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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. The who? I mean, I know they've been advertising this new stupid-sounding show ad nauseum, but.... the who?
  2. Wow they can't seem to do anything, not even an announcement, without an argument these days.
  3. Oh lord, the Podhast (or whatever their name is) family fight over Andrei's bad immigration interview is happening next week. Also, Angela talks to her other man in front of Michael... that's.... cra- uh, bold. Well, it was great watching and snarking with y'all. See you next week. I hope it will be a good one. Happy Halloween! 🎃👻🍬
  4. Hey, Kim understand this: Usman's mom wants GRANDCHILDREN! And you can't give him any!
  5. Ahh so, that's where all that money went to, instead of to the event.
  6. So, because some of Liz's coworkers don't approve of their relationship, she should quit her job... uh, huh... Someone, please make this make sense....
  7. Woah. Angela's friend is risking her life by having a drink and conversation with Michael. Even if it is to help their marriage.
  8. Jenny could always go back to Hari Krishna school... that's something to do... with people other than Sumit...
  9. I just wish they had picked men who appreciate, but don't absolutely need their mother's/family's approval of their loved one.
  10. They..... he slept with her?!!! Okay, TPTB DEFINITELY need to let Angela and MIchael's storyline go. She just wanted another free trip to Nigeria.
  11. Yep. Guess it takes a long time to film each season... Now that I think about it, there was a long gap before the last season of GOT, too.
  12. They wouldn't be if it was up to the fans. Oh nice, the other Liz and Andrei are having another kid! Ooh, someone else for her to butcher nursery songs to!
  13. I knowwww. Although I always watched the later airings, I'm kinda suffering with drawl without it, now. 2024 can't get here soon enough.
  14. Jenny is not a haggler, she just walks away and finds a cheaper seller. I don't blame her.
  15. Whaa? Hip hop music lead-in for Sumit and Jenny? Wow, that's a bit different. 😲
  16. Good night all! See you next week for more not so HEA. Hope all goes well for everyone ( specifically @kacesq 🙏) this week. Peace & love! 👋
  17. Wow, Usman got indignant all of a sudden. Better surf your DM's dude for your next mark, uh, potential girlfriend. At least Kim walked away this time.
  18. Y'all don't like to fight, Ed? You've broken up eight, now nine times. I'm sure there were some nasty arguments prior to those break ups whether you're both drunk or sober.
  19. So will Sumit's family think Jenny kidnapped or brainwashed him if they move to the States? Rather than he chose to live his life with his chosen spouse? Hmmm... the thought of Jenny as a cult leader with only one follower...
  20. Totally. I'm not seeing why she feels she must be his first wife, or any wife to him at all.
  21. I feel like this marriage-to-Jenny intervention isn't going well for Sumit's family....
  22. It's days of abstaining from all things enjoyable for Bleh, and he couldn't be happier.
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