y'all either tomorrow or next week. Have a good one! 🎃✌🏿️❤️
  6. Uh, Nikki... oops. Maybe you should have stayed home...
  7. Voices in the woods?! Why would anyone want to hear that? 😨
  8. I don't care much for Ashley, but Manny's family or whomever calling on her phone so much, is, not right.
  9. That pig plushie is kinda cute but, glad he knows his fiance so well to call her that and to give one as a gift. 🤨
  10. Oh, yeah both suffering from hair loss and insist on covering it up. She did a way better job of it than Gino.
  11. What gets me is, she did all that surgery to fix her face to her exact liking, and then covers all that with make up to fix it even more. Makes no sense.
  12. Mary has not one drop of diplomacy. Neither does Mom Brandan, but she's not trying to win over someone who's son she wants to marry. However, next week will be fun watching her and Mom Brandan try to spend time together under one roof. 😉 See you all then! Have a great evening and an even better week! ✌🏿️❤️
  13. So often in the west a wedding is the bride's day. Y'all get the impression this is the groom's wedding, this time?
  14. Tell them! These folks seem to think nothing is real unless it's posted on a timeline.
  15. Well, at least they're not pranking mom with testicle soup....
  16. When Kenny says, "wanting" he means "pushing" him to have a baby at 60 years old. Is this how people really choose surrogates for their children??
  17. After all this celebration and ceremony, they better stay together, forEVAH.
  18. Once again the family and friends make more sense than the fiances. He's not the right guy for Shek, other than they photograph well together.
  19. I swear, when Jasmin warned the masseuse not to touch her butt, I thought it was going to be due to the butt plugs she purchased last season! Dane helped pay for her implants? Sure, he's her ex, and not her back up plan, sure! Ok y'all tonight has been another fun one! Hope to see some of you tomorrow, if not, next time! Have a great week! Ooh ABC has the Halloween Fright Fight on now, guess that's the Halloween version of the Christmas Light Fight. Awesome! ✌🏿️
  20. Yes, despite all our snark, it's nice to have a couple to route for. Someone not likely to end up on Last Resort.
  21. Uh oh, Mom Manuel is not happy that he left without saying goodbye. I don't blame her.
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