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Posts posted by CeeBeeGee

  1. 1 hour ago, bluegirl147 said:

    How about Candies or La Gears?  

    I don't ever remember seeing a simple white shoe on any of the girls.

    Fashion dictates that white shoes are only worn between Memorial Day and Labor Day, and all their seasons were set during the school year. (Except perhaps the Paris and Australia movies.)

  2. On 2/18/2022 at 2:30 PM, psychoticstate said:

    So Jonathan Dutton is a famous photographer with no one else in his studio?  Where is his assistant?  The makeup people?  The wardrobe people?  If they are hiding in the back, it's understandable after seeing what Tootie is in.  This was in 1981.  I remember 1981.  That was the year Princess Diana was introduced to the world, when frilly, romantic blouses were in, when culottes were in.  Tootie is dressed like it's 1977 with her bejeweled headband and hanging beads and multicolor outfit.  I mean, even 14-year-old Reena (12!) is at least wearing a long gown like many of the models did wear in the fashion mags.  So the photographer then puts Tootie on a stool to take snaps?   Huh?  And the still shots that were shown, supposedly of the photographs he's taking, were godawful.  Ugh.  The whole thing just made no sense.  

    Good on Mrs. Garrett for calling out that a naked child should have zero to do with perfume.  When the photographer said that Tootie needed to lose 8 pounds (exactly 8, not 10!) I couldn't help but think how the show never did that to Natalie - and good on them for it.  

    Pretty Babies is painfully implausible and frankly, cheap-looking (those freeze-flash photos! As if!). And I love your point about how disco-era Tootie's outfit is. That said, they caught a super creepy vibe that did indeed exist at the time--the sexualization of very young girls, a hangover from the '70s. Think Roman Polanski, David Bowie, Jimmy Paige, the first five years of Brooke Shields's career where, starting at the age of twelve she was either playing a prostitute in Louis Malle's Pretty Baby, interestingly), or improbably naked and running around in a towel, or full simulating sex on a beach (or a suburban house). Or doing very suggestive ads for Calvin Klein. It was completely normalized. It even lingered on in the first season with the "Blair's mom is a ho" episode, and the girls running around in short shorts. Thank God they recalibrated the show and I did like Mrs. Garrett's diatribe against that crap in Pretty Baby.


    On 2/19/2022 at 12:22 PM, psychoticstate said:

    That was a really good line and Kim Fields' delivery was spot on.  

    And Jo's response to Blair saying that Mrs. Garrett always said they could talk to her about anything without fear ("She was talking about sex.  This is personal!") was gold.  

    Kim's comic acting was very strong. Great instincts.

    And I love that line of Jo's! It's the Bronx accent ("She was tawkin' about sex!") that really nails it.

  3. 5 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

    So NOW NBC finally gets around to showing the Gala, after insisting on "reliving" in detail the last two laps of the cross-country ski marathon that I JUST got through watching in the primetime broadcast. What were you thinking, NBC?

    I'm hoping they'll re-air it tomorrow because I got tired and turned off the endless cross country skiing. The listing said nothing about that, it was supposed to only be figure skating.

    • Love 3
  4. 23 hours ago, Minneapple said:

    I SEE ETERI. You guys, I saw someone on social media suggest Lena Headey for the movie or miniseries and it's PERFECT CASTING.

    And instead of drinking wine a la Cersei, she can drink водка.


    13 hours ago, Jeddah said:

    Yes! I am so happy for Sui and Han!!!

    Yes! I dragged my sorry ass out of bed this morning to watch it live.


    12 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

    If nothing else, Kamila is back in Russia, so we won't have to see her on the podium if the ceremony takes place.  Of course, if the authorities do the right thing and strip the Russian medals, good luck trying to get them back.

    But they haven't actually awarded any team medals yet--everyone is saying "the ROC is gold, US is silver...." but no medals have been awarded. It's all contingent on how the IOC proceeds. I saw a news story today that said the ROC has vowed they "will never give up the gold" and I was like--what gold? You don't have an actual gold. You have the expectation of a gold based on your scores--and the IOC can decide they don't want to honor that because of Kamila's positive result.


    10 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    The US women need to be more consistent as well. As much as Karen Chen seems to be a nice person, has she ever put together two clean b2b programs?

    Worlds last year, where she damn well should've been awarded the bronze.


    9 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    I always love seeing Tamara Moskvina by the boards. She's such a treasure.

    ETA: heh she snubbed Eteri for a handshake.


    ICE cold! I fucking love it.


    9 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

    It's an old blues standard, it's become like a folk song, everybody knows it, nobody knows how it came to be.  I was reading about the lawsuit and it seems the two band members who are suing are brothers and they are represented by an attorney who just happens to be their father.  Quelle surprise!  He has also sued multiple other entities on their behalf for using it.  They claim that their voices and approach to the song are so unique and special that they deserve to be paid specifically for that.  I have no idea how licensing works, it seems like they expect this payment in addition because they are just that wonderful.  Which they are not.  I presume it is a way to get some attention, I'll bet downloads of the song have increased in the past couple days.  I expect they also know that NBC has plenty of money to pay nuisances to go away and that's the goal here.

    This is nothing more than a ca$h grab. But now I know whose music NOT to listen to!


    7 hours ago, gingerella said:

    In the US and EU you have to pony up a shitload of money to support a child with Olympic/professional sports dreams and most families just can't do that, as Avaleigh already pointed out. We can't control what happens in Russia (skating) and China (gymnastics) but the rest of the world sure as hell can yell loudly enough to the IOC about this cheating bullshit. I'd be fine with every other country signing a boycott of the next Games until/unless the IOC first and foremost bans Russia/Russian atheletes, dissolves the ROC bullshit, and pulls all future bids from Russia. I don't really give a shit if such drastic efforts will affect 'innocent, non doping' Russian athletes because right now, I assume every single Russian athlete has cheated in some fashion, that's how deep my distrust goes now. Whatever the sport, I assume they doped. I saw someone last night from Belarus in speed skating and thought immediately, 'well, pretty close to Russia, wonder if they're doping too'. So for me, these Games are a blight, a stain on the Games overall, and they will always be remembered for the Russian cheating scandal. What a damn shame, and how unfair to all the other athletes who show up to play fairly.

    ETA: I know this wasn't totally on topic from the last several posts but I'm still boiling mad about this crap.

    Yes to all of this, but especially that last. FUCK Russia. They've destroyed the sport.


    7 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    Also, Belarus and Russia are completely different countries with different languages and ethnicities. It's like assuming the US and Mexico are the same just because they border each other. Or India and Pakistan.

    I understood the original post to mean--"Belarus was close to Russia" as in, Belarus's times were close to those of Russia, so they must be doping.


    5 hours ago, EllenB said:

    Todd Eldredge's entire small town financed his training. 

    Oh my God, that's adorable! That's so pure.


    5 hours ago, Enero said:

    It was very cool seeing Shen/Zhao in the K&C with them. I loved hearing about their love story back in the day. I remember when he proposed to her after their WC skate. He got down on one knee to propose and she had no idea what he was doing and got down on her knees too. Lol. Anyway lovely couple. It looks like they’re still together after all these years which is sweet.

    That is hilarious!


    4 hours ago, Conotocarious said:

    In reflecting on how different skating used to be I returned to watch this program….


    Where if you read the comments everyone is like “OMG….that STEP SEQUENCE. It gives me chills”. And it does. And there’s just nothing like that anymore. The only thing anyone cares (and no one cares all that much anymore) about is these pre-rotated and mediocre jumps in the middle of limp programs. 

    Back in the day, the step sequence in a program could be that moment. 

    I absolutely LOVE a good step sequence! This is one of the greatest.


    3 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    Ok so my mom follows Chinese language news outlets and apparently in China the reporters are not fond of Nathan Chen? They think he's a bit arrogant and are dismayed he doesn't speak any Mandarin. I'm actually shocked he can't either -- I grew up in a Chinese American household and have no idea how I'd communicate with my mom if I didn't speak Mandarin.


    Um, Chinese media, let me give you some Ben-Gay for that reach. Nathan Chen--arrogant? That would mean he has a personality. (I love him and his strictly business demeanor but seriously.)


    3 hours ago, Conotocarious said:

    And for another stunning OLympic memory, I always remember my sister calling me after this performance of Michelle’s, in 2002 after she won the bronze and in the last Olympics she attended…

     I had never heard this version of the song before and let me tell you, it is the most wistful, what might have been performance I’ve ever seen. She had clearly picked her exhibition music in advance and in the hopes of winning the gold and when she didn’t this performance just took on this other dimension and was all the greater for it. 

    This song is now hard for me to listen to because I can’t get through it without tearing up (personal reasons). But I would have never even heard it if not for this performance.

    An absolutely heart-breaking skate. I remember watching it in 2002. FYI, I am the top comment on this video (NYCBlonde).

    • Love 5
  5. On 2/15/2022 at 10:12 PM, SlovakPrincess said:

    On a positive note, I enjoy the group of older writers banished to the "Scriberia" section of New Yorker ... I mean, Manhattan magazine.

    It's not New Yorker, it's New York Magazine. They even kept the title font.

    • Love 5
  6. On 2/17/2022 at 8:42 AM, choclatechip45 said:

    I hate Trusova's programs. I've always like her fangirl personality off the ice though. 



    On 2/17/2022 at 8:50 AM, Rootbeer said:

    I won't say much about Shcherbakova's skating because I just don't care, it doesn't matter anymore; but, whoever put her in an outfit that makes her look like her slip is showing should be required to take a drug test.

    Aw, I actually loved that dress. Kamila's SP dress had a similar underskirt kind of thing going on.


    On 2/17/2022 at 9:01 AM, Rootbeer said:

    Anyone wonder if the Russians didn't decide that this was the best way to get the problem behind them and she was told to tank?

    It's hard to tell. She sure looked like she was clean during warmups. OTOH, the closeup on her face just as she started her program--she looked terrified.


    On 2/17/2022 at 9:07 AM, galaxygirl76 said:

    So to recap Kamila didn't get pulled out of the event because of the harm it would do to her but what's happening to everyone right now, including the sport, is SO MUCH BETTER.

    It's fucking horrible. I feel so bad for her. Thank you, CAS, for "protecting her from irreparable harm."


    On 2/17/2022 at 9:44 AM, absnow54 said:

    Geez, if Sasha put a modicum of effort on her transitions and artistry, she would have won Gold, but instead she just moved from jump to jump as if she were doing a warmup. THAT'S WHY YOU LOST GOLD.

    YES. She's clearly an extraordinary athlete but FFS, must you show such contempt for the PCS? Skaters who are just jumpers almost never win--look at Tonya, Suraya, Midori. I mean, at least Tonya tried (awkwardly) for artistry.


    On 2/17/2022 at 3:39 PM, proserpina65 said:

    As much as I continue to assert that Michelle was robbed in Nagano, there is no denying that Sarah absolutely deserved the gold in SLC.  That performance was just about perfect.

    Fully agree. She skated her heart out. One of my favorite ever free skates.


    On 2/17/2022 at 9:50 PM, scarynikki12 said:

    Also, I hope someone tells Trusova that shade of red does nothing for her. If she wants to be a redhead she should go with copper. 

    Oh God, thank you. She has such naturally beautiful hair and I get that teenagers want to play with their appearance but can you please color it a plausible color? That shade looks so cheap.


    22 hours ago, Daisy said:

    (I remember Beckie Scott screaming at the top of her lungs how the Russians were cheating in Cross Country Skiing and Dick Pound (who legit needs to go kick rocks) basically was calling her a sour loser - until you know, it came out that the two russian skiiers DID cheat and Scott got a gold medal she rightly earned). 

    Shades of Shirley Babashoff at Montreal in '76. She was the top American swimmer who was widely expected to take home multiple golds--until the newly transformed East German swimmers showed up. She said when she and her teammates first heard the EGs speak, they thought some men must've wandered into the women's locker room. And the media hounded Shirley for her doubts, called her a sore loser and Surly Shirley.  And. She. Was. Right. She was absolutely right and the IOC should rescind those medals and award them to the runners up.


    12 hours ago, Minneapple said:

    Those pics are cute. And it appears Sasha's meltdown is over. Teenagers, man.

    I promise I'm not trying to minimize the shit all three of them are experiencing--but there's something so Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! about "everyone has a gold medal but me." 


    10 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

    Oh please, oh please, oh please, let this be true. 




    Okay, adding a new word to my Russian vocabulary...

    • LOL 4
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  7. 7 hours ago, absnow54 said:

    Tara called that out too. After Trusova’s skate, she had the second highest PCS score of the night, and Tara, very coldly said, “That’s not what I saw.” They are done with the Skating While Russian bonus. 

    Good for her. So sick of this bullshit.


    5 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

    I love that she acknowledged that she didn't understand the scores. No reason Trusova should be over Wakaba. Wakaba's program was superior in every way. Trusova fell on her ass as usual but she's held up with those scores because they want her on the podium. The judges couldn't be more transparent about their blatant favoritism.

    We can't see who the judges are or which country they're from because of the "reform" after the 2002 scandal (fuck you, Russia, for cheating again), correct? The judging panel is anonymous?


    2 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

    I flipped over to the US hockey game on USA when the dopers all skated. I know the other two haven't been caught, but the likelihood of Constant Bitch Face only drugging ONE of her skaters and not the others, seems awfully slim. 

    I can't say anything that hasn't been already said about the bullshit scoring. I wish the Japanese would stop being so damned polite and speak up for their skaters. Sic the Fanyu's on the Russians and especially Sambo 70.

    THIS. Step it up, Japan! You're losing the most from this garbage!

    • Love 3
  8. 5 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I am glad to hear that she is retiring.  Such a hypocrite.  I do hope that Chock and Bates stick around for another four years.  They are 32 and 29, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility, is it?  Have they said anything about this?

    Since the women's competition has devolved into a farce, I think it would be incredibly awesome if multiple spectators or officials from other country contingents brought air horns and let them rip just before Grandpa Doped Me launches into her now-known-to-have-been-achieved-through-doping quads.  She deserves to go splat city as often as possible.  I would rewind the DVR over and over.

    I really hope C/B stick around. I loved their alien program.

    There really should be some kind of social price, beyond just being denied a medal ceremony.


    5 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

    That is strange. I remember him saying his whole USSR/Russia obsession started because of the cold war he didn't understand why America hated them.

    Interesting--I was always fascinated with Russia as a child, but I knew almost nothing about the Cold War. But I had read (memorized, really) A Little Princess which has a slight exchange where Russia is quite romanticized, and I'd read Eloise in Moscow (again, the Cold War references went over my head) and the two books definitely piqued my interest.


    4 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

    Yup. I'll gladly take Alysa looking happy getting into snowball fights, making a snowman and posting about the village on Instagram over her being miserable and winning a gold. Especially with how happy she looked after her performance. 

    She is such a ray of sunshine.


    3 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

    I'd love to see Russia get a real ban where they aren't allowed to compete at all but wouldn't the Russian skaters just end up skating for other countries? It's already happening. We'd just see Russians representing countries that were once in the USSR. It's hard not to be pessimistic about all of this. 

    I wouldn't have a program with that, as long as they're not doping.


    12 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    But parents sent their kids back to Marta month after month and the gymnasts were getting horrifying injuries. Like ... torn abdominal muscles, broken bones, torn Achilles ... the list goes on. Injuries a young and healthy body should not be getting. Gymnasts like Dominique Moceanu also expressed how abusive the Karolyis were and her parents just sent her back.

    Hell, for Dominique's dad, that was a feature, not a bug.

    • Love 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, Domenicholas said:

    1. How will the other women respond to having to skate against a person who failed a drug test? Will they response normally, or will there be some obvious coldness when the Russians are around?

    The other skaters should just concentrate on doing their best.

    However, the audience....hopefully they'll maintain a stony silence--or maybe just polite, skeptical applause, contrasted with wild cheering for everyone else. Call it the Sochi Treatment 😉

    • Love 9
  10. 2 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    I think that many Russians are still like Elizabeth Jennings of The Americans. Love of country and duty to the Russian government is still what drives many Russians, especially the ones who did not pack up their bags and move to the west. 

    With that being said, my therapist is Russian and she says on Russian discussion boards there are a lot of debates about Eteri's coaching methods. She says most Russian parents say they could not send their child to Eteri, gold medal or not.

    Okay, please tell me that this is your mental therapist and that you spend sessions on the couch bemoaning the state of US figure skating and its toll on your mental health. "How is Mariah ever going to medal when she's so inconsistent? And don't even get me started on Sasha Cohen back in the day. [heavy sigh] I shouldn't come here the day after Worlds."

    • LOL 1
  11. 19 hours ago, Souris said:

    P/C beautiful but not alien.

    I love how "not alien" is now an official judging standard.


    17 hours ago, Minneapple said:

    It’s a complete joke. As if figure skating didn’t have credibility issues as it is. Now you have a skater who TESTED POSITIVE FOR A BANNED SUBSTANCE AND SHE STILL GETS TO SKATE. And the worry is that it will cause her “irreparable harm” if she can’t skate? What about the harm to the other skaters?

    Everyone should just dope up then. What’s the point in playing fair?

    What about the irreparable harm to her in forcing her to undergo the media gauntlet every day? What about the irreparable harm to the clean athletes? Send her home to her parents because her reputation is now officially toast.

    Kamila, get away from that abusive circus and come to the US, or Canada. Or any country that doesn't have Eteri.


    10 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

    As far as Kamila's defense, the Russians are never going to admit she took anything.  Actually, most athletes won't.  They are going to claim that someone tampered with her sample, that some nefarious actor stole into the lab and switched her specimen. That she is a victim of the world's hatred of Russian athletic superiority.  Carrying a chip on the shoulder is a Russian sport, too, the feeling that they are being singled out for persecution runs deep.  And then, somehow, the lab will have to prove it didn't happen.

    This is one of my biggest frustrations with Russian sports culture. I am fascinated with Russia, I am studying the language, I have read a fair amount of the literature, history and drama. But Russian sports culture pisses me the hell off. So many (not all) Russian athletes act so entitled and superior--when they are defeated it's always because of favoritism, steroids (I'll never forget Viktorya Komova, after Russia finished off the podium at 2015 Worlds, accusing the American gymnasts of using steroids. YOU FELL OFF THE BEAM, DUMBASS. And pouting because she took AA silver instead of gold in 2011), or something. The Russia media machine came hard for SImone Biles and Serena Williams--they simply couldn't conceive that either of those women were that good. No, no, it was because they were Black--the judges sympathized. Or something. Or because Simone supposedly doped--she took fucking ritalin for her ADHD and her coaches cleared it with WADA! I peeked at Twitter last night and poster after Russian poster was just hammering out SImone Simone SImone.

    How can one country have been a major post-World War II player and still have such a deep and unfounded sense of persecution? YOU GUYS invaded Afghanistan. YOU GUYS enforced the Iron Curtain.

    Despite Russia's behavior the past eight years, the entire skating world was excited for Kamila's prowess--we were all happy to cheer for her. Then this shitshow happened. YOU GUYS did this. No one's out to get you--you fucked up. As someone said, you can't even dope right.


    9 hours ago, blackwing said:

    This is why Russia should be banned from the Olympics completely.  I still don't understand how Russia the country can get banned but they still get to compete as ROC.  That doesn't make sense.  If the country was banned because of state-sponsored systemic doping but they don't want to punish the individual clean athletes, then those individual clean athletes should all have to compete as independents.  Just like those refugee athletes who compete under the Olympic flag.  These Russian athletes shouldn't be able to use a ROC name and Russian colours AT ALL.

    YES. Ban their asses completely. The non-dopers can move to another country. There's a Russian saying "Russia loves the knout" (a kind of whip). The only response Russia will respect is a total ban. They have clearly learned nothing from the past 8 years. Honestly the only thing that surprises me is that they've resorted to doping the figure skaters. I guess they figured they couldn't outright hand it to Valieva like they did in Sochi. (UGH. What an utter joke.)


    7 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

    While they both placed blame on Valieva, they both did it from the perspective of having been competitors at her age.  Tara was 15 when she won the gold and she said that, from early on, she knew about banned substances and was always afraid she'd break a rule.  She even mentioned avoiding things like cold pills because some have banned ingredients, that she had the list and very carefully checked before taking anything, even at 15.  From her point of view, Kamila was more than old  enough to know that there are banned substances and to be very careful before putting anything in her body.  After all, she's been competing and doing drug tests for years.

    But Tara was competing for a country that didn't tolerate doping, so all the responsibility was on her. Russia herself is sponsoring the doping, like East Germany did in the early '70s. I doubt the athletes themselves were told what was happening.

    I will say, as much as I'm defending Valieva rn, she needs to shut the hell up with excuses. But she's 15.

    What a fucking SHITSHOW. Trust Russia to fuck it all up. I'll watch tomorrow--I want to support Mariah, Alysa and Karen--but damned if I'm watching the three Russians. I really like Scherbakova too. But it's all gone wrong.

    • Love 18
  12. 28 minutes ago, Linderhill said:

    watching the final group now, I'm wondering why the closecaptioning always seems to cover the graphics on screen.  When skaters are being introduced it covers their names, ranking, country, music, etc. and during the skate it covers the score box.  WTF?  is this my cable company or NBC?

    Not sure what cable company you have but same here (I have Verizon). I have to turn off closed captioning during any kind of sports event, so I can see the graphics.


    18 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

    I’m sorry I ever doubted the alien program! It was so good!

    It's so cute! So clever and original and fun! Love seeing someone think outside the box.

    • Love 6
  13. 4 minutes ago, Mirabelle said:

    Are Davis/Smolkin really the third best pair from Russia? They seemed slow to me which is not something which I ever thought could be said of Russian ice dancers.

    Well, there's Skating While Russian and then there's Skating While Being Eteri's daughter. I can't imagine it hurt her chances.

    • LOL 1
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  14. Was not a fan of P/C's costumes. That top she wore four years ago--even with the wardrobe malfunction--was absolutely gorgeous, all those vivid tropical colors. The dull maroon outfits look like they're trying to invoke V/M--whose costumes I also didn't like.\

    I did love Maddie Chock's dress.  A shame about that mistake.

    In general I prefer the free dance to the rhythm dance--everyone always seems like they're desperately trying to convince you about something, whereas the free dance is just more chill, like they're doing it for themselves.

    There was a great rhythm dance at US Nationals that I thought was very cool, very angular and on the beat, but I think they weren't selected for the team.

    • Love 1
  15. On 10/6/2021 at 2:57 AM, magdalene said:

    Well, I had no plans to watch any further GOT content until I saw this teaser trailer.  I was one of the viewers who was so disgusted with the final season and the ending that I lost all interest in this universe.  But now that I have learned that D&D are not involved in this production and that the series is based on written material that has  an ending I will give this a chance. Seeing Matt Smith in the cast clinched it for me. Wikipedia has told me he is playing a very interesting character.

    The teaser show cased high production values and does exactly what a teaser trailer should do.

    As long as those two fucking IDIOTS aren't involved, I will give it a shot. It's not HBO's fault those two fucking IDIOTS threw away multiple seasons of goodwill.

    • Fire 1
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  16. 5 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    For those wondering about the radio silence from other athletes, a picture like this explains it:


    It's Sasha Trusova congratulating Nathan Chen.

    Skaters are actually incredibly close. Yes there are rivalries and not everyone is best buddies. But most of these skaters have been touring together, staying in the same hotels for meets, hanging out backstage, for years. 

    I'm having fun translating the comments. Она--ракета русская! 

    • LOL 1
  17. 1 minute ago, absnow54 said:

    Gross to be harassing a 15 year old. I don't like that AP is plastering a bunch of pictures of her looking distraught. Kamila is not the issue here. She should not be the image here. It's the corruption of the ROC, RUSADA, and Team Tutberidze that should be the focus. 

    Thank you! I am seeing a fair amount of "well, she should've known what she was putting into her body" and "she's old enough to compete so she's responsible." This is fucking RUSSIA! No, she is not responsible! She has almost no agency in that system! No, I don't think she should be able to compete; yes, I think the team scores (and Euros, etc.) should be voided. But leave her the hell alone! She is not the problem. It's fucking Russia--as always. They ruin everything. And they need to be kicked out in a meaningful way. They obviously haven't learned anything.

    • Love 23
  18. 5 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

    Interesting that you'd put Plushenko over Nathan in terms of artistry. I always found Plushenko's so called artistry to be kind of a joke. 

    Oh my God--there is no question. I can't even watch Plushenko. His artistry is non-existent, which is how he got his ass handed to him in 2010.


    1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

    The American skaters seem so much like a family these games, moreso than I remember any other American skating team being in the past. I think part of it is probably Covid and having to be there to support each other in the absence of loved ones and even fans, part of it is how long some of them have known each other and been friends, and part of it is that this particular team has some just flat-out lovely, kind, gregarious, team spirit  people. I honestly think putting people like Jason and Jean Luc on this team might have been worth it just for the incredible energy and kindness and humor they bring to everyone around them, during a time when everyone is feeling stressed and pressured. It's truly so beautiful to watch. 

    This is a really sweet comment. 


    1 hour ago, ShellsandCheese said:

    Yep and it’s very easy to dislike Russians but I also wish more people who are outraged by Eteri’s methods would recognize that plenty of sports in the US do the same damn thing. A wonderful comparison is the way in which young boys are chewed up and spit out and left with damaged bodies and brains in football…..I’d also like to point out that to my knowledge none of Eteri’s skaters have died but I can think of at least three instances last year when a high school teenage football player died during practice. Things that make you go hmmm…..

    Plenty of people are also outraged by practices in US sports--and frankly this reads as a whataboutism. This thread is specifically for figure skating in the 2022 Olympics. 

    FWIW when I posted about the latest scandal on my FB page, a friend of mine said he had stopped following the Olympics because of all the scandals, and another friend of mine said she felt the same way about the NFL, because it was just problem after problem.

    • Love 19
  19. 8 minutes ago, Linderhill said:

    When Usain Bolt and Ben Johnson were caught he said they must have pissed off the guys that manage the camouflage measures or they probably would have gotten away with it longer.  FloJo was one he knew was using them. 


    5 minutes ago, Daisy said:

    wait what? he doped?


    Me too--I'm all, wait, what? Usain Bolt doped? Seriously?

  20. 52 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Hey Johnny . . . you don't need to explain how the GOE works every. Single. PROGAM.



    39 minutes ago, Daisy said:


    I posted on Facebook "Did Bolero go on sale or something?"


    3 minutes ago, Chaser said:

    The Fanyus heads would explode if Nathan got his Silver upgraded and I am 1000% here for it. 

    My friend and I were texting back and forth and I told him about the crazy Fanyus and how he's actually scared of them. I said "And you can imagine how much they hate Nathan Chen."

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