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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Mmmm... Gabriel got some questions for Mahmoud. Oh. Look who's the one to walk out and say, "I'm done."
  2. Wait... What? Dang, Debbie! Now you're trying to match your son up? I do like her pink outfit (or is it just a boa), and fan.
  3. Hey everybody! I made it here before the end of the Tell Nothing! Ooh that Oussama is a mess with all the calling to "break it off," with Debbie. I think y'all established it was over before she left Morocco.
  4. You know, they've been showing that clip of him saying this in a show promo for weeks now. I should have known it wasn't going to be that big a deal. Oddly though, they haven't shown Gina discussing these dm's with anyone. I doubt if he really messaged her at all and production is just making a call back to Gina ( I think she said this in a TH long ago... ) saying Mac was more her type than Clint. Nicole sure did! She even had to make introductions for all the wives, as if they couldn't speak for themselves. Then later, she's the one who tells us, in a convo with Chris, if Jasmine accepted that guy's offer to go off somewhere in his car, or not. I didn't think she would, but I'm not sure why didn't they just show the footage of her refusing. Nicole's account didn't make it more exciting or anything. I do wonder if she told Chris about declaring to those guys that she's the alpha to his beta in their relationship, and if he agrees with that assessment.
  5. Ooh... the clips for the Tell Nothing better not be the best scenes of the show, they looked juicy, but looks can be deceiving. I may, or may not, be here for it next week because it's Mother's Day, and also, my BIRTHDAY. I'm a little excited, but only because I still haven't narrowed how I will celebrate with my mom. 😳 But celebrate, I will! 💃🏿 Have a good week, everyone. ✌️❤️💐
  6. Well... that party for two ended splendidly. 😒
  7. I think you spoke too soon. Whatever dumb dance they were doing in their onesies.
  8. I like how her coven abandoned her just when she really needs them, to comfort her, or, to put a curse on Rishi.
  9. Jen just said Rishi should have done his homework. Girl, please. Search engines exist for a reason. Plus, you didn't have to accept his proposal.
  10. Where's Oussama trying to run her down at the airport to stop her from leaving? No? Not gonna happen? Awww 😄🤭😂🤣
  11. Why does Danielle think all friends are the same? People she's sleeping/slept with, lived with, married to aren't all just going to get along because they love her. It does happen, but it's not expected.
  12. Woah... I woke up late (7:30a eastern) and missed all of that. Well, maybe they didn't show it... 😳
  13. Yeahh... she now says they'd move in about a year. I guess he was speeding up that year.
  14. That must mean she's Dollar (Twenty-Five) Tree Jenny.
  15. Eh? Didn't Taylen win that little game of basketball? Seemed like he was getting all the baskets...
  16. Wow... Five minutes together and they're not fighting yet? Well that's an improvement over the last time....
  17. Did Jaymi always have a dog, or was she just so lonely without Kris?
  18. I know right. I'm sure she will show up, though- probably just in time to object to the union, but she will show up.
  19. Don't seem so smug, Jen. Your guy is over there crying.
  20. Good evening, all! @Pepper Mostly Hope you can stay for a little bit. If not, get some rest, and get better soon.
  21. Ahh no wonder I never see it live, I turn to ABC for The Company You Keep. Alright everyone, unless I fall in love with a wonky-eyed poet and run off to his country of origin to be with him (and ride camels and donkeys), forever, I'll see you soon. Have a great week and MAYDAY, MAY DAY! ✌️❤️
  22. Aww poor Rishi. His plan to marry Jen would have worked, if not for her meddling friends, and it not being after August 2nd.
  23. 😒 Okay... Sis seems to approve, can they get married now?
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