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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Woah. Add me to the "Welcome Back, Trackdawg," committee! (for some reason the theme from "Welcome Back, Kotter" pops into my brain. 🎵)
  2. Good evening everyone! I'm late to the forum but I've been watching. As always, these folks never listen to their family and friends advice, at least Debbie doesn't. She just LOVES her young Osama. 🙄
  3. I got a phone call, and missed most of the show. I'm not complaining. Ooh- we're on page 1000! 🎉
  4. Good evening everyone! Ooh look! There's new people insisting they are in love with someone from another country, and they are moving to the other country! Good Lord, one of them is a New Yorker. 🙄
  5. Whew! That hot mess is over! See y'all next week to watch a bunch of new hot messes! 🤣 Take care and see you soon. ☮️❤️
  6. Bleh and Shaedda can walk off into the sunset now. Please don't put them on PT, either, just let them go off and make babies, and run yoga studios.
  7. I hope Liz means what she says, moves on and lives her life without Ed. Even if he begs her to come back, which he most likely will do again.
  8. All this therapeutic talking from Angela and Kim, and neither one will leave the men they don't trust completely alone.
  9. 🙈🙉🙊 That's my feelings for the last 20 minutes or so of convo. Although the last emoji is representing me trying not to upchuck.
  10. What is Kim's obsession with throwing drinks on everyone?
  11. That makes sense, right. If she needs to keep her eyes on him at all times, why not go live with him in his country... but then, that would mean no more storyline or perks.
  12. Egg thinks he did something with all those insults. "Take them down." Oh please, he just let all of the other 90 Day-ers see how wretched he is.
  13. Seems so, with a WHOLE LOT of filler. My program guide says this show goes to 10p. They could stop now.
  14. Looking at that upcoming scene, Egg better watch his mouth or Jenny might flip a chair. Maybe the one he's sitting in...
  15. When one of your biggest ambitions is breast augmentation... oy. 🤦‍♀️
  16. Good evening everyone! Just about time for the last (thank goodness!) part of the TMI! Hope all is well your way.
  17. Maybe even better, I think the neckline is higher in the back... Alright everyone, the snark was great as always. See you next week for the last part of the Tell All While Saying Nothing. It's another 2 hours, but we can do it if we stick together! Also, Happy Martin Luther King Day tomorrow, if you have the day off. ☮️❤️💪👋
  18. Dang! Tough choice... I was gonna say Angela, but then Egg will open his mouth to give useless advice...
  19. Who dis new (old) friend of Bleh's? I just know somebody just got bingo on @Hotel Snarker's card lol!
  20. Say what now? Bleh is ready to have kids, and Shaedda wants to wait?
  21. Yep, definitely telling us too much with that herb shop clip. I didn't need to hear about Bleh and his force. 🤢
  22. Ahh. No wonder I have no idea of what any of y'all are talking about regarding him and Veronica. I didn't watch Single LIfe.
  23. The more guilty of scamming Usman looks, the faster his speech. He was talking about a 1000 words per second, after that clip with the potential second wife.
  24. Hey Jamal, everyone on that stage, in person, or virtually, has used the show to stay relevant.... Including yourself.
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