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Posts posted by CeeBeeGee

  1. 4 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

    I'm on the episode where Jo was assaulted by Blair's friend.   It has always been one of my favorite episodes.

    I love that episode!!! One of my very favorites. I love Blair taking offense at Harrison's treatment of Jo, even if they don't really like each other--it's de facto feminism. And I've always said whoever wrote that episode was either a WASP or close friends with some, because of how subtextual the conversation is between Blair and Harrison. And how Harrison, even when he's running out the door away from Blair, throws over his shoulder "say hello to your Mom for me!" The niceties must be observed. Great episode. The show got so much better after they retooled it, although there is a certain fascination with just how weird the first season is.

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  2. 42 minutes ago, chediavolo said:

    Unfortunately I moved too far away from New York City & let me Telya food sucks here. I’ve had the frozen Levain cookies that they sell in some grocery stores. But I found them way too sweet. Haven’t had the fat witch brownies but they really look good!

    They have a bunch of different flavors (as Carrie was pointing out). You can order Fat Witch, I've sent them to my stepmother for Mother's Day. They're YUM.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    Apparently Nancy was just really not liked within the skating community. She was known as being a bit bitchy and snotty behind the scenes. It seemed like the big titles always got away from her.

    I did agree that she deserved to win gold, even though I never warmed to her skating either. Scotvold's choreography never did anything for me.

    If we want to stipulate that off-ice activities can affect the judges' votes (I mean, of course we do), Nancy's whole Olympic campaign to position herself as The Victim irritated me. I could've rooted for her if she'd shown up in Lillehammer ready to get down to business, all "let me show you my awesome triples and combinations!" But wearing that white dress really fucking irritated me. It was so performative, I felt. You are (or were) the victim--why are you playing the victim? Why are you reminding us you were the victim? We know that already. Just concentrate on your skating and stop campaigning. I get that it was an extraordinary set of circumstances--and I imagine her extremely rapid descent from America's Sweetheart to America's Sour Silver Medalist must've bewildered her (I hate how quickly we turn on women)--but just concentrate on your skating. Let that be your story. 

    This is all to say that by the LP, I was rooting for Oksana. She'd had drama too (the collision with Szewczenko) and she took the shot and got down to business. And I absolutely loved how she doubled that triple and then threw it in at the end. That always impresses me when skaters do that (I remember a program when Todd Eldridge did that, it wildly impressed me). That means a skater is here to win. Nancy came off as smug, Oksana came off as hungry. Obviously this is all YMMV.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

    This type of middle-aged thing where someone meets someone new and gets all crazy and leaves their spouse or partner -- well, it happens.

    This happened to someone I used to know--he was a director who worked exclusively with a local community theater group, directed all their shows. His whole family was involved (wife produced, daughters did costumes or something). The whole group was a little cult-y--most of the company had been taught by the director in high school and they all moved on to doing community theater with this guy. I did my one show and moved on to other groups and then years later I ran into someone with the group. They asked me if I'd heard about what had happened--apparently the guy had "met someone" (a woman, muuuuuch younger as the guy was well into his '70s) and just lost his head. Threw away his marriage, threw away everything for her. No fool like an old fool.

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  5. Like everyone else I fully expect Miranda to get a rude awakening when she turns up in Cleveland.

    14 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

    And maybe this wouldn't rub me the wrong way if this didn't feel like how my best friend's husband ended their marriage on their 19th anniversary. That he suddenly dropped it on her that he wasn't happy, wanted out and had no interest in counseling and trying to fix what he thought was wrong with their relationship. He never loved her, married her because he felt that was what everyone expected of him and after 19 years and 2 kids (that she had to put herself through in vitro in order to conceive), he was out the door and there was nothing she could do about it.

    Oh my God, did I write this? One of my closest friends got the same treatment--he had checked out of the marriage and wouldn't go to counseling, it was done, he had made the decision. (And they were dealing with serious mental health issues with their only child.) She was very zen about it but I was furious and took it very personally because I'd been a bridesmaid at their wedding. Hell, she and I had been living together when they first met and started dating. I was fully invested in that relationship and his bullshit exit pissed me off. If you start feeling a certain way about your marriage (absent of course obvious red flags like abuse), you should at least try to save it. Counseling, or just talking.

    10 hours ago, RedHawk said:

    Some random thoughts: Why is this show almost promoting smoking? Did we really need the time-wasting scenes of Carrie and Seema talking about smoking? Carrie has been a smoker for maybe 20 years of her life, and a non-smoker for maybe 15 years. I get that she took it up again as a regression after Big's death, but she's just now realizing that cigarette smoke stinks and the smell gets into everything including your skin, hair, and breath? (Not to mention lungs.) You'd have thought that in the past she wouldn't have wanted to stink up and ruin her prized clothing collection. Was it all so that we could see her looking like a crazy old lady in that "smoking outfit", walking around in it without even buckling her shoes? She really doesn't care what the neighbors think, does she? I guess it doesn't matter since she has no relationship with them... until the cool young new neighbor sees her. Hope being spotted looking like that convinces Carrie to give up the habit and the outfit and act like she has sense. ETA: Carrie also throws her half-smoked cigarette into the street after Lisette spots her in her crazy old lady outfit. Littering by throwing your butts in the street is nasty.

    It's so gross--I hate all the smoking. My parents smoked when I was a kid and I was very resentful of it. I was thrilled when Bloomberg essentially banned it in NYC for the same reason--the stink. I would go to a club and my hair and clothes would still smell of it the next day. And I didn't smoke! And I hate how casually most smokers litter their butts. Those filters are not biodegradable.


    10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    Interestingly, Che told Miranda that they would be OK with having a relationship with her if she were in an open relationship.  Why Miranda didn't think that was an option and instead chose to ask Steve for a divorce rather than an open relationship just shows right there that she's not going to like having one with Che either.  

    I wondered that myself! See if Steve is open to an open relationship--who knows, maybe it'll restart their engines. She's rushing through everything, completely discarding Steve after just three weeks of weed-addled, mind-blowing sex.


    4 hours ago, b2H said:

    That was beyond noise.

    I kept waiting for that woman laughing to lay the egg already…..

    GOD, that was obnoxious!


    3 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

    Oh, and what was up with Che and their surprised and judgy "your son doesn't know you're in an open marriage?" statement?

    Che the Avatar of Wokeness, trying too hard, yet again.

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  6. 12 hours ago, lovinbob said:

    Bill on the other hand ... sorry to be shallow but he is a sexy man.

    He is! I could never get into the OG Wonder Years, in large part because I couldn't stand that sourpuss of a dad. He seemed so grumpy all the time and just cast a negative pall over everything. I like this dad! He's funny, sexy, talented and engages in self-reflection. Plus he picked a fantastic wife (love her)--that has to reflect well on him.

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  7. 9 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

    Ugh, thank God that didn't happen. The character of Princess Alex and the horribly wooden actress who played her couldn't hold a candle to Blair and Lisa Whelchel's acting.

    I actually really liked Alex in her introductory episode--the look on her face when the Italian dude tells her her parents aren't coming was devastating. The writing was weird--Blair in particular was all over the place--but I still like that episode. I've always thought Heather McAdam was very good at playing wounded birds--very vulnerable types. (She plays similar character arcs in BH 90210 and Quantum Leap.) But--because FOL always did this, they always had great introductory episodes for intended-to-be recurring characters* and then abandoned those characters immediately afterward--they never followed through on that interesting episode.) I mean, nobody could make heavy-handed lines like "I should let you know, I am an actual princess" work.

    *See, Cousin Geri, Miko et al.

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  8. On 1/14/2022 at 10:42 AM, 40Love said:

    Back in the day the so-called sassy, cute kids were labeled as "precocious". Gary Coleman made a whole career out of it. I'm sure that's what the producers were going for when they cast Ben. But, the kid took it way to far. You're precociousness should not include being  disrespectful and rude to adults. Just glad they didn't send sweet, polite and talented Joseph home instead of Ben. 

    Yes, there's a difference between cheeky and brattiness.


    On 1/14/2022 at 10:59 AM, 40Love said:

    Awww, really? I really like Caroline. I think she's smart and mature with a big personality. I haven't seen anything disrespectful or obnoxious about her at all. I think she's probably an aspiring actress, like so many of the kids and adults on these competitive cooking shows. It's just one big casting call. She's just trying to let her personality and confidence shine. Not picking her to win. But, I think she's a sweetheart!  

    I like her too :)


    On 1/15/2022 at 6:37 PM, susannah said:

    And he wasn't the only one, by a long shot.

    There's also Dee from What's Happening!!

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  9. 19 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    Right! You put it in the best way possible. By the time these men showed up at Mose's door, there were no good options left.

    I imagine immediate retaliation if Mose fought back and somehow gained the upper hand. Maybe a mob comes back and burns down his house, kills Mose along with his family just to make an example out of them.

    Exactly. Plenty of historical examples to cite, like the Tulsa massacre.

    God, this whole story is just so devastating and sad. That poor child. He was a child. They tortured and murdered a child.

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  10. 7 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

    4. No bonus points for backloading programs.

    They add bonus points for the second half because it's fricking hard! The skaters are exhausted at that point. I admired Zag for doing something that difficult--that said, I'm glad they corrected it so they couldn't game the system any more. But they should get some bonus for jumps in the second half.


    1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:



    That hideous giraffe jacket--*shudder.* 

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  11. 1 hour ago, TaurusRose said:

    That entire scene was cringe worthy,  and the purse was HIDEOUS.

    Of course it's hideous, it's Louis Vuitton. (NOT a fan. I hate the logo obsession, I hate how heavy and dark and un-fun they are and I haaaaaaated the cherries.)

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  12. 1 hour ago, Rai said:

    Steve literally dumped Miranda right before her company's party because she made more than him, so. Yes, it's good he got over that, but he did have stupid male ego issues at first. I would argue it was only when he opened his own bar that he stopped getting hung up on his class/finance issues regarding Miranda. Again, growth is great. Growth is very cool. But Steve really had to grow up a lot throughout SATC.

    Ah, didn't know that. (I haven't seen every episode.)


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  13. 6 hours ago, ivygirl said:

    Many of us had affection for the key players—I mean, I know Berger was kind of petulant, but I still found he had some appeal and humor; and someone here said they liked Richard (whom I never found appealing—but it shows there was something attractive about his character, to some women). 

    Richard had a swagger that I loved--and as badly as he acted, he knew Samantha was worth ten of him. I love a man with self-confidence. There's something very attractive about knowing you're not going to have to spend the evening talking him through in insecurities. (Why is why I despised Berger.) I loved Steve for the same reason--he wasn't intimidated by Miranda, or threatened because she made more than he did. I loved it when he said to Miranda "I knew you'd come around." I'm not AT ALL happy with how they're depicting Steve in this.

    • Love 21
  14. 1 hour ago, Avaleigh said:

    It annoyed me a little when Johnny said that Trusova is all about perfection (paraphrasing) because she's *always* good for at least one fall per program, usually two and sometimes even three or four per competition if we count short and long.

    I thought exactly the same thing. "For a perfectionist, you're not very good at it!"

    • LOL 2
  15. 3 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

    Really, really loved Ekaterina Kurakova here. That was the most unexpected skate of the day. She gave it her all. I would have put her in third.

    Never count out Anna Shcherbakova. She's one of the strongest under pressure competitors I've ever seen. Beautiful program and that quad flip was flawless.

    Trusova falls on her ass twice and still takes home a medal. I'm so over it.

    Kamila was a little off. Hopefully she's got the nerves out of her system and she'll have a better skate at the Olympics. It would suck if she won Olympic gold with a skate like that.

    If the Europeans was the decider of who should skate in the team event, I think it should be Kamila for the short and Anna for the long. 

    They need to penalize more for falls. I too am over Trusova's constant falls. I want to like her and I admire her for pushing the sport but she doesn't even try any kind of artistry--if your whole strategy is just jumpsjumpsjumps then you'd better be consistent.

    Thrilled for Anna's clean skate. She looked gorgeous out there.

    I literally gasped when Kamila fell.

    Absolutely loved the Polish girl's skate! Get that 3A, girl, so you can medal over Sasha!

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  16. More thoughts:

    I don't buy that with all the rich people at that auction, no one would bid on Carrie. I once was the auctioned prize date for a friend's theater fundraiser and the bidding was hot and heavy, and my friends were all poor actors. But they were kind and chivalrous people who were aware of the potential humiliation factor and didn't want me to experience that. FFS the guy who won didn't even collect on his prize! He was just a kind person. Not one of those divorced dads could do the decent thing?

    I also found the robotic reading of Miranda's texting very funny. And I loved her delivery of "he has a toddler"--that whole scene was terrific.

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  17. On 1/13/2022 at 4:56 AM, ivygirl said:

    I really, really liked the teacher. Gosh. I mean, he did BARF and everything 🙄, and it was therefore THE WORST DATE EVER ESPECIALLY BECAUSE CARRIE IS A WIDOW AND DON’T FORGET IT,* but hey, he’s an actual human. I can’t see Carrie staying with him, but at least he’s likeable, so far.  

    * I did appreciate Anthony saying “You get one more of those!!!” It was an Anthony thing to say, but it also expresses how most of us feel.

    Yes to both of these. Loved the teacher, thought he had great chemistry with Carrie, loved his sense of humor. And oh my God, I was DYING at the puking. I found that absolutely hilarious. For some reason I have several really strong reactions to other people puking--I think it's simultaneously funny and I tend to sympathy-puke. (In fact I was trying not to sympathy-puke watching this--I have an insanely high gag reflex.)

    And Carrie--we all have great sympathy for what you've been experiencing. But it's not a grief Olympics. Stop trying to top other people's bad situations.


    On 1/13/2022 at 6:02 AM, violet and green said:

    And Charlotte refusing to apologize for knocking tiny little Harry over is also abominable.

    This makes no sense to me whatsoever. Of all the characters, Charlotte is the one most similar to me and my background. I am a dyed in the wool WASP and grew up playing tennis, surrounded by family members who played tennis. (My grandmother almost certainly would've gone pro/been a high profile amateur had she not been from A Certain Kind of Background.) It was drilled into me that tennis is the gentleman's sport. (My mother strongly disapproved whenever she saw a man playing tennis shirtless--it's a gentleman's sport. Put on a shirt!) In the same spirit, in high school we would make the call as to whether your opponent's shot was in or out--we were all on the honor system and nobody abused it (AFAIK). This is why MacEnroe was so despised by the tennis elite during his career--his antics were considered unsportsmanlike and declasse. In fact my ultra-competitiveness was criticized by my family members--I had to point out to my dad that my competitiveness was the main reason I won, that in fact coaches had praised me for that instinct. All my life I've had to negotiate the tension between that instinct and my WASPy background, where competitiveness is looked down on. So I may have blood in my eye when I play but in tennis at least, yes, you would absolutely be expected to apologize if you knock someone over! And Charlotte has impeccable manners--that whole big thing (and shrieking at her husband in public? That is Not Done!) is completely out of character to me.


    On 1/13/2022 at 11:26 AM, TakomaSnark said:

    I assumed it was a nod/riff (or just plain rip-off) on the Airplane! joke.

    That was my thought as well.


    On 1/13/2022 at 12:21 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

    If Miranda is Pansexual then Che is Potsexual, she cannot function without getting stoned, she seems to never have sex without smoking weed first.  I have a feeling this will wear thin on Miranda, that is why we do not say we love someone until we get to know them, Che has shown us that she has not problem luring someone who is in a relationship in to having sex with her, she is too stoned to read or message back a text...Miranda will get hurt and hopefully Steve will not take her back.

    I am so, so tired of hearing about Che and their weed obsession. (I don't GAF about weed one way or the other but I get soooooo tiiiiiiirrrred when weed smokers talk about it all the time.) They are clearly an addict which means it's a mistake to Miranda to get involved (in addition to everything else). UGH that stupid cheesy grin as they made their way to the auction "stage." And that oh-so-plausible scene when the two UES moms are fangirling over them! Stop trying to make fetch happen, MPK. Completely contrived and embarrassing.


    On 1/13/2022 at 12:41 PM, ifionlyknew said:

    I noticed that to. Why is it so hard for this show to show good hygiene?  Especially since we as viewers are still in the middle of a pandemic.

    Richard at least tried to be charming. 

    I loved Richard. Yes, he ultimately hurt Samantha (although at least it gave us that great moment--"carry on, ma'am") and after that I didn't like him but he was so dashing and I loved how he called her gorgeous all the time.

    Steve not washing his hands afterward--VOMIT. But I still love Steve and I hate what the writers are doing to him.

    On 1/13/2022 at 2:02 PM, Rai said:

    If there's anything cultural Jews can really claim, it's self-deprecating humor. There's nothing new or exaggerated about that. Seinfeld was one long self-deprecating joke, particularly when it came to George. Curb Your Enthusiasm is even more so. I say this with all the self-deprecating love this particular Jew can express: Let Harry own his deficiency in sports or at least claim he has one. It's our thing.

    I loved seeing an interview when Jason Alexander was saying how people would tell him that "all my friends say I'm just like your character!" and he would want to say to them "uh.these people are not your friends."

    Carrie's hair and dress at the auction were gorgeous.


    21 hours ago, Trillian said:

    They really missed their chance.  It almost fits: “For what lady, sir?””Mrs John Preston”. “Mrs Preston is in mourning, sir…”. Could’ve been epic.  

    Oh God, that would've been perfect! And then everyone could've busted into the Virginia Reel. One of the very best scenes in both the movie and the book.

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  18. 49 minutes ago, ML89 said:

    I've never liked Carroll after what happened to Chris Bowman. Granted, it wasn't all his fault but the things that were documented - making Bowman eat a box of donuts and spin until he threw up? Yeah, okay.

    Jesus Christ. Seriously? That's horrible. Ever since he broke with Gracie in such a cruelly public way, I haven't liked him. 

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