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Everything posted by DNR

  1. Jenny was such a bitch in her talking head when she said “andrei wants everyone to think he has a lot now .... no. My family has a lot “ ( not exact quote but you get my drift) sorry you jealous b. Daddy warbucks paid for your wedding too and you’ve prolly got your hand out still . Can’t stand this family And sorry Charlie - your father did it for LIBBY. Your sister remember ?
  2. My god is Connor handsome😍 Here’s hoping he sees the red flags Mackenzie is waving wildly he kind of reminds me of Caitlyn Jenner’s son , Brody Jenner a bit
  3. I knew the screaming & fighting would start with Stacey & Florian as soon as they started to live real life
  4. Darcey storms out ...... see you at the house
  5. I have to laugh at Stacey judging who Darcey is with 😂 Stacey & Florian can barely have a conversation why is phony Tom still on this show ; your 15 are over !
  6. Omg darcey throwing around the “he could be the One” already Florian has only monotone mode 😂
  7. The twins are so shallow God those poor horses
  8. The sight and sound of Stacey & Florian’s kissing 🤢🤢🤮 Florians face 😂😂😂😂
  9. Holy shit i believe this girl Lorelei 1000%. Ed IS a sexual predator Remember when Rose said we didn’t have sex and Ed said we made love🤮.... would not surprise me if Ed roofied Rose
  10. For me , Big Egg and Stephanie are tied for biggest assholes of part 1
  11. Yeah agree everyone felt free to be me compared to when they’re all together in the studio
  12. Lmao when Avery is about to dish some dirt on Tom all of a sudden he’s like Tally ho off i go toms a fake dickhead
  13. Can Stacey hear Darcy yelling in the other room ? dont cry darce!!!!!!
  14. Nooooo Stephanie didn’t just get it off her chest ..... she kept screaming at Erica’s and melting down Shocking: Stephanies friends are as big of jerks as her stephanie kept arguing so she didn’t have to have sex. I do not believe she’s sexually attracted to women
  15. Usman is pretty funny.....wtf is he doing with BGL
  16. Wow big egg outing Rose? His jerkishness never ends
  17. I couldn’t imagine dealing with Ash’s rolling eyes every minute cool cool such a dick
  18. Oh Reallllllllllyyyyyyyy..... i had written a post about how CabbagePatch was a fool to continue chasing EVILin.. Turns out I’ve been FRAUDED?!!!!! Those two are married??? They’re just grabbing that TLC $$$! Why does TLC keep showing them ? Get that drunk driving goofus & his snaggle toothed witch off my screen !!
  19. What’s that fast weird accent BGL puts on when she’s angry?
  20. Seeing BGL verbally assault Usman is the scenes for next week ( and since day 1) ..., I’d NEVER condone domestic violence but damn, BGL deserves a punch in the face Usman is an attractive, seemingly nice young man, why why pick BGL to come to America. She’s loathsome & ugly. I don’t know if they married and he ends up in US but he’ll have an AWFUL life with her till that green card comes. Now that he’s gotten 90Day exposure, there’s got to be nicer more attractive American women he can have relationships with.
  21. When friend zoned Patrick’s antennae went up hearing that Myriam was single - these two must want more tv time Patricks been a busy boy. Guess he has never heard of condoms, he’s broughr another illegitimate baby into the world. The mother of his son was BEAUTIFUL. Why not try to make it work people !!!!
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