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The Crazed Spruce

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Posts posted by The Crazed Spruce

  1. Look, I love "You Oughta Know", but that song should never be cleaned up for network television. It loses that edge that makes it such a great song.

    I mean, "Would she make out with you in a theatre" just doesn't have the same bite, y'know?


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  2. 44 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Second, I felt like we missed a huge part of Pete's story: how he found his way home. It seems like it would have been a long, long walk from wherever Jay took him back to Woodstone. I think the B-plot with Thor and Flower necessitated abbreviating Pete's story and they had to just sort of yada yada that part but it felt very anticlimactic.

    Dude was a scout master. Of course he could find his way home. Hell, a heightened sense of direction might even be part of his power, for all we know.

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