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  1. Thank you for saving me a search- knew I'd seen her on something recently.
  2. Some of my doctor friends legally changed their names but seem to use their maiden names professionally. Not sure if they changed them when they got married or once they had kids..some parents don't seem to want to have a different last name from their kids. I got married 25 years ago and never changed mine, and I've been surprised when my husband and I have been questioned by some people when it came to identity- how can we be married when we don't even have the same name? Idiots. I only know of one couple who combined their names, and I don't know any men who took their wife's name. I've read enough advice columns to see that it's still a big deal to some people. If my husband had tried to insist on my changing my name that would have been a big red flag... No effing merlot to be more precise!
  3. I've heard that people with certain jobs, like warehouse workers, can get in 15-20 miles a day. I've been wfh since the pandemic and don't even get a mile in during my workday. I have to plan two walks into my schedule to get to 10,000 steps. It's a struggle. 15 miles a day is 3-5 hours of walking depending on your pace. Impressive.
  4. What is wrong with me that I was rooting for Kate and Toby in the few nice moments they had last night? I don't even like Kate and I know how the relationship ends. I feel very manipulated. Possibly because I am in a long-term marriage that has gone through many challenges and at times we bicker the way they do and I am rooting for myself? Hearing someone else snipe at each other is really tough. I think the writing was really strong in those scenes. I don't buy the Phillip transformation or that relationship either. I think it added nothing. I was so happy for Toby when he met the parfait woman. Also when he found another house. Between the depressing office and depressing house I was feeling terrible for him. He gave up the great job and gorgeous SF apartment for nothing in the end. But apparently his life does get better. It's pretty realistic with divorce- the same income now has to support two households, and something's gotta give. Bobba Fett in the toilet- oh no! Love it. Little Jack is the best. Next week looks like it's gonna be rough. Unhappy that it's yet another Kate centered episode, but looked like we'll be getting a lot of Rebecca and Miguel too. I still remember how hostile the kids seemed to Miguel in the beginning and it never made sense based on the timeline. It would be one thing if they cheated while Jack was alive but there was a significant gap. Who wouldn't want their widowed mom to find someone who makes her happy? And from everything we have seen thus far he has been an absolutely stellar husband to Rebecca. The kids are lucky they got together.
  5. That was when Rebecca was presumably on her deathbed. IIRC Toby was alone in bed sans wedding ring. But he was apparently happily married to the yogurt woman for a while. Maybe she dies later.
  6. "Advanced maternal age(AMA)" was 35 when my son was born 19 years ago. He was born three weeks before I turned 35, so I narrowly escaped the label. Pretty ridiculous as most of my friends had their kids in their 30s and 40s and did just fine.
  7. We are shown a preview where someone(Randall?) is calling Toby - the impression is that Rebecca is near the end - and Toby says something like "Does she really want me there?". So I can't imagine Katoby gets back together. We haven't established that Kate predeceased Rebecca? Why is that in my head?
  8. Yep I remember that too. Kate didn't want Jack to have any limitations. Which is a great thought when it comes to school and careers, not so great with any toddler, sighted or not.
  9. I thought the Kate and Toby fighting was very realistic. When things in a marriage are bad you find a way to blame the other person for everything whether it's their fault or not. It's all the anger you're carrying around just waiting for a chance to escape. I felt so badly for Toby with the big 3 ganging up on him like Kate was the victim. Love drunk Rebecca! And she looked absolutely gorgeous. Yeah they should have punished the kids- totally unacceptable. But I can see why Rebecca found a positive spin there, being loaded and all. Toddler Jack is so freaking cute. I was melting over his voice. Not sure I can handle another Kate and Toby fighting episode. They're spending a disproportionate amount of time on that relationship with not many episodes left...
  10. I liked this episode more than I expected to. Overall sappy but sweet. The Randall as senator seems farfetched until I remember we have a football coach in the senate now so who knows. I'm biased with this episode by the fact that I have what feels like a similar relationship with my college-age son who I truly believe can accomplish anything. He's my only child so at least no claims of favoritism can be made. But seriously he's awesome.
  11. Gah this episode was so frustrating! Toby's weekend plan sounded amazing- I would have been all up for that. I thought his investigating housing prices and all that was reasonable so he could approach Kate with almost a fait accompli. His not telling Kate about the offer in LA was a dick move though. I thought their argument about old Toby was really good. Kate talks about the goofiness and laughter but as he said it was all really a coping mechanism. All the coworkers were very sweet and welcoming to Kate. And all the complaints about the work calls..I was totally on his side. He's making money for the kids' future and still managing to stay very involved. Agree that Jack is very young and would adapt. Does she think he will never leave that house? They both should have been researching schools for Jack and job opportunities for Kate before now. SF makes much more sense with Toby's line of work. Interesting that no one talks about remote work though. My son's in school out there and when we've taken CalTrain to SF recently it's been almost a ghost town with SO many people working from home. Maybe that's changing now though. I wonder if the company is paying for the apartment? That's got to cost a fortune. Typically such arrangements are temporary but if they love Toby and have the cash, maybe they're footing the bill.
  12. I forgot the cringiest part of the episode- Kevin saying TWICE "Celebrities, they're just like us, right?" Yikes. Agree that it didn't even look like first class. Agree it was insane for Kevin to try to take two babies on the flight. I've raised three kids and am really good with babies and I wouldn't attempt it. And would be very unhappy if anyone on one of my flights did.
  13. I can't even imagine. I've heard of people driving their babies around to get them to fall asleep though.
  14. Really solid episode. Love Kevin's veteran construction company idea. The flashbacks all tied in so well to the present day situation. My favorite episode of the season so far.
  15. Yep some companies do that. When I was let go I would have gotten six months of insurance at my employee rate. Thankfully I found another job right away though.
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