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  1. I love girl meets world, I've watched almost all of the episodes at least twice. Anyway, a long time ago, I heard someone's theory that they're building a depression story line with Riley and her insecurities and I think this episode is supporting that theory.
  2. Okay, I think that the show would take an interesting turn if Riley turned out as bisexual and starting going out with Maya. It's highly unlikely, I've seen very close best friends that act just like Riley and Maya, and they're not lesbians. I personally ship Riley + Farkle "Riarkle" and I also ship Lucas + Maya "Lucaya" because the show gives various hints that both ships are endgame. I ship Lucaya because both are taking the time to let their relationship grow, Rucas just felt rushed tbh. I also ship Riarkle because the two have obvious chemistry, and they've already said "I love you" to each other, even if it was just in a friendly way. Also, I find Rucas shippers very annoying (not all, but most) because they don't have good reasons why Riley and Lucas should be together. Rucas is too fake and has unrealistic relationship expectations that no one can relate to. That's just my opinion.
  3. I'd have to disagree, first of all the "Girl" = Riley. When you say "Girls Meets Maya's World" it's just like saying "Riley Meets Maya's World" which has the focus on both Riley and Maya. I think it's not that the focus is on Maya, I think it's more like the focus is on Riley's feelings towards Lucaya. Besides, Riarkle and Lucaya are endgame anyway, so Season 3 will be focused on both relationships.
  4. Gracie is 17 years old. Still, I find that a bit disturbing that she's dating a man who's old enough to have graduated college. Honestly, I thought she was 14 because she seems so young. When she kissed him, I cringed because their faces didn't match up. Jimmy and Mary kissed, yet it was so anti-climactic. I thought there would be more passion and romance, It was more of a friendly-goodbye kiss. A true disappointment. Contrary to what previous comments say, I think Otto's character was written well. Although, if the series had not been rushed, the show could've elaborated on his background more and made his character complex. The story-line is amazing, but again, had little detail. I assume this is also because the show has been rushed, which explains why some parts are confusing and surprising. It's sick that Otto stole Gracie away from her family to use her as a lab rat for an unholy and inhumane experiment. I was confused and a bit lost when Gracie was abducted, I thought she was running away with him? Apparently, she was just driving out of town with him, which was not clarified. In conclusion, I can't wait to see the next episode! I have high expectations and hope they'll wrap up the show nicely. If the show had more time, it would've had a greater chance to turn into something amazing and capture the attention of more than just 2 million viewers.
  5. Or she was coming out nonchalantly....
  6. Riley + Maya = Rilaya, that's the ship name, and Rowan Blanchard expressed her feelings on a bisexual Riley Mathews when she came out as Queer via Twitter.
  7. "Girl Meets She Don't Like Me" has been officially changed to "Girl Meets True Maya". and also, On Twitter, GMW writers said that the love triangle isn't over because it's not a love triangle. I think that means that Riarkle and Lucaya are endgame, but idk. I'm interested to see other's opinions. https://twitter.com/GMWWriters/status/708294770267787264?lang=en
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