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Posts posted by CeeBeeGee

  1. 5 hours ago, Rebecca berkowit said:

    The Atlantic article is great, I like how it discusses that Che was not supposed to be Miranda’s love interest.  What is this BS about how two straight characters falling for each other isn’t interesting?  That seems like it would be interesting!  

    It would've been great. I am a Shakespearean and a humanist and I firmly believe that people fall in love with people--not with gender. Look at Viola (a role I've played) and Orsino in Twelfth Night--even when he finds out that the person he thinks is a boy is really a girl, they still are in love. Because he fell in love with that person and the gender was immaterial. As an actor I've seen many straight people engage in same-sex relationships and then go back to being straight, and I think there would be more if there were less of a stigma to same-sex experimentation. (That said, I've never experimented that way myself but I'm sure I could fall in love with a woman. Of course love and sex are two different things.) Nya and Miranda realizing they have a connection and trying to figure out how to act on that would've been wonderful, surprising, complicated and adult storytelling. Instead what we got was a non-binary person with fuckboi energy who does "a ton of weed" inexplicably "falling in love" with their abuela the friend of their employee. It's sloppy, dreadful, implausible storytelling.


    42 minutes ago, millennium said:

    It's funny that the showrunners and SJP seem to be reacting defensively to the absence of Kim Cattrall.   I imagine they are tired of reading all the complaints.   They appear to have talked themselves into believing this version would be just as good as the original recipe, maybe even better now that there's no more fighting between the leads.

    Isn't it mostly MPK and CN who are reacting defensively? What has SJP said?

    MPK's frantic spinning is unattractive. Look, I get it--as a creative person it's hard to hear criticism of what you put out there. I'm an actor (mostly retired at this point)--I dreaded getting bad reviews. I'm currently writing a novel and the thought of people criticizing my baby is hard. But that's what you signed up for. Someone making millions of dollars for their creative output throwing a temper tantrum when their audience tells them frankly what they think was tiresome when Aaron Sorkin did it and it's tiresome now.

    • Love 5
  2. 32 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Yes, I think pale blondes and brown persons look quite nice in orange, and jewel tones in general but especially turquoise. I bet you look gorgeous in turquoise. Those with red/auburn hair look amazing in green and rich purples- color wheel and all.

    I LOVE wearing orange, it’s one of my signature colors in the summer. Orange and pink together are fine, it just depends on the hue (I don’t care for pink so I don’t wear it). 

    Yes! I have a long suede turquoise coat with a lavish fake-fur collar. I bought it in San Francisco--walked into a boutique and the saleslady sized me up immediately and urged me to try it on, saying "this color is great for blondes." One of my favorites! That saleslady really knew her stuff.

    I used to love pink (like, in high school) and then I realized, pale pink does nothing for me, I need to set off my skin. So I started gravitating toward bolder, brighter colors (like jewel tones).

    • Love 3
  3. 6 hours ago, Proclone said:

    I also take issue with the segway between Miranda's drinking and her relationship with Che. It made it seem like she was replacing one addiction with another. Which is super common but I don't think that's what the show wants us to think happened. I also didn’t like that the problem drinking was completely unmentioned after that comment about drinking nonalcoholic cider. They pretended that Miranda just stopped drinking without issues. Having her struggle with sobriety would have been interesting.  Heck having either Che being sober as well could have been something to have  them bond over...or having Che's drug use and frequenting places with alcohol be a source of conflict in their relationship could have both been interesting stories to tell.

    So much this! I noticed this as well--Miranda stopped drinking and immediately adopted another addiction, Che. But the show never explored that Che was her new addiction. And Che was themselves an addict, of weed. (JFC, the connnnstannnnt talk of weed.) This absolutely could and should have been explored but of course wasn't.

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  4. 46 minutes ago, Lethallyfab said:

    Also, Miranda you had Brady BAPTIZED and named Carrie as his godmother.  But Carrie believing in an afterlife is too much for you?  You showed up at a b’nai mitzvah, a ceremony drawing upon the Goldenblatt’s religious heritage.  And, again, you thought your apartment had a ghost in a SATC episode!

    It was just so unkind to Carrie. My ex-BF and I were at the Belmont Stakes at a very fancy event when Ronald Reagan's death was announced. I am no fan whatsoever of Reagan whereas my BF had told me that Reagan was "a personal hero" of his. So when the announcement came over the intercom and everyone in the room, including my BF, stood and lowered their heads in respect, so did I. Because that was not the time to make it about me. Had I been alone, I wouldn't have but I didn't want to hurt his feelings or mock whatever he was feeling. It doesn't cost anything to be kind but God forbid Ayn Rand-a deny herself anything.

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  5. 3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Yikes this whole series has felt like a vanity project for both Cynthia Nixon and Sara Ramirez, but this episode especially for the latter. The "stand up" was bad enough, but the singing? 

    The was the only think Che did that I liked. Ramirez got their start singing on Broadway.

    1 hour ago, Tattooeddancer said:

    On Carrie's outfit on the bridge, after I commented that pink and orange should not be mixed: Also people with orange-ish skin shouldn't wear orange. Actually mostly only cats should wear orange.

    Hey! Some of us pale-skinned blue-eyed blondes like wearing orange, it brings out our eyes :)

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  6. 28 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

    That being said, I find her to be a joy to watch because she executes everything so beautifully. The spirals, the layback, the soft edges, the overall grace and elegance--all things I respond to when it comes to this sport. The UR issues are what they are but everything else is--to use a Dick Buttonism--first rate.

    I think she's an absolutely gorgeous skater. And I'm still salty that she didn't get bronze at Worlds last year. Sasha was the human zamboni--how the hell does that get held up over her flawless two programs?

    • Love 8
  7. 1 minute ago, Rebecca berkowit said:

    Great use of B’nei Mitzvah!  That’s much better than They Mitzvah, and totally what it would have been called by normal parents.  Someone should’ve looked this up.  But, well, of course they didn’t.   

    Thank you! They probably used They because a lot of people might not understand what the plural of Bar/bat is*. I only know because I've had a million Jewish BFs, have Jewish relatives and friends and am always asking questions about Judaism, a culture I find fascinating. (I'm a huge history buff and I love that Judaism is a direct link to classical history--one of the very few ancient peoples that has continued, pretty much culturally intact (language, religion) through to modern times--unlike, say, the Romans, the Babylonians and so many others. Which is to say Rock was a BRAT. How dare you hurt your parents by rejecting that beautiful ceremony! The scene was first played for laughs--Charlotte running around frantically--and then as "ah, the perfect solution" but in reality, there's no way Harry and Charlotte wouldn't have been terribly hurt. I was lucky enough to attend my cousin's bar mitzvah and I was so proud of him! As well as the bat mitzvah of a little girl Broadway performer of whom I used to take care.) 

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  8. 8 hours ago, SailorGirl said:

    Absolutely NO interest in watching the documentary, and just so, SO disappointed with this.

    Nope. Not gonna watch it, it's just going to be total spin and I'm not giving them that additional affirmation.


    6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    No wonder this show has no idea how a podcast works, it clearly has no idea how a show works. There is a LOT to unpack here, but right now, all I have to say is fuck this show, fuck its showrunners, and most important, fuck Miranda



    6 hours ago, bobbyjoe said:

    [the episode of Che’s show begins.  Che is talking to a character who is very obviously based on Miranda.  It is a devastatingly accurate depiction of the AJLT version of Miranda that is cruel, mocking, and utterly makes her the butt of the joke for the whole episode] 

    [surprisingly, Che’s show becomes a huge hit, and though we never see Che again, all of the second season Miranda is confronted by random people everywhere she goes who keep saying how much they love to hate that despicably pathetic self-obsessed Miranda character.  

    Carrie can end the first episode by saying “And just like that… Miranda Hobbes learned about consequences.”] 

    This. is. AWESOME. From your mouth to God's ears. It actually sounds like the writing of SATC!


    4 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    What even is there to say about Miranda at this point? I really wanted Carrie to finally give Miranda a reality check in the bathroom, let them really hash it out, everyone has been walking on eggshells around Miranda over her destroying her whole life for a third rate comedian, someone needs to tell her that she's behaving like a selfish moron. I wish I could say I was surprised that she didn't even bother to tell her best friends that she was moving across the country for months, but I'm not. Miranda has become a person who doesn't care about her friends, her husband, or her son, she only cares about her stoner mediocre comedian and getting fingerbanged while hysterically laughing at terrible comedy like she just inhaled Joker gas. Remember how Miranda started the season inspired to help use to law to help people and fight injustice? I guess that's all out the window, now she just wants to be a groupie for Che, a character who is less of a character and more of the personification of the "how do you do, fellow kids?" meme. In what alternate universe is Carrie the mature, responsible, empathetic person, and Miranda the selfish moron making stupid choices left and right? Are we in the mirror universe? What about Brady? Why is a teenager allowed to backpack around Europe for a whole summer? Why does he have no thoughts on his mom leaving his dad for a semi famous comedian? Of course, its because the show doesn't want us to think about Miranda ditching her son to deal with his parents sudden divorce without her, and be focused on the "romcom" of Miranda's terrible romance. Lets be honest, if Miranda was leaving behind her family and friends and giving up an amazing internship that her friend worked hard to get for her to follow a guy to California, they would never expect us to be happy about this. Its so bizarre, there are so many times when it seems like even other characters are sick of Miranda and are going to call her out, but then they always back off, and Miranda can just stupidly bleat "I'm following my heart!" and everyone acts like that's totally fine. She isn't even Miranda anymore, she's some kind of pod person who kind of looks like her, just in frumpy clothes and stupid wigs. Carrie asks a very good question, what IS she going to do in LA while Che is filming her pilot? "Following my heart" is not an actual life plan.

    TennisGurl, this rant is *chef's kiss.* One of the best I've read on the Cheranda disaster. I really hope at some point CN is forced to confront how much she's blown this.

    Like many others, I too think that Moon River should've been their song. I absolutely love that scene in SATC--it brings tears to my eyes. Big slowly doing the Twist: "It was the '60s...and my parents had the moves." Just beautiful. Plus the hopeful tone of Moon River is so Carrie.

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  9. Okay, I'm only six minutes in and already I'm yelling at Miranda. STFU! How dare you shit on Carrie for wanting to believe in Heaven, wanting to think that some essence of Big lived on? Jesus Christ. Are you that threatened because someone else's beliefs change in a completely inconsequential way? Carrie specifically said "this makes me feel better" and Miranda was nothing but mocking. I fucking HATE this new Miranda. Her self-absorption is bordering on narcissism. 

    Carrie, STOP TRYING TO WIN THE DISASTER OLYMPICS. You should've led with the Post-It story.

    Finally, a performance of Che's I can applaud--because they were actually good. Sarah Ramirez is a great singer, even if that whole set up was cheesy as hell.

    Miranda looked like one of the grandmothers at Che's announcement--that outfit made her look ancient.

    The actress playing Nya did incredible work in her scene in the office. Just fantastic, nuanced acting.

    Podcast guy's girlfriend--that OUTFIT! She was stunning!

    LOVED Carrie's obvious but polite skepticism re: Miranda's blithe "I'll have to fly to Paris from LA." Miranda's stupid, hopeful smile--UGH.

    This conversation is clearly a retread of the Carrie/Miranda conversation about moving to Paris with Aleksander. OTOH, Carrie is saying what we all feel.

    I really like Rabbi Jen.

    Rock was an absolute brat. Sorry. Charlotte and Harry have been fantastic parents, catering to them, trying to understand their needs. But waiting until THE DAY OF the b'nai mitzvah, embarrassing their parents like that, is unbelievably entitled and selfish. (Even if I did laugh at C&H's reaction to "not even a New Yorker.") Shame on them.

    Miranda looked much better with the red hair and the bronze shirt but too little, too late. Her character's been assassinated. Don't care what happens to her. Go away and never come back.

    Loved Carrie's outfit on the bridge. But why can't she put some of the ashes in the Seine and some in the family crypt?

    I like the teacher better than the producer. He seemed to come up out of nowhere.

    • Love 11
  10. 6 hours ago, emma675 said:

    Kendra is even younger and more annoying than I remember

    That f***ing laugh. When Holly said in her book that Kendra invented that laugh for more airtime, that it wasn't how she normally laughed, I absolutely bought it. Could never figure out why Hef asked her to be a GF--she's not attractive IMO, or intelligent and she's irritating.

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  11. 1 hour ago, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

    I watched part of the Alabama vs Auburn gymnastics meet tonight (at Auburn).  There were 90,000 fans there and people were losing their minds when Suni Lee was competing.  (FWTW women's college gymnastics meets have very devoted fans and I've been to a few competitions but this was rock star crazy). Plus Suni looked like she was having an absolute ball while she was competing - all smiles and enthusiasm. 

    I watched it a couple of days ago! It was fantastic to see so much support from the Auburn community! Suni is obviously a total celebrity there.

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  12. 14 minutes ago, Athena5217 said:

    I remember seeing that movie. I was only 10 so I probably missed a lot of the horrors implied (because movie on network TV). I’ve never read the article, but I just found a scan of it: https://undercover.hosting.nyu.edu/s/undercover-reporting/item/13088

    I was 15-16 when it aired and the point of the movie--how these sexualized women supported each other in a difficult environment--went waaaay over my head. Because my takeaway was "Wow! I want to be a Playboy Bunny!" I loved those outfits. (Upon rewatching it, I could appreciate its message better.)

  13. Barbi Benton was better known in entertainment during the late '70s-early '80s, when I remember seeing her on quite a few episodes of things like The Love Boat and Fantasy Island. (I was a kid and didn't realize she was Hef's GF.) She is probably the most beautiful woman he's ever dated--back when he didn't seemingly have a deep aversion to brunettes. I like Holly and Bridgette but that endless parade of bottle-blondes in the aughts just looked so cheap. Holly looks ridiculously gorgeous now.

    Anyone who is interested in the Bunny experience needs to read Gloria Steinem's fantastic article about how she was an undercover Bunny. There was a great TV-movie made from it, starring Kirstie Alley--you might be able to find it on YouTube.

    This most recent episode was absolutely horrifying. Their policy seemed to waver so much from year to year, club to club, incident to incident. Why was the VIP rapist of the black lady kicked out when Don Cornelius was allowed back in? Hef didn't need his celebrity.

    Someone talked about the undercurrent of GND--the Christmas episode I have to admit is the only one I've watched more than once. And as much as I love it (snow in LA! Carving stations at the buffet! Baby boys dressed up as elves!), everytime I see that disgusting blanket with Kendra, Bridget and Holly climbing all over each other, naked, I get nauseated. Why would you put something like that on a blanket and give it to someone? It's not tasteful--it's demeaning to them. (And I have no problem with the way Playboy photo shoots used to look. It was beautiful photography.)

    Holly's narrative seems completely credible to me.

    Jennifer's story was horrific. I'm going to get her book at the library.

    • Love 8
  14. On 1/27/2022 at 4:52 AM, ivygirl said:

    But then we still had Che and the cookies and the additional set of ADORING fans… 

    VOMIT. "Ohhhh, Cheeee...we're your biggest fannnnnns...you're so awesome...." STOP SHOVING THEM DOWN OUR THROAT.


    On 1/27/2022 at 5:17 AM, Aulty said:

    The story with Charlotte and her menopause/flash period did feel like a SATC-Charlotte plot, I'll give them that, even though I didn't get all the fuss about using tampons.

    I loved the Lily storyline. Charlotte is such a good mother. And I love Lily.


    On 1/27/2022 at 10:56 AM, Evie said:

    I could have done without the story, but I'm sure not all teenagers want to use tampons. I didn't. I had it in my head that it would hurt and knew of someone who had gotten toxic shock syndrome. I was a senior when I finally gave in. My sister showed me how, and it did not go well. I was tense, which made it difficult.

    Lily was only motivated to use a tampon after realizing she would get her period during the Hamptons pool party. Not every girl uses tampons from the start. I didn't until the summer before my senior year in college (I am tiny in every way (haaaaate going to the gyno) and I feared it would hurt--and it did, until my mother suggested using lube). I was only motivated because of an overnight, very messy accident.


    On 1/27/2022 at 3:27 PM, tennisgurl said:

    I just have no idea what CN is doing, not only has she taken over the show to turn it into her own personal autobiography, but she's acting like some kind of manic coke addled preteen, is this her take on "in love"? 

    I have been pretty meh on the idea of Carrie dating again, it still feels like its pretty soon, but I really like the teacher and his scene with Carrie was really good. When Carrie had to take a second when he talked about still listening to his deceased wife's last message to him, I really felt that.

    I actively hate Miranda rn and frankly I'm starting to feel that way about Nixon. She has assassinated this character. Are we supposed to be cheering on this kind of cruelty toward Steve and Brady? She has faced zero consequences for her terrible, terrible behavior. No fallout, nothing. 

    I do love the Carrie/teacher plotline. He seems awesome and real.


    On 1/27/2022 at 5:22 PM, Lethallyfab said:

    Anthony’s “GET OUT!” to his date was the first and only time that I legitimately laughed out loud - a full cackle! - during this series.

    David Eigenberg might be the best male actor on the entire series.  (Which, back in the day, was perfect as Nixon was the best actress in the series - not so much anymore!) Those scenes with Carrie were wrenching.

    Anthony's immediate reaction was fucking hilarious, as implausible as it would be for a guy to say that right off the bat to a Jewish couple he'd just met. I too cackled.

    The Steve/Carrie scene was lovely. Miranda doesn't deserve him.


    20 hours ago, Shermie said:

    Re: Miranda being so manic and screechy. Cynthia Nixon is on The Gilded Age now, where she plays a placid, quiet, spinster aunt. Maybe, as an actress, she’s role-compensating.

    And I don’t know one woman (outside of tv tropes) who viewed menopause sadly as an end to their fertility. By that time, thoughts of babies are long past.

    Oh my GOD, the scene in the STAIRWELL. I have never been seized with more vicarious mortification--not even the scene in Carrie's kitchen was that bad. I literally was throwing out my hands to avoid having to see it. Have some fucking pride, Miranda. Jesus. Stop shrieking in the public areas of someone else's building, stop running after them you look utterly pathetic, just STAHP. (I mean, "I was craving me some Che"? VOMITTTTTTTTT.) And Che needs to make up their damn mind. Are you two a legitimate couple as was implied when you asked "your son doesn't know about us?" Or are you getting to know each other and you're clearly uncomfortable when Miranda called herself "the girlfriend"?

    And Che saying you should've texted/called before you came over--didn't you show up unannounced at both the hospital and Carrie's apartment? Where you had sex in the kitchen and then ghosted Carrie? Ugh, they're the worst.

    WRT to menopause--after the first Are You There, God-inspired flush of impending womanhood subsided, I hated getting my period. I jumped for joy at the news I was undergoing early menopause (in my early 40s).


    19 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Yeah.  I wondered that the whole episode.  What city are they in.  Then I realized I don't give a fuck.  Send them to Jupiter.

    New Miranda is a worse character than Che.  New Miranda is the worst character I've ever seen in my life.  

    FWIW I'm pretty sure the Empire diner is in Queens. *checks* No, it's in Manhattan, in Chelsea.

    • Love 12
  15. On 1/19/2022 at 3:33 PM, kirkola said:

    My understanding of that era is that Moses didn't have much of choice at any point.  Jim Crow didn't allow him any room to do anything, but what he did.  For that matter, even going to the Sheriff's office the next day was a huge risk.  And he grew up in this space/era, so whatever options we might think of, weren't things that were readily available to him. 


    On 1/24/2022 at 5:59 PM, andromeda331 said:

    Part of me wants to be annoyed with Mose for what happened. But he really didn't have any other choice. Maybe if he had known about it when the boys got back he could have gotten them all out of there before anything happened. But he didn't. When the men showed up he had no options. Men who kidnapped and brutally murder a 14 year old boy wouldn't have thought anything about killing the rest of the family. They did warn him if he recognized anyone he wouldn't make it to 65. 


    On 1/25/2022 at 11:34 AM, hula-la said:

    People are viewing 1955 events with a 2022 lens. It's like those people who wonder why enslaved people didn't "fight back", because they haven't really understood slavery. If you have no rights, how can one fight back? The same happened in the Jim Crow south. If you're living in a place where you have separate schools, water fountains, entrances, and places where you are "allowed" to sit and to live, there is no way that one can fight back against men with guns who have come to your house to get your child who allegedly mistreated a White Woman. Plus, the number of lynchings, race riots, and massacres that happened because a White woman was "mistreated".

    From the book on which was based, The Blood of Emmett Till:


    The four white men rode in the large cab. One or more of the black men stayed in the bed of the truck to keep Emmett from fleeing...At this distance in time the role of the black men is a little hard to fathom. They could have had few illusions about the fate of the boy they were restraining. Their behavior may reflect their terror of and utter subservience to J.W.; they would have known that their objections to the boy's fate would carry no weight and that the white men could kill them with impunity at any point. There was room in the Mississippi or the Tallahatchie for their bodies, too. An African American's testimony in a court of law was all but useless in 1950s Mississippi, and they were unlikely to report the crime to Sheriff Strider. It is also possible that these black men suffered from an internalized white supremacy so deep that they virtually never questioned the prerogatives of white men; their world was certainly constructed to make it so. Suffice it to say that at every juncture the white men were calling the shots.

    Wright absolutely did not have a choice. The system was that water tight. (In fact I have another book about white supremacy in Mississippi written in the early '60s in the immediate aftermath of the integration of Ole Miss and the riots that accompanied that. The title is Mississippi: The Closed Society.)

    When Wright realized who was at the door his wife tried to wake up Emmett to let him out the back door--they were going to tell Bryant and Milam that Emmett had already gotten on the train for Chicago. But they couldn't wake him up in time. I'm crying right now, typing this. Those goddamn murderers. If only Emmett been able to wake up quicker. It's just so damn sad.

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  16. 5 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

    Yeah, I had to wonder if the new guy (actually I think we've seen him before) is going to be the newest add to the team.

    I don't know if he's been on NCIS before (too lazy to look it up) but I did recognize him from Make It or Break It. He played the hotshot male gymnast who dated one of the women gymnasts (Kaley?) and then got jealous because she received so much more attention.

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  17. I looked up the book that was listed as "based on"--it's called The Blood of Emmett Till, written by Timothy B. Tyson. Whilst browsing this on Amazon, I saw another listing for a book (Simeon's Story) written by Emmett's cousin Simeon, the little boy you see in the Mississippi scenes. Bought them both, I'll let you know what I think.

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  18. On 1/23/2022 at 2:22 AM, rr2911 said:

    The tv show Bull is ending its run.  I wonder if Michael Weatherly will return to the show.

    Now that Harmon is no longer part of the show, it would be great if Pauley Perrette could come back and reprise her role as Abby.  Kasie gets on my nerves and is not likeable. 

    Please, no. Weatherly is toxic af and I never liked DiNozzo. He's so incredibly petty and easily threatened. I absolutely detested him when he stabbed the mock-up of McGee as "the face of NCIS"--he was so threatened by having been replaced (not realizing it was a joke), that he hauls off and stabs 5-6 times? I really detest DiNozzo. The only times I like him is when he's serious.

    Kasie is fine but nobody can replace or equal Pauley Perrette as Abby, IMO. Would love her to come back. 

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  19. 4 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

    I'm on the episode where Jo was assaulted by Blair's friend.   It has always been one of my favorite episodes.

    I love that episode!!! One of my very favorites. I love Blair taking offense at Harrison's treatment of Jo, even if they don't really like each other--it's de facto feminism. And I've always said whoever wrote that episode was either a WASP or close friends with some, because of how subtextual the conversation is between Blair and Harrison. And how Harrison, even when he's running out the door away from Blair, throws over his shoulder "say hello to your Mom for me!" The niceties must be observed. Great episode. The show got so much better after they retooled it, although there is a certain fascination with just how weird the first season is.

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  20. 42 minutes ago, chediavolo said:

    Unfortunately I moved too far away from New York City & let me Telya food sucks here. I’ve had the frozen Levain cookies that they sell in some grocery stores. But I found them way too sweet. Haven’t had the fat witch brownies but they really look good!

    They have a bunch of different flavors (as Carrie was pointing out). You can order Fat Witch, I've sent them to my stepmother for Mother's Day. They're YUM.

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