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My head cannon with Saul in prison is that he plays it straight and is a model prisoner. He runs a few minor scams to make himself more comfortable but doesn't get anyone angry at him. He helps prisoners write their appeals and get's a few innocent or over charged prisoners out. Like a guy getting 20 years for a small quantity of drugs. Some of the gangs ask him to negotiate for them. He's well respected by prisoners and staff. After about 10 years the Feds have a prisoner they really want. They know the guy's a serial killer like Lalo but can't prove it. He's not part of an organization. He's got a five year sentence on a lesser charge. They talk to Saul and cut him a deal. If he'll help them get the guy, they'll cut his sentence to 15 years. He agrees because no one in the prison likes the guy. They put Saul in the next cell over from him and put microphones to record everything. Saul spends a few months making friends. Then the guy tells Saul everything. The cop dig find 20 bodies of people he killed and try him for those crimes. Saul get's out of prison 5 years later when he turns 65. He establishes some sort of relationship with Kim, maybe just friends maybe lovers again. He's still slipping Jimmy but stops himself from doing serious crimes anymore. He uses his talents to be a salesman and is fairly successful at it. He meet's a woman (maybe Kim) and settles down to a boring life.
Jimmy/Saul/Gene is one person at three different points in his live. It's like comparing a person at 20,40 and 60 years old, or a person whose gone through a major change in life and changed dramatically. The wild kid in college who gets married, has kids and is now a respected stockbroker sort of thing. They are the same person but they are noticeably different in ways. Jimmy was bad but salvageable. Saul only wanted money and behaved much worse than Jimmy. Jimmy in the beginning of season 1 wouldn't casually consider killing someone. And Gene was a very bitter and angry man who looked to be capable of doing anything, no matter how evil.
That actually was the point of my post. The dental records weren't fake though. They were the dental records of the dead man. The dead man wasn't Lalo though. But once the government says that Lalo is dead and proven dead, they are going to be very reluctant to admit they are wrong since he hasn't been seen by anyone for years.
In my part of the country they were on cable tv which we had to pay for.
If I'm remembering correctly the Mexican Government declared Lalo dead and that was proved beyond a reasonable doubt by dental records. Kim's confession said that Lalo killed Howard. If they are going to prosecute Kim, wouldn't they need to prove that Lalo was alive at that time. And that would involve international law. It seems that that would be an impediment in prosecuting Kim criminally.
There have been successful prosecutions without a body. And Kim actually witnessed the murder. It wasn't hearsay. There is the problem that Kim says that Lalo killed Howard a fair time after Lalo was declared dead.
I think they'll keep in touch but it will be by snail mail and phone calls mostly. She used the lawyers card because she wanted more privacy then they'd ordinarily give her. Next time she can just go in as a friend and accept the restrictions.
I don't have that much faith in the U.S. justice system. Things slip through all the time. It's my understanding that the DA was from the Dept. of Justice not an ABQ DA. In the country as a whole, this case is not that big a deal. Saul is the last loose end of a case that was talked to death months ago. The DA has won every case. If he submits to a plea bargain, the case is closed. He gets another successful conviction. The people in ABQ will be annoyed but the rest of the country will shrug their shoulders. If he tries to prosecute Saul, Saul will turn it into a media circus. He decides to take the easy way out. He wants to retire and get a nice cushy job at a big law firm. A conviction of Saul would help him. A media circus would not. Kim was a lawyer. She knew how the system worked. She used that knowledge to talk her way in to see Jimmy. The people there don't want aggravation. If there was nothing on Saul's file saying not to do it, it was easier to just let the high powered lawyer see her client. She probably went through a medal detector to search for weapons and maybe a drug sniffing dog. They weren't that worried about cigarettes. The number of police chasing Saul was over the top but it was another case of taking a short cut. We really don't want to take half the episode up of three or four cops taking a couple of days tracking him down. It does require a suspension of disbelief to some extent but I don't think people would really like a four hour show showing lawyers negotiating. Fictional shows always have some suspension of disbelief to create drama.
A DA whose intensely proud of his never losing a case. It cost a lot of money to try a big time case. The DA has the choice of getting a wanted criminal in prison for 7 years. Or risk the a circus that Jimmy could bring. Some people yelling for Saul's head and others yelling that Saul is being railroaded by a corrupt system. He took the easy way out.
Jimmy is in prison for the rest of his life. Every one of the important people he worked with is dead. There's really no reason to keep a close watch on him anymore. They really don't have the time, money or incentive to watch him like a hawk. Kim is an accomplished con woman. She has a real lawyers card. She wasn't disbarred, she quit so her name may not set off warning signs in the system. She has visited people in jail so she knows the system. Once she got into see Jimmy, why would anyone bother to look at the list of people who visited a prisoner who has no contacts in the outside world. Kim's greatest risk is when she's asking to see him. Once she's left her name is buried in a government data base. It's unlikely that anyone would stumble across it. I can see Kim and Jimmy writing letters or sending Christmas cards once in a while. Or maybe a telephone call on each other's birthday.
They mention that the DA had never lost a case. It seems to me that the only way that a DA that never lost a case would be a DA who never took a chance. He will never prosecute a case unless it is a absolutely air tight firm case. Everyone knows that juries are unpredictable. Saul is a good actor. He might get a hung jury after hung jury. He's really that good. A political DA whose only worried about his image may prefer to get a sure fire prison sentence than a probable prison sentence. She didn't learn anything after she split from Jimmy. She was still suffering from PTSD and hadn't moved on. She was terrified of making a mistake.
Jimmy, Saul and Gene are three phases in his life. Jimmy is the criminal whose not totally corrupted and has a chance to turn from the path he's on. Saul is the moneygrubber who'll do anything for money. He never does anything directly himself. He abets people who do. And Gene is evil. He directly and indirectly hurts people. Gene's life was just awful to Jimmy. It was literally worse than prison for Jimmy. He looks at his live and realizes that when he gets out of prison, he'll be Gene again. As Gene he has the choice of living a life he hates or return to the evil bitter criminal that he had become. And Kim might be the one to suffer for it. Kim turned down the sandpiper money. She has nothing to take even if she loses in court. What Jimmy fears is her going to prison. Her really big crime is destroying Howards reputation. She did the best she could to restore his reputation. The best she can hope for is a simple life. Even if she uses her intelligence to find herself a different career, she can't keep any of the money after the lawsuit. She'll be forced to live a simple life helping people from now on. Jimmy knew that if he took the 7 year deal he was going to end up being Gene again. Confessing makes it less likely that Kim will go to prison and maybe she'll forgive him. She's the love of his life. His choices were living as Gene estranged from Kim. Or living in prison where he'll be useful with Kim's blessing.
I'm pretty sure he got that nickname before he moved to ABQ. They probably picked it up from Chuck.
I can't see the purpose of a site which only holds their show for a limited amount of time. I pay for a service so I can watch it whenever I want. That's what I am paying for. They're almost begging people to sign up and then cancel later.
I think that with Kim, people were going to ask him what happened to her. Even criminals saw the two of them together at the courthouse and knew they were married. He wasn't going to say that she left because he was scum and turning her into a criminal. He probably ended up trying out a bunch of different stories depending on who he was talking to. The story we first heard was his funny version never really intended to be believed.